Brought Type Question (B.T.Q)

“Then I made a mistake”, what was the mistake? Who made the mistake and why?

The short story “The Eyes Have It” written by Ruskin Bond is a beautiful story. The narrator asked the girl “what did she see outside the window?” it was the mistake of the narrator.

The narrator and the girl were discussing the beauty of Missouri in October. The girl remained silence for a moment. Just of that time, he thought that the girl perhaps was thinking him a romantic fool. So he asked the wrong question to change the topic. He was always cautious about not revealing his blindness to her. He doubted that his wrong question might reveal the fact to the girl. (104 words)

Multiple Choice Type Question. (M.C.T.Q)

1) The narrator did not want to disclose to the girl that

a) He was going to Dehra.

b) He was partly blind.

c) He was becoming in fatuous to her.

d) He was completely blind.

2) “Then I made a mistake”. The mistake was

a) The narrator asked her what outside the window was.

b) The narrator asked about her parentage.

c) He disclosed everything about her feelings.

d) He asked something about her personal mater.

3) “But her next question removed my doubts”. The narrator’s was

a) The girl had already noticed that he could not see.

b) The girl was disturbed by the questions.

c) The girl had already noticed the scenery of the outside.

d) His question might dishearten her.

4) “It was a safe remark”. The remark was

a) The girl had on attractive figure.

b) The girl had two beautiful eyes.

c) The girl had an interesting face.

d) The girl smile was very pleasant.

5) In October, the hills were covered with

a) Wild rose.

b) Wild dahlias.

c) Wild animals.

d) Sun light.

6) The couple who saw off the girl where her

a) Grandfather and mother.

b) Father and grandmother.

c) Father and mother.

d) Uncle and aunt.

7) The eyes of the writer of “The Eyes Have It” sensitive only

a) Light and brightness.

b) Man and woman.

c) Trees.

d) Station.

8) The writer was

a) Partly blind.

b) Totally blind.

c) Tall.

d) Short.

9)The writer liked the sound of

a) The girl’s voice.

b) The sound of slippers.

c) The girl’s voice and the sound of the slippers.

d) The girl’s song.

10)The girl will get off at

a) Rohana

b) Dehra

c) Saharanpur

d) Mussoorie

Answer in a single sentence.

1) Where was the writer going?

The writer was going to Dehra, and then to Mussoorie.

2) What did the girl wear?

The girl wore slippers.

3) How are aunts usually according to the writer?

According to the writer aunts are usually formidable creature.

4) Where did the girl get in the train?

The girl got in the train at Rohana Station.

5) What did the slippers do on the way?

The slippers on the way slapped against her heels.

6) Where was the girl’s aunt waiting?

The girl’s aunt was waiting at Saharanpur Station.

7) What question did writer ask the girl first?

“Are you going all the way to Dehra?” the writer asked the question to the girl first. Or

The writer asked the girl first if she was going all the way to Dehra.

8) What do the people with good eye sight fail to see?

The people with good eye sight failed to see what is in front of them.

9) Who gave the girl detailed instructions about her journey?

Her mother gave detailed instructions about her journey.

10) Who was the writer of “The Eyes Have It”?

Ruskin Bond was the writer of “The Eyes Have It”?




Do as directed.

(Narration Change)

1) The blind man said, “I am going to Dehra and then to Mussoorie.”

The blind man said that he was going to Dehra and then to Mussoorie.

2) The girl said to the man, “How lucky you are!”

The girl exclaimed in wonder that he was very lucky.

3) The girl said, “I love the hills.”

The girl said that she loved the hills.

4) I said, “The hills are covered with wild dahlias.”

I said that the hills were covered with wild dahlias.

5) “What is it like outsight?” I asked.

I asked what it was like outsight.

6) “Why don’t you look out of the window?” She asked.

She asked why you did not look out of the window.

7) “Have you noticed?” I venture.

I ventured if he had noticed.

8) The girl said to the man, “You are a very gallant young man.”

The girl told the man that he was a very gallant young man.

9) I said to my sister, “Did you see the full moon?”

I asked my sister if she had seen the full moon.

10) “I did not see you either” I said.

I said that I had not seen her either.

11) The girl said, “I am getting off at Saharanpur, my aunt is meeting me there.”

The girl said that she was getting off at Saharanpur and her aunt was meeting her there.

12) “You have an interesting face” I remarked.

I remarked that she had an interesting face.

13) “Goodbye” The girl said.

The girl bade goodbye.

14) She said, “Do you see any animal?”

She asked if he saw any animal.



(Voice Change)

1) They called goodbyes.

Goodbyes were called by them.

2) The couple saw her off.

She was seen off by the couple.

3) She wore slippers on the way.

Slippers were worn on the way by her.

4) My aunt is meeting me there.

I am being met there by my aunt.

5) I was playing football.

Football was being played by me.



(Correction of errors)

1) Did you saw him yesterday?

Did you see him yesterday?

2) The woman give the girl detailed instruction.

The woman gave the girl detailed instruction.

3) I was unable to tell what the girl looks like.

I was unable to tell what the girl looked like.

4) I know she wore slippers from the way and they slap against her heels.

I knew she wore slippers from the way and they slapped against her heels.

5) They called him goodbyes who were her parents.

They called them goodbyes who were her parents.

6) October is best time to see the hills.

October is the best time to see the hills.

7) They called his goodbyes.

They called their goodbyes.

8) I know she wore slippers.

I knew she wore slippers.

9) The girl said that he was getting off at Saharanpur.

The girl said that she was getting off at Saharanpur.



1) They called their goodbyes. The train pulled out of the station.

When the train pulled out of the station they called their goodbyes.

2) This is the first time. I said calling on my memories.

That is the first time I said calling on my memories.

I said calling on my memories first time.

