Metro North STEM Network 9/23/14
According to the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development Labor Market Information employment in the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector in the Metro North is projected to grow by 27.2% between 2010 and 2020, that’s 13,650 jobs.[1]
The Metro North region defines STEM occupations under five high-level occupation categories:
· Architecture and Engineering
· Life, Physical, and Social Science
· Production Occupations (Manufacturing)
· Computer and Mathematical
· Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
The above chart represents 103,440 workers of the total 424,180 workers in the Metro North region - that is 24% of the total workforce in the Metro North region.[2]
[1] Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, “Long-Term Occupational Projections.” Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2013. Web. 1 May 2014 <>.
[2] Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics,Annual Datafor Massachusetts,May 2014.