Councillors are hereby summoned and members of the public and press invited to an additional MEETING of the Council to be held on THURSDAY 27th OCTOBER 2016 in the Village Hall, Main Road, Shutlanger at 8pm to transact the following business:

1 / To receive and accept any APOLOGIES for absence. (Reasons for absence to be advised)
3 / i)To determine any DISPENSTION REQUESTS received in advance of the meeting.
ii)To invite any DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST by members on Agenda items.
iii) To remind members of the REQUIREMENT TO UPDATE REGISTER OF INTEREST FORMS following any changes, within 28 days of the changes
4 / To consider the following PLANNING APPLICATIONS:
Application No / Details / Applicant
S/2016/2334/FUL / Demolition of existing double garage. New detached dwelling and garage at 11 Showsley Road / Mrs B.Stanbridge
S/2016/2335/FUL / New access and turning area to serve the existing bungalow at 11 Showsley Road / Mrs B.Stanbridge
S/2016/2377/FUL / Change of use of land and building to provide additional leisure vehicle storage at Monastery Farm. Main Road / Mr Capell
5 / To consider correspondence from Mr. S. Wright re PURCHASE OF PLAYING FIELD and to determine the Council’s response.
6 / DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Thursday November10th 2016 at the Village Hall at 8pm

Linda Paice Julia Lindsay


9 Bradden Way Dovecote House, Main Road

Greens Norton Shutlanger

Towcester Towcester

Tel:01327 352457 Tel: 07771573696

17th October 2016

Members of the public are welcomed at all meetings of the Council and opportunity to speak will be given at the appropriate time within the meeting.

Members of the public may also address the Council upon individual items listed on the Agenda for a period not exceeding 3 minutes, provided that three clear days notice in writing has been given to the Parish Clerk of that intention.


Parish Council meetings are held in a public place and attendees need to be aware that under new legislation the meeting may be recorded and/or photographs taken. If any member of the public intends to record or take photographs, as a courtesy will you please declare this at the beginning of the meeting.