MFL 420 Unit PlanLanguage Methods Adamyan
Lesson: Les Meilleurs Amies du Monde – Day 1
- Performance-based objectives
I canexpress how I am feeling
I can form a question
- Standards addressed in the lesson:
Phase / Time / Teacher Tasks / Student Tasks / Rationale for Tasks / Modes of Communication
Warm-up / 3min / Show objectives of the day’s lesson. Teacher introduces lesson/book by asking a personal question, “Has anyone ever had a dream to do something that might have seemed impossible?” …”How did you get there?” / Students view objective of the day’s lesson and brainstorm about the question from the teacher with a partner. / This personal brainstorming activity allows the student to ease into the lesson without pressure of knowing the right answer. This is an open-ended question that they can all connect to and think on.
Students get a feel of what the story is about. / Interpretive
10min –Read three pages of Les Meilleurs Amis du Monde
Input (1) / 10 min / Teacher will read the first three pages of the book with the students. At the same time havethe next slide to the PowerPoint up leading to lesson activities.
The teacher will go in to the lesson by asking the students right away… “Comment allez-vous, la classe?” “Why do you think I used vousallez and not çava?” / Students attend to me as I direct teach about the how to ask how are you and possible sentiments one can respond.
They respond to my comprehension questions throughout the lesson. / This gives students insight to two ways they can ask how one is. But also connect it to being formal and when to know they can use the informal way. / Interpretive
Controlled/guided practice (1) / 10min / For a mini activity to get up and around the room to communicate with classmates. Teacher has assigned some students to roleplay as professors, parents, salesclerks and students to show when to use Comment allez-vous and Comment cava?
Teacher will explain that it is almost always appropriate to use the formal way when you are just getting to know a person. When you have become familiar with a person, informal becomes okay.
After activity Teacher goes on to explain a Culture viewpoint on how the French greet.
/ Students are getting up around the room to talk to people they may not usually socialize to make the activity more effective.
They have to roleplay certain people that they are assigned by the teacher and have to distinguish which way to ask how are you and answer accordingly. / With the assigned roles, this gives spontaneity to their practice with the two questions whether they choose to use formal vous, or informal tu/cava?. / Interactive
Input (2) / 10min / Next, the teacher moves on to forming questions slide. After the three pages read in class, students should be able to point out the Question example in the book use of Inversion.
First the Teacher will draw “Comment allez-vous?” on the board and circle the avez-vous? She will then ask what this resembles of the four types of question on the slide. She will continue to explain how inversion is very commonly used just as est-ceque and intonation.
As a class they go over the examples as well as add more to their list. / Students follow along with responding to questions throughout direct instruction of forming a question. They see the resemblance of Inversion in the formal way of how to ask someone how they are.
Students will take notes with their note-taking guide on the different methods of forming a question. / With a note-taking guide to better organize their thoughts, students will be able to distinguish between the four different ways to form a question. / Interpretive
Controlled/guided practice (2) / 5min / Teacher will ask students to partner up and choose one way of forming a question.
They will have to form five questions they would ask to a new friend, to get to know them. / Using what they know of the french language, students come up with five questions, utilizing one of the four question forms, they would ask a new friend to get to know them better. / This activity permits the student to distinguish formal vs informal pronouns in their question. / Interactive
Closure / 2min / Before they leave for the day, the pairs must present one of their questions and why they used the question form they chose.
This will be on the board as well for the students to see their informal homework for the night.
/ Partner pairs will present a question they came up with together to the teacher/class before they can leave. / This is an informal assessment to see what they took from the question lesson.
It acts as an exit ticket and allows the teacher to assess and give feedback right away. / Presentational
Lesson: Les Meilleurs Amies du Monde – Day 2
- Performance-based objectives
I can understand and apply BAGS
I canform adjectives according to their noun
- Standards addressed in the lesson:
Phase / Time / Teacher Tasks / Student Tasks / Rationale for Tasks / Modes of Communication
Warm-up / 3min / Teacher starts out with question, «Avez-vous un meilleur ami, la classe?»
Continues with, «Moi aussi, j’ai un ami très sympathiqueet intelligent!»
To help withviewing the differencewith placement of nouns in french thanenglish, write the phrase on the board.
Thenteacherasks, whatdoesthissay? / Students have the choice to raise their hand to interact with teacher’s question.
Students can see the difference of the Teachers example on the board and talk about why adjectives appear after the verb. / This creates interest over a common subject that is personal to the students.
