Messages to the Seven Assembles: Thyatira
A Study Developed in S.A.M. Sukkoth Community Study &
Written by Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd
October-November-December, 2012
The ancient city of Thyatira was the setting for the next assembly Yeshua chose to address. This city was known for its trade in textiles and dyeing, each guild having a patron god or goddess. It was the home of Lydia, a seller of purple, who is mentioned in Acts 16 as one who honored the God of Israel after hearing Sha’ul teach. It has been noted that it was quite difficult for Christians here as their livelihood would be affected by refusal to participate in guild rituals. It is known today as the city of Akhisar in Turkey. The ancient ruins are fenced off in the midst of the modern city. The name Thyatira means “odor of affliction.” It was located between Sardis and Pergamos; two of the other assemblies addressed, and was originally a colony of Macedonian Greek people. Several modern commentators have suggested that Thyatira was the least interesting or least important of all the assemblies addressed. We would disagree!
As this message is presented, once again we see a description of the Source of the message, but here for the only time we see a direct statement that He is, indeed, the Son of God. His eyes are like a flame of fire and His feet are like fine brass. He is described in this metaphorical picture at both the beginning of this Book of the Revelation and again near its end, confirming that He is the One who stands at the center of the lampstand(s); another chiasmus. Once again, we find continuity with the Tanakh as it seems to be a confirmation of the image Daniel described, as written in chapter 10: 5-6:
"I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen,
with a belt of the finest gold around his waist. His body was like chrysolite,
his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches,
his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze."
Day Four: dalet the number four, and a pictographic meaning of a door
Spirit: Ruach haKodesh The Holy Spirit/center stem when viewed as on a menorah
Creation Event: Sun, Moon, Stars establishing authority over the times
Feast/Moedim: Shavuot/Pentecost
Abomination/things YHWH Hates: Heart that devises wicked plans
In this message, we come to the central assembly, geographically and as listed, which it may be easy to see is the heart of them all. When evaluating the message in light of the many “sevens” categories, we can see that it relates to Day four. The number four, “dalet” is pictographically representative of a door, something that opens and closes, something that swings or pivots, providing a place for things to enter or depart. For those who have done the Creation Gospel study or a general study of sevens, it will be easy to recall that the central candle is like a door or hinge point. When it is “folded” in half, we see the thematic connections between days one and seven, two and six, and three and five as they come together.The fourth day of creation brought the sun, moon and stars which are representative of government and authority which again brings us to a picture of central importance or authority. The fourth Feast is known as Shavuot or Pentecost, and has to do with the Law and the Spirit being given, or perhaps we could say “entering?”In order for any of His Words to have authority in our lives, we do have to have received His Spirit, the Ruach haKodesh, which is associated with this central point. It is on this central Spirit that Isaiah has told us all the other aspects of the sevenfold Spirit rest, so again, a picture of authority.When we get to the abominations we find confirmation of the central “heart” of the matter too, though in the negative sense of this fourth concept being that of the wicked heart that devises schemes.
If we were to consider the messages as unfolding thus far, we might observe that we need to remember our first love so as not to fall from that position of confidence and authority in Him and become vulnerable to the division that comes with disagreement rather than witnessing together. This vulnerability inevitably leads to failing to recognize good counsel and coming under the influence of those who do not serve YHWH, false teachers and teachings, which means that one would not be in a good position to allow the Ruach haKodesh to enter in, confirming His righteous Teachings and showing us how to rightly walk and serve Him. Honoring and applying the warnings leads to blessing but here at this central point we have the heart of the whole matter.
Yeshua observed that the works, charity, service, faith and again works of the assembly in Thyatira are known to Him. Not only that, but the last works are observed to be greater than that which came first! When you think about it, that is a wonderful thing! This community of believers, walking in the midst of a perverse city that has economic success and religious ritual tightly bound together, has not only persevered in what they learned through Sha’ul’s teachings but has grown more committed. It is beyond the first love of coming into His presence and positional authority and apparently walking even more firmly there! It would seem that there must have been among them those who were maturing in their faith.
Yet, even with evidence of maturity among them, there remains a serious problem: the “few things” He has against them. They have allowed “that woman, Jezebel” to do things that shouldn’t be done.
- Calling herself a prophetess (which would imply that she is not.)
