Configuration Guide for: Metered Demand Over TAC Area And CPM / Date: 2/2/11
Settlements & Billing
BPM Configuration Guide:Metered Demand Over TAC Area And CPM
Version 5.0
CAISO, 2019 / Page 1 of 27Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: Metered Demand Over TAC Area And CPM / Date: 2/2/11
Table of Contents
1.Purpose of Document
3.Charge Code Requirements
3.1Business Rules
3.2Predecessor Charge Codes
3.3Successor Charge Codes
3.4Inputs – External Systems
3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations
3.6CAISO Charge Code Formula
3.7Output Requirements
4.Charge Code Effective Date
1.Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a Charge Code in one document.
The Interim Capacity Procurement Mechanism (ICPM) has provided an orderly, pre-approved means for the ISO to procure backstop capacity where and when needed to meet Reliability Criteria or otherwise maintain reliable grid operations. The ICPM expires at midnight on March 31, 2011.
The ICPM is replaced by the Capacity Procurement Mechanism (CPM) effective April 1, 2011. The CPM will continue to address instances when Resource Adequacy (RA) Resources are not sufficient to meet all of the operational needs of the ISO and enable it to meet reliability criteria. This may occur as a result of Load Serving Entities (LSEs) failing to comply with RA requirements, LSEs procuring sufficient resources to meet their RA requirements established by Local Regulatory Authorities but not meeting all of the ISO’s specific reliability needs, or unforeseen or changed circumstances affecting system conditions or grid operations. In particular, this backstop mechanism is needed to address significant operational requirements facing the ISOin the near future as a result of the integration of large amounts of variable energyresources.
The CPM retains key features of the ICPM, with several changes and additional enhancements, as follows:
- A new CPM procurement category for resources at risk of retirement that the ISO has determined will be needed for reliability during the following year;
- The addition of two criteria the ISO can consider in selecting capacity for a CPM designation or Exceptional Dispatch from eligible resources that will allow ISO operators to exercise a preference for non-use-limited over use-limited resources and to consider each resource’s operating characteristics;
- Adjustment of CPM compensation when a CPM resource becomes unavailable during the CPM procurement period due to a maintenance outage;
- An updated price for backstop capacity of $55/kW-year; and
- Elimination of the sunset provision.
For the CPM Allocation, ISO Tariff Sections 43.8.1 through 43.8.7 establish the method for allocating the costs of CPM capacity payments for each category of CPM designation. The allocation method for each CPM category is as follows:
- For insufficient Local Capacity Area Resources in an annual or a monthly RA Plan, the CPM costs are allocated pro rata to each Scheduling Coordinator for a deficient LSE based on the ratio of that LSE’s deficiency to the deficiency within the TAC area.
- For a collective deficiency of Local Capacity Area Resources in an annual RA Plan, the CPM costs are allocated to all Scheduling Coordinators of LSEs serving load in the TAC area in which the deficient local capacity area was located.
- For insufficient RA resources to comply with an LSE’s annual and monthly demand and reserve margin requirements, the CPM cost allocation is made pro rata to each LSE based on the proportion of its deficiency to the aggregate deficiency.
- For a significant event, Exceptional Dispatch, or resource at risk of retirement CPM, the costs are allocated to all Scheduling Coordinators for LSEs that serve load in the TAC area where the need for the designation arose, based on each Scheduling Coordinator’s percentage of actual load in the TAC area to total load in that area.
TheMetered Demand Over TAC Area And CPMPre-Calculation determines hourly, daily, and monthly metered demand minus the quantity covered by TOR (Transmission Ownership Rights) by TAC Area(s).Its outputs can be used as inputs for any CAISO charge code which requires allocations over metered demand for various TAC Areas or TAC Area combinations, such as the Monthly CPM charge codes. In addition, this pre-calculation will also produce the CPM metered demand allocation ratio by TAC Area or a combination of TAC Areas, the CPM availability percentages and forced outage factor, and the CPM Settlementprice.
3.Charge Code Requirements
3.1Business Rules
Bus Req ID / Business Rule1.0 / This pre-calculation will calculate metered demand over the various TAC Areas and TAC Area combinations on hourly, daily, and monthly bases. The daily and monthly metered demand will also be shown summed over all BAs at the CAISO level.
