/ Morsani 5th FL East


Diabetes Center
Appointment numbers / 974-4115 (4-8875 inside #) for All Appts
Clinic Fax / 905-8885
Academic Secretary
/ Patricia (Pat) Laskowski 974-1985
Office fax 974-3313
Clinical Nurse Manager / Cimarron Horton
Clinical Care Coordinator or nurse / Sherica Franklin 974-2527
Sabrina Hoillet-Farrier 974-2641
Financial Specialist / Debbie Rounds- 974-3011
Diabetes Education / Transfer calls to Pat (secretary) 4-1985


Encounter pool location: P USF Diabetes Center- ID 2108900038
Provider to provider calls: Call cell or page the provider on call; Create a high priority telephone encounter and document which provider was contacted
Urgent calls: Call cell or page the provider on call; Create a high priority telephone encounter and document which provider was contacted.
ASAP messages: Send ASAP (Normal) telephone encounter.
Hospital calls: For USF patient, document a telephone encounter & contact the provider on call. Dr. to Dr.-follow guidelines above

Attending Providers

Rodriguez, Henry, MD (program director)- contact on Cell 813-449-2680

Bollepalli, Sureka, MD- contact on cell 267-971-1651

Shulman, Dorothy, MD -Alphapage through WirelessOffice 813-201-0387

***Enter pt’s name, DOB, synopsis of call and call back number***

Jorgensen, Verena, MD- Does not usually provide call coverage

Smith, Laura, PhD- Transfer non-appointment related calls to 396-9527

Norman, Jane, RD- Transfer all calls to 974-1985 (Pat)

Vasquez, Amanda (Social worker) - transfer to 974-4361 or 974-1985 (Pat).

~~View next page for further information and guidelines~~

Special referral: For a non-diabetic nutritionist/dietitian with no thyroid problems, refer callers to Dr. Emand Nakshabendi, RD at the Bay Area Nutrition Center……813-972-3750.

Additional Symptoms (other than already determined) for emergency/urgent calls; contact the provider on call:

·  Vomiting with or without ketones, unable to drink fluids

·  High blood glucose (>240) with ketones

·  Low blood glucose (<70) with or without ketones and cannot get blood glucose to come up above 70

·  Moderate to large Ketones in blood or urine

·  Out of insulin completely, need a refill

·  Patient diagnosed with type 1 diabetes within the last 48 hours.

·  A physician is calling to speak to a physician or the ARNP