Record of Board Proceedings
Metcalfe County Board of Education
The Metcalfe County Board of Education met at 109 Sartin Drive on Tuesday, July 07, 2015 at 4:30 PM for a special called meeting. The following members were present:
1) Joey Shive 2) Tim Brown 3) Donnie Perry 4) John Caffee 5) Robin McMurtrey
Present - Superintendent
Absent - Board Attorney
The special called meeting was called to order by Chairman Joey Shive.
Tim Geegan, Alliance Cooperation presented information regarding the Award Recommendation
for Metcalfe County Elementary School Addition & Remodeling - 2015. RBS Design Group has submitted a letter indicating their review of documents and they are concurrent with the
recommendation with Alliance Cooperation.
I. Review all bids received
II. Award the Contracts and Purchase Orders, as recommended by the Architect and Construction Manager
III. Approve Interim Contracts for the following Bid Packages
- Bid Package 010 – Site, Storm Drainage and Demolition – Brockman Contracting in the amount of $150,000.
- Bid Package 030 – Concrete & General Trades – Stewart Richey General Trades in the amount of $100,000.
Robin McMurtrey moved to:
Accept Clarification Letters from the following Contractors:
BP 040 - Wasco, Inc. acknowledging Addenda
BP 074 - Bruce's Tri State Roofing acknowledging Addenda
Reject the following Bid Packages and Re-Bid:
BP 050 - Structural & Miscellaneous Steel
BP 096 - Resilient Tile Flooring
Award the Contracts and Purchase Orders as recommended, subject to the approval
of the Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management and contingent
upon a successful bond sale.
Award Interim Contracts for the following:
BP 010 - Site, Storm Drainage and Demolition to Brockman Contracting
BP 030 - Concrete and General Trades to Steward Richey General Trades
Award Special Inspections firm:
Arnold Consulting Engineering Services, Inc.
seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes
IV. Approve the revised BG-1
Bob Tarvin, Ross, Sinclair & Associates reviewed the BG-1 for the building project.
He went over the Statement of Probable Costs and Funds Available. The total project cost is $5,960.000. The SFCC funds will be $640,000; Local FSPK Bond Sale will be
$5,150,000. T here is $170,000 left over from previous building project for a total of
$5,960,000. Dr. Lile stated this is relatively close to our original estimate from when we
began working with the Local Planning Committee (LPC) over a year ago. At that time
we were looking at adding ten or eleven classrooms; now we will be adding seventeen
classrooms and no steps for about the same amount of money. Dr. Tarvin also shared the Plan of Financing Report. Bonds will be sold in approximately three to four weeks after
approval from the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE).
John Caffee moved to Approve revised BG#1, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting
as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes
V. Authorize the Board Designee to execute the Requisition for Funds (Payment Application Forms) upon execution of the same by the Architect and Construction Manager
Bills will be submitted from Architect and Construction Manager for contractors payout on a monthly basis. The Board Designee will be Supt. Lile.
Robin McMurtrey moved to Authorize the Board Designee to execute the Requisition for Funds (Payment Application Forms) upon execution of the same by the Architect and Construction Manager, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes
VI. Authorize the Board Designee to execute the BG#4and BG#5 Forms (contract closeout documents) upon execution by the Architect
Donnie Perry moved to Authorize the Board Designee to execute the BG#4and BG#5 Forms upon execution by the Architect, seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes
VII. Authorize the Board Designee to secure Builder’s Risk Insurance, in an amount equal to 100% of the construction cost
Tim Brown moved to Authorize the Board Designee to secure Builder’s Risk Insurance, in an amount equal to 100% of the construction cost, seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey
VIII. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Metcalfe County School District Finance
Corporation to issue revenue bonds
Bob Tarvin shared with the board the details regarding the Metcalfe Co. Board of Education and Metcalfe County School District Finance Corporation.
Tim Brown moved to Adopt a resolution authorizing the Metcalfe County School
District Finance Corporation issue revenue bonds, seconded by Robin McMurtrey,
with voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey
John Caffee moved to Adjourn, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey
Metcalfe County Board of Education
Joey Shive, Chairman
Benny Lile, Secretary
Metcalfe County School District Finance Corporation
The meeting of the Metcalfe County School District Finance Corporation was called to order by President Joey Shive.
I. Confirm Officers
Officers: Board of Directors
Joey Shive - President Tim Brown, Donnie Perry,
Benny Lile - Secretary John Caffee & Robin McMurtrey
Dwight Ross - Treasurer
Tim Brown moved to Confirm Officers of the Metcalfe County School District
Finance Cooperation, seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey
II. Adopt a resolution authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds
After adopting this resolution, Ross, Sinclair & Associates will able to go to the market place and issue bonds for the building project we have been discussing at this meeting.
Before the bonds can be sold, KDE must approve all contracts regarding this building
Tim Brown moved to Adopt a resolution authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds,
seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey
John Caffee moved to Adjourn, seconded by Tim Brown with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey
Metcalfe County School
District Finance Corporation
Joey Shive, President
Benny Lile, Secretary