To Planning Committee members: You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Planning Committee which will be held in theParish Council Office, 15A High Streeton Wednesday8th June 2016 at 19:30. Prior to the official start of the meeting a public forum will be held if required. The public may address the committee between 19:15 and 19:30 on current matters or issues which may become future agenda items and your attendance is also requested during this period.

Signed: ______

Sharon Wetherall

Clerk to Metheringham Parish Council

Date: 1st June 2016


8th June 2016

  1. To elect a Chairman of the Committee
  1. To resolve to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).

3.Members Declarations of Interests:

a)Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Council’s Code of Conduct.

b)Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Council’s Code of Conduct.

4.To Consider Applications Received:

a)16/0605/HOUS Proposal: Extension to annex to create additional bedroom and separate kitchen area (resubmission of 15/1115/HOUS) Ivy House 20 Church Walk Metheringham Lincoln LN4 3HA

b)16/0516/HOUS proposal: Erection of conservatory, 2 Dane Close Metheringham Lincoln LN4 3DP

5.To Note Decisions Received:

a)16/0277/FULProposal: Extension to existing club building at Metheringham Squash Club, Fen Road, Metheringham, Lincoln, LN4 3AA. Approved.

b)16/0143/FULProposal: Change of use of land for domestic use and erection of detached garage with storage above at The Chestnuts, Metheringham Fen Lane, Metheringham, Lincoln, LN4 3AH. Approved.

c)16/0316/HOUS Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension at 3 Roman Close, Metheringham, Lincoln, LN4 3HS. Approved.

6.Correspondence: None

7.Date, time and venue of next meeting: Wednesday13th July 2016 at 19:30 in the Parish Council Office.

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