2.0 / Outputs will also include availability percentages, prices and metered demand to be outputted into the monthly CPM charge codes which require allocations over one or multiple TAC Areas.
3.2Predecessor Charge Codes
Charge Code/ Pre-calc NameMeasured Demand over Control Area Pre-Calculation
3.3Successor Charge Codes
Charge Code/ Pre-calc NameCG CC 7872 Monthly CPM Significant Event Settlement
CG CC 7874 Monthly CPM Insufficient Local Capacity Area Resources Settlement
CG CC 7876 Monthly CPM Collective Deficiency Settlement
CG CC 7880 Monthly CPM Exceptional Dispatch Settlement
CG CC 7882 Monthly CPM Capacity at Risk of Retirement Settlement
CG CC 7884 Monthly CPM Insufficient Resource Adequacy Resources Settlement
CG CC 7873 Monthly CPM Significant Event Allocation
CG CC 7875 Monthly CPM Insufficient Local Capacity Area Resources Allocation
CG CC 7877 Monthly CPM Collective Deficiency Allocation
CG CC 7881 Monthly CPM Exceptional Dispatch Allocation
CG CC 7883 Monthly CPM Capacity at Risk of Retirement Allocation
CG CC 7885 Monthly CPM Insufficient Resource Adequacy Resources Allocation
3.4Inputs – External Systems
Row # / Variable Name / Description1 / BAHourlyResourceCPMCapacityDesignatedQty BrtOUU’mdh / Hourly CPM Capacity MW Designated by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t, and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m, Trading Day d, and Trading Hour h.
2 / BAHourlyResourceCPMForcedOutageCapacityQty Brtmdh / Hourly CPM Forced Outage Capacity MW by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t for Trading Month m,Trading Day d, and Trading Hour h.
3 / BAHourlyResourceCPMPlannedOutageCapacityQty Brtmdh / Hourly CPM Planned or Maintenance Outage Capacity MW by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t,for Trading Month m, Trading Day d,and Trading Hour h.
4 / CAISOYearlyCPMCapacityPaymentPrice y / This Price is the backstop capacity pricing for CPM based on going-forward fixed costs approved by FERC during the Trading Year y. This CPM price is $55 per KW/Year starting April 1, 2011.
5 / BAMonthlyResourceCPMAvailabilityFOFactor BrtOUU’m / The relevant CPM Availability Factor for Forced Outages as determined in accordance with Appendix F, Schedule 6 of the CAISO Tariff, by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t, andExceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
This is calculated within a View and outputted as BAMonthlyResourceCPMAvailabilityFOCalculatedFactor BrtOUU’mduring the
Settlement Calculation.
6 / BAYearlyResourceSpecificCPMFERCApprovedPrice Brty / Yearly resource-specific CPM Capacity price as approved by FERC by Business Associate B, resource r, and resource type t for Trading Year y.
7 / BAHourlyResourceCPMRetroCompCapacityDesignatedQty BrtOUU’mdh / Hourly CPM Retroactive Compensation Capacity MW Designated by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t, and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m, Trading Day d, and Trading Hour h.
8 / CAISOMonthlyCPMAvailabilityFactorm / CAISO Availability Factor for Trading Month m.
9 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQty BOUU’vm / Monthly TAC Area Metered Load Quantity minus balanced TOR for Business Associate B, by TAC Area v and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
This is calculated within a View during the Settlements calculation. And outputted as BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vm
3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations
Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/ Pre-calc Configuration / Description8 / BAResourceSettlementIntervalMeteredTACAreaDemandQuantityBrtvmdhi / Metered Demand quantity (in MWh) calculated over TAC Area v for Business Associate B, resource r, and resource type t for Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, and Settlement Interval i.
9 / BAResourceSettlementIntervalTORContractMDBrtmdhi / Metered Demand protected byTOR contract rights (that remain after the balancing of source and sink schedules having contract rights) for Business Associate B, resource r, andresource type t over Trading Month m, Trading Day d, Trading Hour h, and Settlement Interval i.