Shows the difference rather than just saying it. / Interpretive
10min – Read three pages of Les Meilleurs Amis du Monde
Input / 10min /
Teacher explains of adjectives that arrive before verb to pertain to BAGS.
Teacher shows in contrast some examples from the book of adjectives that appear after the verb
Teacher then shows examples of adjectives that would go after opposed to before with BAGS. / Students fill out their note-taking guide with BAGS and other adjectives that would appear after noun.
Students must figure out what the examples demonstrate by trying to figure the exact translation.
Students note in their notes the differences between BAGS and other adjectives.
To clarify they are asked to make examples of their own. / This direct approach method teaches them and shows them examples that later lead them to develop example of their own they can relate and remember easier.
Connecting to the story allows for better retaining information and more examples of French adjectives in context. / Interpretive
Controlled/guided practice (1) / 10min /
Mini activity before individual in class project, where they practice their spontaneity with French.
Teacher asks them to brainstorm describing five things in the room. Giving these nouns an adjective and being careful in distinguishing if it is a BAGS adjective or otherwise. / Students will take time to themselves to think of five things from the classroom and describe them with adjectives according to BAGS and proper adjective positioning. / Sharing with a partner allows collaboration and sharing of ideas.
It also gives students time to communicate in French with their peers. Practice. / Interpersonal/ Interactive
Controlled/guided practice (2) / 10min / Describe your best friend in-class activity:
Teacher will give students a few minutes to prepare a mini presentation of about a minute long. / Students will brainstorm about their best friend and make a description of them to present to class. / With formal presentation, makes students collect their ideas and organize in a professional fashion where they have to present to their peers. / Presentational
Closure / 7min /
Avec les dernieres minutes de la classe,
Teacher explains the homework for the next day. / Students must write a mini biography using the words and concept taught that day. / With a writing assignment, students are able to practice their free writing in the French language.
With the subject pertaining about themselves, it becomes a desired assignment to express oneself. / interpersonal
Lesson: Les Meilleurs Amies du Monde – Day 3
- Performance-based objectives
I canidentify le passé simple
I can demonstrate expressions with avoir
- Standards addressed in the lesson:
Phase / Time / Teacher Tasks / Student Tasks / Rationale for Tasks / Modes of Communication
Warm-up / 3min / Teacher asks students to pull out their biography they had worked on the night before.
Teacher allows time in class to proof read over with a partner before handing in.
After they hand it in, they review and discuss what they had written. / Students share their biography. They proof read over with a friend and then turn in to share with their teacher. / Time allowed to proof with a partner allows collaboration.
Discussing the previous days lesson allows for better retaining of information. / Interpersonal/
10min – Read three pages of Les Meilleurs Amis du Monde
Input (1) / 10min / Teacher presents and explains a little about the passé simple.
Explains how it is used for literary texts and is often used for formal writing.
Explain that there are two other forms of past tense that we will be examining in the next two days. / Recognizing the simple past allows for a brief introduction to the concept. / They will be exposed to the other two past tenses more but with this in mind they can understand the meaning. / Interpretive
Controlled/guided practice (1) / 5min / Teacher asks students to take time to go through the book to underline the simple past.
Asking after, if there are any questions over simple past or the verbs used in the text.
She explains that we will not be using simple past as much as the other two past tenses but it is important to identify. / Student goes through their book reading through once again to underline and recognize the passé simple. / Student can see first hand and recognize the simple past and remember it for when they move on to the other tenses. / Interpersonal
Input (2) / 5min / Teacher spends time going over common expression of avoir as she points out an example of why Nestor was not hungry once his best friend left.
Avoir has many idiomatic expressions that we do not use have for in English.
Teacher will give a charades way of presenting the vocabulary. / Students repeat and mimic the expressions of avoir as I go through commonly used vocab. / This strategy gives a preview of what is to come, practice with pronouncing and knowledge of words. / Interpretive/
Controlled/guided practice (2) / 10min / Activity: Charades.
Teacher will hand out baggies that contain various avoir expression on pieces of paper for a partner activity / Students get to put input to practice.
Play charades. / Students are moving around being active while learning. / Presentational/
Closure / 2min / Review: Students must act out the expression that the teacher calls for before they can leave class.