- Teaching and seducing His servants to commit fornication.
- Teaching and seducing His servants to eat things sacrificed to idols.
Jezebel is a false prophet/teacher who is leading others AWAY from His righteousness, dealing with the area of sexuality and idolatry, which we may recall are the primary areas of concern in order to even begin to be in fellowship with Gentiles who have acknowledged faith in Yeshua Messiah. (See Acts 15 and 21) I have often spoken of the “Go along to get along gang” and I suppose this could be a prime example, as the people of this assembly would probably do better economically and socially if they went along with the flow of behavior in their city. Those in the assembly who wanted to find favor with the leadership presumably also went along.
In this assembly then, unlike the previous ones, the crookedness has penetrated in to the core of the assembly, within the very heart, the leadership and the people there have tolerated it. There are so many pictures here it is difficult to know where to begin. We saw a primary point: this leader represents a problem because she is presenting herself as something she is not, a genuine prophet/servant leader. If this reference for this assembly is to a specific person or to a representative behavior is not clear to us. In any case, this “Jezebel” had demonstrated her great influence on her assembly just as the woman, Jezebel, had on her husband, Ahab, as we have read in 1 and 2 Kings.
But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness
in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up.
1 Kings 21:25
This leader was behaving as that first Jezebel did in her role as the King’s wife but doing so in the midst of an assembly of Believers. Clearly the behavior was a door that allowed ungodly things to enter in. My mind’s eye brings up the picture of Yeshua as the Great Shepherd Who is Himself, the Door, recalling the picture of a shepherd building a hedge around the flock and then lying down at the entrance as the door.
Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
I am the door of the sheep….I am the door: by me if any man enter in,
he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
John 10: 7, 9
A True prophet/teacher would be like a shepherd standing at the door, keeping watch that ungodly things NOT be allowed in. This picture is also true of patriarchs who guard the door of their family tent.(Did you know that our English word, “pastor” is derived from the Hebrew word meaning “to pasture?” Strong’s #7462Might I add that among the shepherds of Israel, one would also find Rachel? (Gen. 29:9)) A door is indeed a pivotal place, where what is allowed to enter will certainly affect what happens inside and the keeper of that door will be highly influential for good or for ill. In the case of this assembly, it sounds as though the “keeper of the door” was Jezebel.
We examined the meaning of the name Jezebel and found that reputable sources such as Zodhiates Study Dictionaries confirm it means “unchaste” whether seen in Hebrew or Greek. There is some speculation as to the origin of it however. Examining it from a Hebrew perspective suggests a connection through “izebel” with both prince and “ba’al,” and additional link with “nothingness,” thus combined coming to something like “a prince of nothing” “without a prince/husband” or “without moral character.” It could also be connected with “baalzebub” meaning “Lord of dung.” All of these possibilities certainly seem to connect with the story of Jezebel and Ahab! In more modern reference, the name Jezebel is often associated with loose morals, a whore, or a controlling woman.
I am also aware of many people using the term “Jezebel spirit” with the reference being to women who are controlling and usurp a man’s leadership role. The innuendo, if it isn’t openly spoken as well, is that such women cause men to be passive. Often, this is extrapolated to infer that women should not be in any leadership position as one of the many verses seen as denigrating women’s role among believers. I have become very cautious when this term comes up and ask for the individual’s understanding of its meaning. Generally, I find they cannot specifically define it but have avague description something along the lines of what I have written here, but sometimes quite graphically enhanced. Some understand that “a Jezebel spirit” may be at work in both men and women but more often it seems to be directed toward women.
This interpretation seems to be important to address here because we did not see solid support for such an interpretation. To us, the pivotal point seems to be that this woman or behavior if it isn’t specific to one person, gives the false representation of themselves as a prophet of YHWH.Zodhiates Greek Dictionary of the New Testament has it is noted under 2403, Izebel “a Tyrian woman (used as a synonym of a termagant or false teacher.)” Oxford Dictionary, in turn, defines “termagant” as “harsh tempered or overbearing woman” or as (historical) “an imaginary deity of violent and turbulent character, often appearing in morality plays.”
