Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
First Friday of every month: 9 am – 6pm. Church will be open for private prayer during this time.
Today, Ezekiel describes how God nurtures the trees to give shade and a dwelling for birds. This reading is linked to St. Mark’s Gospel that features Jesus telling the parable of the mustard seed. This seed is one of the smallest of seeds, yet grows to a plant large enough for birds to nest there. Faith in Christ, too, may start out small, but when nurtured through the Eucharist and other sacraments, prayer, and the Word of God, can grow to be very powerful. We, as faith-filled stewards, know that as our discipleship in Christ grows, so, too, does our stewardship obligation in building the kingdom of God.
The youth group will have a Flag retirement ceremony on Sunday after Mass.
Please join us.
Voter Registration Forms are located in the Narthex.
Last day to register for Fall Elections is
July 2, 2012
June 10, 2012
Offertory $2,667
Building Fund $ 77
St Vincent de Paul $ 208
The Second Collection this week is for St. Vincent de Paul.
Pray for the repose of the souls of Sam Headley Jones (David Jones Grandfather) and Matthew Middleton’s Grandfather. Pray for the needs of our community including: Ayden and his parents, Claud Allison, Joe Baughman, Kathleen Burroughs, Sherry Butler, James Byler, Bart Caudell, Mercedes Cazanas, Tony Cerrato, Marion Clarke, Kale Corbett,Norah Cornett, Joe Corradi, Steven Corradi,Olen & Sharon Dunn, Nancy Durham, Janet Durnwald , Rochelle Ervin, Emil Gullia, Joyce Fellows, Fernanda (friend of Ananis),Jeff Fifer’s grandbaby, Chris Fox, Michael Frisch, Michelle & Fran& Meghan Foley, Angie Hernandez & her Children, Lynn Hodge, Wendy Holloman, Cameron Jackson, Marilyn James, Annette Johns, Don Johnson, Michelle Johnson, Josie Perez, her cousin Robert & brother & mother, Edna Kane, Frank Kowalesky, Vince Laudato, Mary Lewis, Ted Lochowski, Becky Maples, Beth Marsh Lawrence & her children,Ralph Masey, Francis Matthews, Katherine McCartney, Beverly McCormick, Judy McIlwraith, Amy Monohan, Stan Navoczynski, Ann & Bob Needham,Tony Pandorf, Bob Osgood,Joan Owens, Bill Pacelli Geneva Payne,Rebekah, John &Rosemarie Reilly, David Ricci, Maria Sanchez, Julie Sarpy, Olen Schmidt,Marie Schroeder, Karen Siebenlist, Terry Simms, Valerie Schmidz, Debbie Spiecker, Melody Stancil, Aubrey Steen, Dr. Joanne Suarez, Mildred Taylor, Tony Vento, Juanfra de Villena, Darryl White Helen Windsor.
Please pray for our church community that as we continue to grow in numbers that we will also grow in faith, love and charity.
Please pray for the brave men and women who are serving our country and their families, especially: Col. John P. Rudio, Staff Sgt. Mark Brown, Army, LTTrevor Carlson Sr., Airman First Class Sean MacKinnon, Jerry Hunter, Timothy Wilson, David Bulls, Binh Pham, Cpt. Patrick Rudio, 1stLT Michael Rudio, John Dzamko, Captain Jeff Lassiter, USAF,, Dale Marsh and Staff Sgt Thomas Pace (Afganistan)Pvt. 1st Class Garet Kraft
If you would like to donate flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one or for a special occasion, please contact Cynthia Newbury.
Congratulations to Nicole Cowgill and Jake Garrison on their marriage, June 16th, 2012.
June 15, 2002 – June 15, 2012
Happy Anniversary Fr. Terry Crone
on your 10th year as an ordained priest.
Thank you for all that you do for the Parish of
St. Catherine Labouré.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Our summer meeting datesare on July 2nd, Aug. 6th and Sept. 17th at St. Catherine Laboure.
Please consider joining our group if you knit or crochet or would like to learn. If you know of anyone who you feel would find comfort from one of our prayer shawls, please let us know. For information, call Connie Tirico @ 706-387-7077. Any yarn donations are greatly appreciated.
SVDP now has a Food Pantry.All donated items will go to the pantry and be disseminated to clients and area needy. Call Jerry Matthews for more info.
The USCCB called for a “Fortnight for Freedom,” a 14-day period of prayer, education and action in support of religious freedom, from June 21-July 4.
The fourteen days from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July 4, Independence Day, are dedicated to this “fortnight for freedom”—a great hymn of prayer for our country. Our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power—St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. Culminating on Independence Day, this special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action would emphasize both our Christian and American heritage of liberty.
Weekly Counters for June 18h: Cynthia Newbury, Irene Newman and Betty Gerber.