Les devoirs… / Students must act out what they had just practiced for half the class before they leave. / This hardwires the new important information in the kids head right before they leave for the day. / Interactive/
Lesson: Les Meilleurs Amies du Monde – Day 4
- Performance-based objectives
I candistinguish le passé composé and l’imparfait
I can negate a sentence
I can write a letter to a friend
- Standards addressed in the lesson:
Phase / Time / Teacher Tasks / Student Tasks / Rationale for Tasks / Modes of Communication
Warm-up / 8min / Teacher asks students what research they brought from home over Passé Composé and Imparfait.
Il y troisformes du temps passé.
Teacher writes on board the three different past tenses.
She explains they have already identified one: passé simple.
Teacher asks open-ended question to see if anyone remembers why she taught the significance of it last class.
She explains that now we will be able to describe our past days with learning about amitié.
Continues to express that students should prepare to write to their “meilleureami” and recommend to book and how speaking a foreign language has many benefits. / Share research from previous day’s homework.
Students go through a light review of why passé simple is used opposed to the other tenses presented in the day’s lesson.
Prepare for the lessons goals to write a letter to a friend in recommending the read. / Review of last class period calls for better retaining of information.
Leads up to an introduction of the other two common past tenses in common speech.
This project allows for students to reflect on what they have learned recommending this book. They will have to express using all of the concepts presented so far. / Interpretive
10min – Read three pages of Les Meilleurs Amis du Monde
Input / 20min / Le Négation:
Teacher starts by presenting the format to negate in French.
She then presents the new vocab words, but emphasizes the ne…pas as it is the most commonly used.
She uses the students as examples such as«Amy n’habille pas le pull rose aujourd’hui.» etc.
Introduction to the pasttenses:
Teacherlists the rules and questions students right afterpresentation of tenses. / Students will attentively listen to the lecture of negation.
For the past tenses, Students will have a note-taking guide to help better remember the rules to each tense. / Using students as examples allows students to better connect personally.
Having a note-taking guide better aides in the students following along with the lecture. Allows them to see it, write it, and see it again. / Interpretive/
Controlled/guided practice / 20min / In class activity: Writing to your best friend recommending the book.
Teacher will facilitate learning by being available/walking around as students start to do a rough draft of their letter in class.
Teacher will collect at the end of class the rough drafts to correct to see if feedback is needed to review next day / Students quietly take time to brainstorm and create a rough draft. / This allows the students to ask questions if needed during class to create polished works the next day / Interpretive
Closure / 2min / Teacher collects rough drafts to give feedback/see if any questions as a whole, are needed to be answered next day. / Students are aiming to have a rough draft of about half a page following the criteria of the week’s lessons. / Feedback is essential in a language. This informal feedback allows for questions to be answered right away, if need be. / Interpretive
Lesson: Les Meilleurs Amies du Monde – Day 5
- Performance-based objectives
I can distinguish le passé composé from l’imparfait
I can recall other countries that speak French
- Standards addressed in the lesson:
Phase / Time / Teacher Tasks / Student Tasks / Rationale for Tasks / Modes of Communication
Warm-up / 3min / Teacher hands back letters with written feedback.
Teacher also reviews the previous day’s passé composé material in hopes to prevent any questioning/confusion from feedback. / Students get to read over their letters.
Review the passé composé / Showing feedback right away keeps the brain storming fresh from the previous class so there is no forgetting. / Interpersonal
10min – Read last five pages of Les Meilleurs Amis du Monde
Input / 20min / Culture day: teacher presents over la Francophonie.
Teacher expresses why it is so important to know of another language for our world is so large and there are many languages spoken.
Teacher presents why it is useful to know another language and adds evidence by showing what part of the world speaks French. / Students keep in mind the strategy of Teacher as she persuades students to keep learning French. / Showing why and giving evidence of a wider world that have French influences. / Interpretive
Controlled/guided practice / 10min / After presentations in recommending students to continue with French language learning, Teacher allows more work time on the students letters. / Students continue to work on letters as they reflect on the story and the lessons from the week and compare it to their feedback. / Teacher facilitates learning by walking around and supplying feedback for students. / Interpersonal
Closure / 2min / After today’s presentation… Teacher expresses that the next unit will be more on la francophonie and exploring the many other countries that hold french influences and have French as a native language.
Teacher assigns student’s a country to start thinking about and researching for next class. / Students are assigned a francophone country to start exploring for next class. / Ending the unit with the start of another that connects with the old allows for flow.
Learning a language is a gradual process this allows the students to build upon that. / Interpretive