Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.21
Configuration Guide for: Metered Energy Adjustment FactorPre-calculation / Date: 87/1321/201009

Settlements & Billing

BPM Internal Configuration Guide:Metered Energy Adjustment Factor



CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 20
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.21
Configuration Guide for: Metered Energy Adjustment FactorPre-calculation / Date: 87/1321/201009

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Date

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.



With the September 21, 2006 FERC Order, a resource will no longer be required to perform within its relevant Tolerance Band as stated in Paragraph #516 of the FERC Order. Additionally stated in Paragraph #516, Resources that fall short of the Day Ahead and RT Dispatch Instructions shall only be guaranteed the recovery of cost associated with the Energy actually provided, and should not receive payment for deviations from DA Schedule or RT Dispatch Instructions.

This pre-calculation will determine the metered Energy adjustment factor to address the Paragraph #516 FERC order to pay Bid Cost recovery and Exceptional Dispatch Excess Cost Payments based on delivered Energy.


This pre-calculation will provide Real Time metered Energy adjustment factors for each Resource per Dispatch Interval (5-minute interval) as well as the DA metered Energy adjustment factor for the IFM Net Amount Pre-Calc.

The Real-Time metered Energy adjustment factor will be used in successor Pre-calculations/Charge Codes to adjust the expected energy allocation from the Market Quality System (MQS) by multiplying the applicable factors per Expected Energy MW to give an approximate metered Energy amount to RTM Net Amount, Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement CC 6482, and Exceptional Dispatch Uplift Settlement, CC 6488. The DA metered Energy adjustment factor will be utilized by successor IFM Net Amount Pre-Calc to generate the DA metered Energy adjustment factor.

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / This pre-calculation shall be computed daily for each resource on a Dispatch Interval basis.
1.1 / The result of this pre-calculation is RT Metered Adjustment Factor that shall be used by successor charge codes to determine an estimated delivered quantity.
1.1.1 / These factors shall never be negative.
1.2 / Although Metered Quantity Inputs for Generation and Load contain superset of attributes, the RT factor calculation will only utilize attributes needed by successor charge codes.
2.0 / PTB Charge Adjustment does not apply to the Metered Energy Adjustment Factor Pre-calculation process. (Fact)

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
Pre-calc –System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Quantity
Pre-calc – MSS Netting
Pre-calc –RT Energy Quantity

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
Pre-calc – IFM Net Amount
Pre-calc – RTM Net Amount
CC 6482 – RT Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement
CC 6488 – Exceptional Dispatch Uplift Settlement

