
Dear PBCC Member,

It has been an exciting year for PBCC. Your leadership team has supported our local nurses through multiple accomplishments this past year, our chapter had 9 Educational Monthly Dinners; supported 5 local charities, facilitated EBNP Workshop with the collaboration of FAU – Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Faculty and Sigma Theta Tau members, coordinated a CCRN Review with follow up Battle of the Wits CCRN Jeopardy Style game; and hosted our Annual Certification Recognition and EBNP Awards Luncheon. In addition, our chapter supported multiple members and leaders to attend the Leadership Workshop, plus received two Circle of Excellence Chapter Awards for Certification and for supporting the President’s Theme at NTI in Orlando, May 2012. Wow, and double wow, it has been a busy year… and now we are gearing up for even a more exciting year as we move into 2012-13..

At this year’s National Institute of Teaching (NTI) in Orlando, AACN’s New National President Kathryn Roberts energized the critical care nurses in attendance, to be bold, and step out of our comfort zone as she challenged us to “ Dare to……………” fill in the blank with a action word to describe a goal, event or dream you always wanted to achieve. It may be learning to dance or working out at the gym, going back to school… it is the desire or secret we hold in our heart. Well, now is the time to speak those words and put them into action. Therefore, I would like to share with you the following from Kathryn Roberts AACN’s New President 2012-13

“Dare To,” our new theme, honors our founders’ boldness. I hope that it also will motivate, inspire and engage our community. It can validate something we do well. Or shed light on something we could do differently. Or become a catalyst for personal and professional action.

Now it’s time to think about your own “Dare To.” Only you can determine what will bring you closer to achieving your optimal contribution to patients, their families, your teams and yourself. So I challenge you to:

Name your dare by writing it down. It may be personal, professional or both. You also can challenge yourself with more than one.

Share your dare by telling it to at least one other person. Sharing my dares helps me achieve them, because telling someone else creates a new sense of obligation.

Act on your dare by putting it somewhere you’ll see it frequently. When you start to doubt, don’t ask, “Who am I to do this?” Instead ask, “Who am I not to?”

(www.aacnboldvoicesonline.org July 2012)

Remember the benefits of membership are fulfilling; three critical care journals; access to practice alerts, discounted rates to conferences and educational resources; plus an opportunity to network locally, nationally and internationally. Your support and voice is needed for the Palm Beach County Chapter to make a difference in the lives of acute and critical care nurses, their patients and families.

Come join us, and voice your “Dare to” by attending our General Meeting and Educational Dinners held monthly at a local hospital or restaurant in Palm Beach County. So plan ahead and request off the 2nd Tuesday of the month in order to attend and learn about merit points to apply towards future learning events, opportunities to participate in Evidence- Based Nursing Practice (EBNP) workshops, chapter committees and more. Explore our website www.aacnpbc.com for details.

I look forward to working with you and supporting your ideas, gifts and talents as we stand together, stronger and bolder to find our “Dare to…” and challenge each other in 2012-13.

Thank you for this year’s commitment… I look forward to a great chapter year 2011-2013. Please review our Leadership Team tab.

“Dare to get Involved” and join our dynamic team, for our nursing future depends on all of us.

Consider Volunteering for these

PBCC –AACN Officers OPEN Positions in red May 2013 Elections

President 2011-12

Marty Turk RN, MSN (St Mary’s Medical Center)

President-Elect 2012-13 then President 2013-14 President-Elect 2013-14;

Natalie Bermudez, RN, BSN, MS; 2011-13 (Bethesda MH) then President 2014-15

Treasure 2012-14 Treasure-Elect 2013-14
Terry Hanners RN, BSN CCRN (Good Samaritan Medical Center) then Treasurer 2014-16

Secretary 2012-13 Secretary 2013-14

Deborah Crawford RN, MSN (VAMC-PBC)

PBCC-AACN Board Members Board Positions(x5 open) 2013-15

· Sally Clinton RN, MSN, CCRN; 2011-13(Bethesda MH)

· Patrice King RN, CCRN; 2011-13 (Good Samaritan Medical Center)


· Shelly Gonzales RN, MSN, CCRN 2011-13 (Northwest Medical Center)

· Kathleen Ramos RN, BSN 2012-14(Delray Medical Center)


· Rachel Voss RN; 2011-13 (Nuvista)

· Tammie Couch RN, BSN; 2011-13(Consultant)

· Sharnel Smith RN 2012-14(Jupiter Medical Center)

· Julia Vicente RN, MSN, CCRN 2011-13 (Chamberlain University-College of Nursing)

Web Master

· Elissa Ross RN (Northwest Medical Center)

· PBCC-AACN Web sites:

· www.aacnpbc.com or www.aacn.org/pbcc



Marty Turk RN, MSN
