METS Review Actions Required

Action / By Who / By When / Comment
Provide copy of draft METS Action Plan to John ten Have / Cathy Wright / 17/10/05
Review draft METS risk profile / John ten Have / 30/11/05
Review draft METS Action Plan and revise or accept / John ten Have / 23/12/05 / suggest integration into the METS business plan with regular review
Develop strategies to implement the METS Action plan
Develop internal review mechanisms for the METS OHS Action plan / JTH
Develop external review deadlines for the METS OHS Action plan / Mark Ainsworth in consultation with JTH
Develop and implement documented process to ensure that contractors coming to work on MU property are given appropriate induction/ training and supervision / JTH
Implement a process to ensure that Insurance details (insurance company and policy number) and training of contractors engaged by METS coming on MU property are obtained / JTH / Records to be kept with order details
Develop and implement documented process to ensure that premises of customers where METS staff work are inspected re safety arrangements. eg If independent access is being arranged OHS induction should be provided for the site. / JTH / Suggest development of a checklist or risk assessment form to be completed before staff are assigned, particularly in external environments.
Develop and implement system to ensure safety aspects of parts/devices being fabricated by METS are considered and documented / Walther
Greg / Suggest a checklist of questions or a risk assessment to be included as part of the work order documentation.
Decide and document how OHS consultation will occur in METS / All staff led by JTH
Develop and implement training documentation, Safe Operating Procedures or safe work method statements for each piece of plant and/or process carried out involving high risk / Walther Adendorf
Greg Yates / Requires hazard identification and risk assessment prior to development. Suggest documentation be kept in a file in the admin offices of METS for easy access or on a notice by the relevant piece of equipment
Training needs analysis for all staff / JTH Walther and Greg
Implement a training register in which details of training/induction is kept / Bonnie / Applies to attendance at OHS general safety induction, chemical safety induction, Workplace Relations OHS induction, and training on specific equipment in the METS workshop.
All METS job descriptions to be reviewed for OHS and kept in a file in the admin office of METS / JTH / Cathy Wright to provide the current job descriptions and new template
Develop and implement a process to ensure that safety operating information is obtained and available to all staff when plant is purchased / Person Ordering
Develop and implement maintenance schedules for each item of plant including testing of lifting gear in accordance with legislation. / Where a decision is made that equipment will only be maintained if it breaks down the rationale must be documented.
Establishment of a lifting register in F9B / Walther Adendorf
Hazard identification audit, risk assessment and elimination or control / all staff to participate / Each staff member to consider
Identification of potential emergencies and emergency response plans
Schedule performance management to assess compliance with OHS plan / Mark Ainsworth
Develop schedule for review of first aid supplies / John Rea / quarterly / To check supplies including use by dates for all locations within METS
Rectification of emergency shower to comply with regulations / JTH