Application for consent to place a mobile elevated working platform on the public highway
A minimum of 10 working days notice is required. / Applicants should complete all the highlighted sections of this form. Send completed form to the address below.

Any enquiries phone: 01243 642105 /
  • Cherry picker
  • Scissor lift
  • Renewal

Applicant’s Address / Hereby apply for consent to place a mobile elevated working platform at
Telephone Number:
Date From / Date To: / Quantity
Verge / Footway / Carriageway

I / we hereby undertake to indemnify the West Sussex County Council, its officers, servants and agents against all costs, claims and expenses, damage to property and injury to persons howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly from the depositing of builder’s materials/skip bag(s) or works carried out in connection therewith.

I / we hereby certify that I am / we are the owner(s) / deemed owner(s)* (delete as applicable)

of the mobile elevated working platform(s) and that I / we will comply with the conditions attached.

Signature: / Date:
Print Name
  • We require all companies or persons seeking permission to provide evidence that they have public liability insurance of at least £10 million

A charge of £84 for the first 7 calendar days (or part thereof) is payable. Following this, a charge of £ 39per each extra week (or part thereof) is payable. We will invoice you by email. No refunds will be made after we have considered the application

Generic conditions

All works shall be in accordance with the specific
requirements issued by WSCC at the time of the
resident’s application and insofar as the site will
be subject to periodic inspection, additional
conditions may be imposed during the works. / 4) DISABLED AND BLIND PERSONS
All works shall be executed with due regard
to the additional particular needs of Disabled
and Blind Persons using the highway.
The executor of the works shall provide and erect
all necessary warning notices, signs and signals for
the satisfactory control of traffic in accordance with
Chapter 8 – Traffic Signs Manual 1991, and the Traffic
Signs Regulations and General Directions 1994 and any
subsequent amendments thereof as directed by the
Highway Network Manager / 5) ROAD SIGNS
No existing road sign / line shall be obstructed or
rendered less effective due to the execution of works
without the approval of the Council and the provision
of alternative signing / lining to his requirements.
The executor of the works shall undertake works in
accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other legislation, Approved Codes of Practice and Guidelines applicable to the works. This shall be done with particular regard to the protection of the public from harm, injury, damage or loss. / 6) DEFAULT
In the event of the works not being to the entire satisfaction of the Council the works shall cease and
the original conditions shall be restored forthwith.
If necessary, the restoration of works will be carried out by the County Council and the costs shall be recoverable from the person or persons responsible.
7) It is the responsibility of the applicant to
consult with the Local Planning Authority
to determine whether a planning
approval is required for these works.

Basic signs and equipment you may need

Protective and high visibility clothing to EN 471 Class 2 and 3 / / / You will also need an information board indicating the name and emergency telephone number of the person/company carryingout the work

Site & Traffic Management Plan

West Sussex County Council Is the Data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1996 and is responsible for making decisions about how your personal data will be processed. The purposes for which your data will be processed are to issue licences and consents under the Highways Act, 1980. The information you provide will be treated confidentially at all times. The data you provide may be disclosed to the inland Revenue for tax management Issues. Security safeguards apply to both manual and computerised held data, and only relevant staff/named disclosures can access your information. If you have any queries contact the Data Protection Officer on 01243 777955