Metro-Jackson ARES Net Preamble
One minute before the net (8:00 p.m. local time):
All stations on this frequency, standby for the Metro Jackson ARES Net. This is ____.
All stations, this is ____, Net Control for this session of the Metro Jackson ARES Net. This net meets each week at 2000 local time courtesy of the W5PFR repeater on 444.000. This repeater has a 100-hertz tone. The purpose of this net is to encourage interest in, and to provide information about, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service in the Metro Jackson area which includes Hinds, Madison and Rankin Counties. ARES is a part of ARRL field organization and offers emergency communications services to public service and governmental agencies during potential and actual disasters.
All amateurs are welcome to the net. You do not have to be a member of ARES to join this net. This is a directed net. Please address all transmissions to net control. As always, Priority or Emergency transmissions will take precedence and will be handled immediately.
This is ____, Net Control and my name is ____. Do we have any emergency or priority traffic, call now.
NTS format messages may be initiated or passed on this net. Any stations wishing to list traffic for the net . . . Please call now.
At this time, the net will take check-ins from ARRL appointees and ARES officials. Please call now with your callsign, location and appointment.
At this time, Net control asks the following stations to relay check-ins from the following locations.
444.600 146.760 146.940 144.390 APRS
29.600 FM Simplex (optional)
Relay Stations should announce their presence as follows:
This is ______Relay for the Metro-Jackson ARES net. Do we have anyone wishing to check-in. Call now with your callsign, name, location and whether you are using emergency power.
Thank you. At this time, the net will take check-ins from ARES members. Please give your callsign, name, location and whether you are using emergency power. This is ____, Net Control.
Thank you. At this time, the net will take all other check-ins. Again, give your callsign, name, location, and whether you are using emergency power.
At this time, Net Control invites reports and comments from the EC, AEC's and ARRL Officials on the net. (Start with highest level & work down the list) Please give your call sign, Name, and position held.
We wish to thank Johnny, W5PFR, for the use of the repeater. Thank you for your participation. The net is now secured and the repeater is returned to normal use. This is ____ OUT.