Metro Academic & Classical High School ~ French 7/8
UMSL Course 1002 ~ French Language and Culture II
Instructor: Dr. Corinne Wilson Room: 229
The International Baccalaureate (IB) French course prepares students for the Standard Level French IB exam, which involves advanced listening, oral, reading, writing, and text handling skills. This IB Program represents an aspect of social engagement and an opening and acceptance of “The Other”in its differences. With this mindset, students travel throughout the francophone world to explore such themes as the arts, education, leisure, sports and the media, cinema, politics, etc. The course is designed to improve students’functional oral skills in French, and also refine their writing performance in various styles/ranges (narrations, argumentations, dialogues, speech, correspondence, diary, personal essay, etc.) while expanding their vocabulary. French is the sole language of instruction.
Students will be using 1 manual in the classroom: Le Monde enFrançais. Many other types of materials - films, music, internet resources, magazines, etc. - will also be used for listening and reading
practice and to stimulate discussions and written activities. Students will be exposed to a wide range of topics: social relationships, communication and media, customs and traditions, global issues, leisure activities, science and technology, health, and cultural diversity.
30% Papers (Paper 1: 250-400 words each/Paper 2: 4 texts, 45 questions) 4-5 papers/semester
10% Projects(grammar, vocabulary, verb, research) 1-2 projects/semester
20% Orals (interactive and individual; Research/Oral Presentation in target language) 3 presentations/semester
20%Portfolio (Research/analysis of target language texts on core topics) 8-9 portfolios/semester
20% Participation (in French), Be on Time, Do nows, Homework. (calculated at the end of the semester)
•External Assessment (70%): Paper 1 (25%) based on core topics -1h30, 4 texts, 45 questions; Paper 2 (25%) based on options -1h30, one of five possible writing tasks, 250-400 words; Written Assessment (20%) based on core topics, 3 texts, 300-400 words, written at home.
•Internal Assessment (30%): Individual Oral (20%) based on pictures, 8-10 min presentation and discussion taped; Interactive Oral (10%) based on core topics (the best of 3 interactive activities picked)
IB Grade / %paper 1 / Score/45
paper 1 / %
paper 2 / Score/25
paper 2 / %
interactive oral / Score/10
interactive oral / %
individual oral / Score/20
individual oral
6 - 7 / 92-100 / 38-45 / 92-100 / 21-25 / 95-100 / 9-10 / 93-100 / 17-20
High 5 - 6 / 84-91 / 31-37 / 84-90 / 17-20 / 85-90 / 7-8 / 85-90 / 14-16
4 - Low to mid 5 / 73-83 / 21-30 / 74-82 / 12-16 / 75-80 / 5-6 / 73-83 / 9-13
2 - 3 / 59-72 / 8-20 / 60-72 / 5-11 / 60-70 / 2-4 / 58-70 / 3-8
1 / below 58 / 7 or less / below 58 / 4 or less / 55 / 1 or less / below 55 / 2 or less
Attendance: Students are expected to attend class and be in class on time as participation is crucial to being successful in learning a foreign language. Students earn 5 points (5 “euros”) for being present and on time.In case of an absence, it is the students’responsibility to catch up with all the missed work and assignment prior to coming back to the next class. Students and/or parents must send an email with an excuse for being absent.
Do Now: is an individual five-minute written activity given at the beginning of each class and is worth 5 points (5“euros”). Students who are tardy will get no credit for this exercise.
Homework: is to be turned in upon entering the class and students will receive 5 points (5 “euros”) for it. Students may use the library or computer lab to check for homework, if they do not have a computer at home.
Participation: Participation is essential and required. It consists in contributions to class, good note taking, and use of French during class as well as active listening and being on task during all class activities. Students may receive 5 points + (5 “euros”) per class.
Reflection: At the end of every session, students will indicate in French orally what area of study they will focus on to improve, and receive 5 points (5 “euros”) for it.
Students will make progress and build on their skills when they practice using what they have learned. At the end of each semester, the sum of students’ points (“euros”) will determine their Attendance/Participation/Homework grade (20%). The goal is to reach 1,000 euros to get 100% for each semester (40 sessions, 25 euros/session, equals 1000 euros).
Expectations: Students are expected to:
-strive to be IB learners: Inquirers (ask questions); Knowledgeable (learn new things); Thinkers (use their head); Communicators (share their ideas); Principled (do what is right); Open-minded (listen to others); Caring (be kind with others); Risk-takers (try new things); Balanced (take care of themselves); Reflective (think of how to improve).
-be prepared for class every day: bring (1) Le Monde enFrançais textbook (2) a notebook or a binder - and loose leaf paper - in which they collect ALL of their French-related material (3) a pen or pencil.
-be polite: Respect others as well as yourself (no cell phone use, or any sort of class disruption allowed). Students will pay 10 points (10 “euros”) for each disruption (toilet breaks included).
-be productive in and out of class: take good notes, review their notes, learn daily, even when they do not have class the next day.
-make arrangements for makeup work prior to the next class.
-be honest: copying someone else’s work; having a parent, friend or tutor do ALL, part, or help rewrite a paper or project for you; and translation from the Internet are all instances of cheating.
I have read the syllabus and understand both the expectations and my responsibilities.
Student: print name and sign Date
Email address: print legibly: ______
Parent responsibilities: Parents must make sure students attend school and complete their assignments (available for all to see online under Metro/Teachers/Corinne Wilson/FrançaisIB/Programme).
I have read the French IB syllabus and understand my son/daughter’s responsibilities for the year in progress.
Parent or guardian: print name and sign Date
Email address: print legibly: ______