3.6CAISO Charge Code Formula
3.6.1CPM Availability and Designation Quantity Determination’m=BAMonthlyResourceCPMAvailabilityFOFactorBrtOUU’m’m= BAMonthlyResourceCPMForcedAvailabilityPercentageBrtOUU’m
This Forced Outage Factor BAMonthlyResourceCPMAvailabilityFOFactorBrtOUU’mis calculated within a Settlementscalculation that rounds the Forced Availability Percentage
to two Decimal places and refers tothe Availability Factor Table in the CAISO Tariff to determine the corresponding CPM Forced Availability Factor. The charge output of this view will be reported as BAMonthlyResourceCPMAvailabilityFOCalculatedFactorBrtOUU’m in the market participant bill determinant file.’m= BAMonthlyResourceCPMPlannedOutageCapacityQuantityBrtOUU’m /BAMonthlyResourceCPMCapacityDesignatedQuantityBrtOUU’m’m = BAMonthlyResourceCPMForcedOutageCapacityQuantityBrtOUU’m/BAMonthlyResourceCPMCapacityDesignatedQuantityBrtOUU’m’m=BAHourlyResourceCPMCapacityDesignatedQtyBrtOUU’mdh
BAMonthlyResourceCPMRetroCompCapacityDesignatedQuantityBrtOUU’m= BAHourlyResourceCPMRetroCompCapacityDesignatedQty BrtOUU’mdh BrtOUU’m= Min (BAHourlyResourceCPMForcedOutageCapacityQty Brtmdh,BAHourlyResourceCPMCapacityDesignatedQty BrtOUU’mdh,) BrtOUU’m = Min (BAHourlyResourceCPMPlannedOutageCapacityQty Brtmdh, BAHourlyResourceCPMCapacityDesignatedQty BrtOUU’mdh,)
3.6.2CPM Settlement Price Determination BrtUU’m = Max(CAISOMonthlyCPMCapacityPaymentCalculatedPricem,BAMonthlyResourceCPMCalculatedFERCApprovedPriceBrtm)
BAMonthlyResourceCPMCapacityDesignatedQuantityBrtOUU’m> 0*CAISOYearlyCPMCapacityPaymentPrice y =(1/12)*BAYearlyResourceSpecificCPMFERCApprovedPriceBrty
3.6.3Metered Demand Over TAC Area Determination for CPM’m =BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACControlAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m /CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACControlAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m’m =CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’vm
WHERE v in (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH)’m =BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vm
WHERE v in (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH)’m= BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m/ CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m’m =CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’vm
WHERE v in (TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH)’m=BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vm
WHERE v in (TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH)’m=BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m/CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m’m=CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’vm
WHERE v in (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR)’m=BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vm
WHERE v in (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR)’m=BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m / CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m’m=CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’vm
WHERE v in (TAC_NORTH, TAC_SOUTH)’m=BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vm
WHERE v in (TAC_NORTH, TAC_SOUTH)’m =BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m /CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m’m =CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’vm
WHERE v = TAC_SOUTH’m =BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vm
WHERE v = TAC_SOUTH’m =BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m /CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m’m =CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’vm
WHERE v = TAC_ECNTR’m =BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vm
WHERE v = TAC_ECNTR’m =BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m /CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m’m =CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’vm
WHERE v = TAC_NORTH’m=BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vm
3.6.4CPM Metered Demand Over Control Area Minus TOR Contract Rights Determination’vm=BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vm’vm=BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQtyBOUU’vm’vm=BADailyMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’vmd
The BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQtyBUU’vm is an output from a View where the monthly summation of daily metered demand BADailyMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBvmd is done only for the Bill period start date and the Bill period end date (U, U’) acquired from the monthly CPM capacity designated quantity. The output of this view will be reported as BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBUU’vm.