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / TotalExpectedEnergyBrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif / Dispatch IntervalEnergy(provided by MQS)that corresponds to the Energy under the DOP for Business Associate B,Resource r, Resource type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, Dispatch Interval f. Energy quantity can be either positive or negative value.
2 / DAScheduleEnergyQuantityBrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif / DA Energy Schedule (provided by MQS) that corresponds to the flat hourly Day-Ahead Schedule (DAS). It is composed of Day-Ahead Minimum Load Energy, Day-Ahead Self-Scheduled Energy, and Day-Ahead Bid Awarded Energy for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
3 / DispatchIntervalDASelfScheduleQuantity BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif / DA Self Scheduled Energy quantity (provided by MQS) Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, Dispatch Interval f.
4 / DispatchIntervalDAMinimumLoadEnergy BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif / DA Minimum Load Energy (provided by MQS) for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’,Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
5 / DALoadSchedule BrtuT’I’M’AA’R’pW’F’S’vVL’h / DA Load Schedule (provided by IFM) for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, APN_ID A, APN Type A’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Price Node ID p, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, RUC Participation Flag V, TAC Area ID v, Load Following Flag L’, and Trading Hour h. Represented as a negative value.
6 / DispatchIntervalStandardRampingEnergy BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif / Standard Ramping Energy (provided by MQS) associated with resource ramping from one Day Ahead Schedule to the next, from hour to hourfor Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
7 / DispatchIntervalRTSelfScheduleEnergy BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif / Incremental Real time Self-Schedule quantity (provided by MQS) above DA scheduled energy for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
8 / DAPumpingEnergyBrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif / The Day Ahead Pumping Energy (provided by MQS) from Pumped-Storage Unit and Participating Loads for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource Type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, MSS Subgroup M’, RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
8 / DispatchIntervalRTPumpingEnergyBrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif / Real Time Pumping Energy provided by MQS as an expected energy allocation quantity for participating pump units by for Business Associate B, Resource ID r, Resource Type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, Gross/Net FlagI’, MSS Subgroup M’, RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource R’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
9 / BAResourceDispatchIntervalRMREnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif / RMR Energy quantity (provided by MQS) for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/
Pre-calc Configuration
1 / DAPumpEnergyFilteredBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif / RT Energy Quantity Pre-calculation
DA Pumping Energy for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource Type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f, represented as a negative value.
‘Filtered’ refers to the elimination of the attributesParticipation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, and Penalty Resource ID R’ by summation in the pre-calc.
2 / DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeEnergyQuantity BrtEuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’OVvHn’L’hif / System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Quantity Pre-calculation for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource Type t, entity component type F’, entity subcomponent type S’, Load Following Resource Indicator L’, Energy Type E, UDC/MSS ID u, Entity Type T’, MSS Energy Settlement Election I’, External Control Area ID Q’, MSS LAP M’, APNode A, APNode Type A’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Pricing Node p, PTO ID P, MSS Emissions Pay Flag W’, Intertie ID Q, Dynamic Resource Type d’, Contract Reference ID N, Contract Type z’, Exceptional Dispatch Type O, RUC Participation Flag V, TAC area v, HVAC Payer ID H, Non-PTO Flag n’, Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
Imports are represented as positive numbers while Exports are represented as negative numbers.
3 / BAResEntityDispatchIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’hif / MSS Netting Pre-calculation
Five-minute metered Generation for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource Type t, entity component type F’, entity subcomponent type S’, Load Following Resource Indicator L’, UDC/MSS ID u, Entity Type T’, MSS Energy Settlement Election I’, External Control Area IDQ’, MSS LAP M’, APNode A, APNode Type A’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Pricing Node p, PTO ID P, MSS Emissions Pay Flag W’, Intertie ID Q, Dynamic Resource Type d’, Contract Reference ID N, Contract Type z’, RUC Participation Flag V, TAC area v, HVAC Payer ID H, Non-PTO Flag n’, Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
4 / BAResEntityDispatchIntervalMeteredCAISODemandQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’hif / MSS Netting Pre-calculation
Five-minute metered Load for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource Type t, entity component type F’, entity subcomponent type S’, Load Following Resource Indicator L’, UDC/MSS ID u, Entity Type T’, MSS Energy Settlement Election I’, External Control Area IDQ’, MSS LAP M’, APNode A, APNode Type A’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Pricing Node p, PTO ID P, MSS Emissions Pay Flag W’, Intertie ID Q, Dynamic Resource Type d’, Contract Reference ID N, Contract Type z’, RUC Participation Flag V, TAC area v, HVAC Payer ID H, Non-PTO Flag n’, Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
Demand is represented as a negative value.
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 20
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.21
Configuration Guide for: Metered Energy Adjustment FactorPre-calculation / Date: 87/1321/201009

3.6CAISO Formula

3.6.1The equation for RT MarketMetered Energy Adjustment Factor per Dispatch Interval f:

IF(TotalExpectedEnergyFiltered BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –

TotalDayAheadExpectedEnergyIncludingSREBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –

DispatchIntervalRTSelfScheduleEnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) = 0


DispatchIntervalMeteredQuantityForMeteredAdjFactorBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif > 0


RTMarketMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactorBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif = (1 -DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlag BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif)


RTMarketMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactor BrtT’I’M’F’S’hif=

(1 -DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlagBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) *

BADispatchIntervalResouceNonRMREnergyRatio BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif *

MIN [1,

MAX (0,

(DispatchIntervalMeteredQuantityForMeteredAdjFactorBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –


DispatchIntervalRTSelfScheduleEnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif)/



DispatchIntervalRTSelfScheduleEnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif)) ]

Note: Actual implementation of the If Statement condition is indicated below due to a product limitation whereby the software engine utilizes numbers within its cache that may have a precision beyond 9 decimal places. A number may appear to be zero when as it is written to the database, yet the number utilized within the cache during the calculation is a very small, non-zero number. The modified If Statement condition is intended to set the adjustment factor to 1 when the value is considered infinitesimal.

IF ( abs (TotalExpectedEnergyFilteredBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif

TotalDayAheadExpectedEnergyIncludingSRE BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –

DispatchIntervalRTSelfScheduleEnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) < 0.0000000009 )


DispatchIntervalMeteredQuantityForMeteredAdjFactorBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif > 0


RTMarketMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactor BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif = (1 - DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlagBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif)


RTMarketMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactor BrtT’I’M’F’S’hif=

(1 -DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlagBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) *

BADispatchIntervalResouceNonRMREnergyRatio BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif *

MIN [1,

MAX (0,

(DispatchIntervalMeteredQuantityForMeteredAdjFactorBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –

TotalDayAheadExpectedEnergyIncludingSREBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –

DispatchIntervalRTSelfScheduleEnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) /


TotalDayAheadExpectedEnergyIncludingSRE BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –

DispatchIntervalRTSelfScheduleEnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) ) ]

3.6.2Day Ahead Meter Adjustment Factorper Dispatch Interval f:


(TotalDayAheadExpectedEnergyIncludingSREBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –

DayAheadEnergyBelowBidCurveBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) = 0


DispatchIntervalMeteredQuantityForMeteredAdjFactorBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif > 0


DAMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactor BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif= (1 -DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlagBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif)


DAMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactor BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif=

(1 -DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlagBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) *

BADispatchIntervalResouceNonRMREnergyRatio BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif *

MIN (1,

MAX ( 0,

(DispatchIntervalMeteredQuantityForMeteredAdjFactor BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –



DayAheadEnergyBelowBidCurveBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif ) ) )

Note: Actual implementation of the If Statement condition is indicated below due to a product limitation whereby the software engine utilizes numbers within its cache that may have a precision beyond 9 decimal places. A number may appear to be zero when as it is written to the database, yet the number utilized within the cache during the calculation is a very small, non-zero number. The modified If Statement condition is intended to set the adjustment factor to 1 when the value is considered infinitesimal.

IF ( abs (TotalDayAheadExpectedEnergyIncludingSRE BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –

DayAheadEnergyBelowBidCurveBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) < 0.0000000009 )


DispatchIntervalMeteredQuantityForMeteredAdjFactorBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif > 0


DAMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactor BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif = (1 -DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlag BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif)


DAMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactor BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif=

(1 -DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlagBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) *

BADispatchIntervalResouceNonRMREnergyRatio BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif *

MIN (1,

MAX ( 0,

(DispatchIntervalMeteredQuantityForMeteredAdjFactor BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –



DayAheadEnergyBelowBidCurveBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif ) ) )



Resource Type t = LOAD, Component Type F’ = PMPP


TotalDayAheadExpectedEnergyIncludingSREBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif =

DALoadSchedule BrtuT’I’M’AA’R’pW’F’S’vVL’h / N

Where N = total number of Dispatch Intervals per Trading Hour


TotalDayAheadExpectedEnergyIncludingSREBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif =

DAScheduleEnergyQuantity BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif+


DispatchIntervalStandardRampingEnergy BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif


3.6.4And Where DayAheadEnergyBelowBidCurveBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif =

(DispatchIntervalStandardRampingEnergy BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif +

DispatchIntervalDASelfScheduleQuantity BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif +

DispatchIntervalDAMinimumLoadEnergy BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif)

3.6.5The equation for Metered Energy Quantity per Dispatch Interval f:

For any given resource in a Dispatch Interval, all but one of the quantities below should be 0:


BAResEntityDispatchIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’hif+


BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’hif +



3.6.6DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlagBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif =


Energy Type E = WHEEL for DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredEnergyForMEAFBrtEuT’I’M’F’S’hif


DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlagBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif = 1

ELSE (Energy Type E > WHEEL for DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeEnergyQuantity BrtEuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’OVvHn’L’hif )

DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlagBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif = 0’I’M’F’S’hif =


3.6.7BADispatchIntervalResouceNonRMREnergyRatio BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif =

Max(0,(TotalExpectedEnergyFiltered BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif –

BAResourceDispatchIntervalRMREnergy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif) /

TotalExpectedEnergyFiltered BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif)’I’M’F’S’hif =

( TotalExpectedEnergy BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif +

TotalPumpingExpectedEnergyForMEAFBrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif )’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif =

DAPumpingEnergyBrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’hif +



Output Req ID / Name / Description
In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs.
1 / RTMarketMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactor BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif / Real Time Metered Energy Adjustment Factor for each Business Associate B, Resource ID r, Resource Type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’,Component Type F’, Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
This adjustment factor considers RT self scheduled energy
2 / DAMeteredEnergyAdjustmentFactor BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif / IFM Metered Energy Adjustment Factor for each Business Associate B, Resource ID r, Resource Type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, Component Type F’, Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
This adjustment factor considers DA self scheduled energy
3 / TotalDayAheadExpectedEnergyIncludingSREBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif / Sum of Total DA Energy that corresponds to the flat hourly Day-Ahead Schedule (DAS) including Day-Ahead Minimum Load Energy, Day-Ahead Self-Scheduled Energy, Day-Ahead Bid Awarded Energy, DA Pumping Energy, and Standard Ramping Energy for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, MSS Subgroup M’, Component Type F’, Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
4 / DayAheadEnergyBelowBidCurveBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif / Summation of Energy components below the bid curve --- Standard Ramping Energy, DA Self Schedule Energy, and Minimum Load Energy for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource Type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, MSS Subgroup M’, Component Type F’, Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
5 / DispatchIntervalMeteredQuantityForMeteredAdjFactorBrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif / Dispatch Interval Metered Quantity for each Business Associate B, Resource ID r, Resource Type t, UDC Index u, Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy Settlement Type I’, and MSS Subgroup M’, Component Type F’, Component Subtype S’, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
6 / DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeEnergyQuantityFilteredBrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’hif / System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Quantity in which ‘Filtered’ refers to the elimination of the attributes Energy Type E and Exceptional Dispatch Type O for Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource Type t, entity component type F’, entity subcomponent type S’, Load Following Resource Indicator L’, UDC/MSS ID u, Entity Type T’, MSS Energy Settlement Election I’, External Control Area IDQ’, MSS LAP M’, APNode A, APNode Type A’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Pricing Node p, PTO ID P, MSS Emissions Pay Flag W’, Intertie ID Q, Dynamic Resource Type d’, Contract Reference ID N, Contract Type z’, RUC Participation Flag V, TAC area v, HVAC Payer ID H, Non-PTO Flag n’, Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f.
7 / DispatchIntervalDeemedDeliveredInterchangeWheelEnergyFlag BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hif / A flag input (0/1) that denotes whether or not the Energy type is WHEEL for the Energy associated with Resource r of Resource Type t in Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, Settlement Interval i, and Dispatch Interval f, where the Resource r is associated with UDC/MSS ID u having Entity Type T’, MSS Energy Settlement Election I’, MSS LAP M’, Entity Component Type F’ and Entity Subcomponent type S’.