Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware)
What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other
Comprehension questions
Part I (00:00-13:03)
- How and why did M.K. change the title of his lectures at Wheaton College and North Park University?
- What “tragic gap” exists withinthe Orthodox Church? How can contacts with non-Orthodox Christians help the Orthodox? What statement can the Orthodox address to non-Orthodox Christians?
- What can we learn from the Evangelicals, according to M.K? (a,b)
- What points does M.K. make concerning personalconversion and commitment to Christ?What quotation does M.K. cite from John Wesley in this connection?
- What points does M.K. make concerning the place of the Bible in Orthodoxy?What quotation does M.K. cite from St. Tikhon of Zadonskin this connection?
- What place does the sermon have in the Liturgy, according to M.K? In his opinion, when should the sermon be preached during the service? Why does itnot always happen this way? What “marked effect” on the preaching had the shift of the place of sermon in worship?
- What further tips about preaching does M.K. give? (length, preparation and delivery; an anecdote about two bishops).
Part II (13:05-25:50)
- What two questions does the interviewer ask M.K. in this part of the interview?
- What view does M.K. professconcerning the “spiritual status” of non-Orthodox Christians?What does he acknowledge in relation to this issue?
- What principle attributed to St. Basil the Great does M.K. start with?How does he elaborate on this point? What does his personal experience convince him of?
- How does M.K. define the Orthodox Church? What “geometric” metaphor does M.K. use to describe spiritual situation outside the visible boundaries of the Orthodox Church?
- What baptism does M.K. recognize as valid? Why?What Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church does M.K. believe to be true? How does he nevertheless characterize the Sacraments of non-Orthodox communities?
- What article does M.K.further recommend? What distinction does the author draw in the article?What point by another Russian theologian does M.K. quote?
- What Churches have the true Eucharist, according to M.K.? How does he comment on the Anglican Church and on churches that lack Apostolic Succession? What practice concerning people joining the Orthodox Church does he favour?
- How does M.K. describe the reaction of people in Orthodox countries to heterodox missionaries? What missionary strategy of the Evangelicals does M.K. find helpful to the Orthodox? What example of this does he give?