3.6.5Metered Demand Over Control Area Minus TOR Contract Rights Determination
v IN (TAC_NORTH, TAC_SOUTH) =min (0, (BAResourceSettlementIntervalMeteredTACAreaDemandQuantityBrtvmdhi -BAResourceSettlementIntervalTORContractMDBrtmdhi)
Where t= LOAD
3.7Output Requirements
Output Req ID / Name / Description1 / In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs. / All inputs
2 / BAMonthlyResourceCPMPlannedAvailabilityPercentage BrtOUU’m / Monthly CPM Availability Percentage by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t , andExceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
3 / BAMonthlyResourceCPMForcedAvailabilityPercentage BrtOUU’m / Monthly CPM Forced Availability Percentage rounded to two decimal places by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t , andExceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
4 / BAMonthlyResourceCPMCapacityDesignatedQuantity BrtOUU’m / Monthly CPM Capacity MW Designated by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t , andExceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
5 / BAMonthlyResourceCPMForcedOutageCapacityQuantityBrtOUU’m / Monthly CPM Forced Outage Capacity MW by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t , andExceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
6 / BAMonthlyResourceCPMPlannedOutageCapacityQuantity BrtOUU’m / Monthly CPM Planned Outage Capacity MW by Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t , and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
7 / BAMonthlyResourceCPMCalculatedPriceBrtUU’m / Monthly CPM Capacity Price by Business Associate B, resource r, and resource type t during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
8 / BAMonthlyResourceCPMCalculatedFERCApprovedPriceBrtm / Monthly Resource Specific CPM FERC-approved Price by Business Associate B, resource r, and resource type t for Trading Month m.
9 / CAISOMonthlyCPMCapacityPaymentCalculatedPricem / The CAISO Monthly FERC-Approved CPM Capacity Price is ($55/12 months)*1000 (KW to MW conversion) = $4583.33/MW Month
10 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACControlAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORAllocFactorBOUU’m / Monthly Control Area (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH combination) CPM capacity allocation factor for Business Associate Band Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
11 / CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACControlAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m / CAISO Monthly Control Area (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH combination) Metered Demand Quantity by Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
12 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACControlAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m / Monthly Control Area (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH combination) Metered Demand Quantity for Business Associate B and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
13 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORAllocFactorBOUU’m / Monthly South-East Central (TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH combination) CPM capacity allocation factor for Business Associate Band Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
14 / CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m / Monthly South-East Central (TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH combination) Metered Demand Quantity by Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
15 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m / Monthly South-East Central (TAC_ECNTR, TAC_SOUTH combination) Metered Demand Quantity for Business Associate Band Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
16 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORAllocFactorBOUU’m / Monthly North– East Central (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR combination) CPM capacity allocation factor for Business Associate B and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
17 / CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m / CAISO Monthly North–East Central (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR combination) Metered Demand Quantity by Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
18 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m / Monthly North–East Central (TAC_NORTH, TAC_ECNTR combination) Metered Demand Quantity for Business Associate Band Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
19 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORAllocFactorBOUU’m / Monthly North-South (TAC_NORTH, TAC_SOUTH combination) CPM capacity allocation factor for Business Associate B and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
20 / CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m / CAISO Monthly North-South (TAC_NORTH, TAC_SOUTH combination)Metered Demand Quantity by Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
21 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m / Monthly North-South (TAC_NORTH, TAC_SOUTH combination) Metered Demand Quantity for Business Associate B, by Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
22 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORAllocFactorBOUU’m / Monthly TAC_SOUTH CPM capacity allocation factor for Business Associate B and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
23 / CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m / CAISO Monthly TAC_SOUTH Metered Demand Quantity by Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
24 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACSouthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m / Monthly TAC_SOUTH Metered Demand Quantity for Business Associate B and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
25 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORAllocFactorBOUU’m / Monthly TAC_ECNTR CPM capacity allocation factor for Business Associate B and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
26 / CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m / CAISO Monthly TAC_ECNTR Metered Demand Quantity by Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
27 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACECentralAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityBOUU’m / Monthly TAC_ECNTR Metered Demand Quantity for Business Associate B and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
28 / BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORAllocFactorBOUU’m / Monthly TAC_NORTH CPM capacity allocation factor for Business Associate B and Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.
29 / CAISOMonthlyCPMMeteredTACNorthAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantityOUU’m / CAISO Monthly TAC_NORTH Metered Demand Quantity by Exceptional Dispatch Type O during the Settlement Billing Period that extends from Bill Period Start Date U’ to Bill Period End Date U for Trading Month m.