As we view it, it would be this false representation that is the heart of the matter, whether the one in question is male or female. This would flow along with the central focus here for this assembly, and the central “abomination” being “a heart that devises wicked plans” It is the heart that leads others toward ungodly behavior that is without moral character. If there was a woman who claimed to be a prophetess and was not, then clearly, there must also have been women who claimed to be prophetesses and really were! It is the false teaching that led people into error that is being condemned, along with the tolerance that was their response.
It would seem that it is the false teachings that create the odor, or stench, reflected in the name, Thyatira, “odor of affliction.” The word “stench” is used five times in the NKJV, by Isaiah, Joel, Amos, and John, referring to death, the slain, and including perhaps most pertinently, in Amos 4:10 where it refers to the stench of a camp that has not returned to YHWH. The image in the message is that time was given for her to repent but she refused. Some translations have it that she doesn’t WANT to repent. Thus she would be cast into a bed, which could be simply one for reclining or one on which someone who is sick is carried. Those who wanted to continue to follow her lead, committing sexual immorality and courting idolatry, would be cast into great tribulation. Without being too graphic, perhaps one could give thought to the progress of sexually transmitted diseases, knowing that their course is most definitely not pleasant, and can indeed involve a number of different bodily discharges, bacterial infections with distinctly unpleasant sights and smells. Without treatment physically, or repentance spiritually, the end is death. So in both the physical sense and the spiritual sense, we see the odor of the affliction that comes from turning away from righteousness.Though it doesn’t specify THE great tribulation, it isn’t hard to see an end time’s picture here, along with an interim judgment picture.
This assembly existed in the midst of idolatrous people and indeed, was drawn from their numbers.
How difficult it is to remove oneself from family and friend’s influence when the heart has heard YHWH’s call despite a great desire to be renewed. Over time, it isn’t hard for us to understand that new people may have come into the assembly at various stages of “coming out.” Relative’s pleas to stay in touch with them could present pressure that would make it hard for them to take a firm stand. Not so different from today.
The message goes on to stay that her children will be killed with death. We would venture to say that it appears that these “children” might be actual physical children but can just as easily be “spiritual children” only in this case, an ungodly bond; those that followed the lead of the false teacher. To be killed with death is such a Hebrew idiom, redundant to our ears perhaps. We also saw that it could refer to the two fold process of death; physical followed by spiritual death. Even in this terrible situation, IF one would repent they would find life. He confirms that His eyes are looking. His Spiritual eyes are watching. He will not be fooled and will know genuine repentance. A scary thought or it should be for those who are not seeking Him that they will receive according to their works. How grateful we are that our YHWH judges with righteousness and will decide with fairness for the meek. He is our example for how we are to separate ourselves from what is ungodly, and take action, not just letting ungodly behavior continue in the set apart assembly.
One part of the message is for those who have NOT known the depths of satan, the adversary. They are instructed to hold fast to what they do have and that more will not be expected of them. It seemed to us as we studied, that these false teachings can be so pervasive and heavy that they are indeed difficult to resist. In such a setting, He commends them only for having done all, standing firm.
Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having doneall, to stand.
Ephesians 6:13
It is almost as though there is a commendation for having stood, whether or not one could “go deeper” in matters of faith through such trials. This seems relevant to us as we see the darkness growing and sense spiritual oppression becoming heavier. To stand firm and resist, to stand in prayer and praise, to watch and pray without ceasing, to recognize that pharaoh’s call to make more bricks with less straw is the same kind of call that comes today. The pressure intensifies for us to go along with the world system and run faster, when running faster is not the answer He would have us make.
Here we thought that the message given is not just to this assembly, but one part of the central message for all. He who overcomes and remains faithful to Yeshua will be given strength and will be called to rule with Him, also shepherding His people. He will be back with that iron rod and those who refused the wooden staff of the Shepherd will feel it.
And shalt say unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Even so will I break this people and this city,
as one breaketh a potter's vessel, that cannot be made whole again:
and they shall bury them in Tophet, till there be no place to bury.
Jeremiah 19:11 KJV
Ask of Me, and I will give [You] The nations [for] Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth [for] Your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.' "
Psalm 2: 8-9
He is training us up to rule and reign with Him. We too, must learn to stand firm, to know how to look with His eyes so we will be strong with a pure heart and clean hands. Then, and only then, will He be able to share His authority with us. Then and only then, only by His Work in us, will we stand.