Messages Minutes 02-11-2016


Amy Dunaway, Dana Meyer, Maureen Jenkins, Rita Arni, Karen Sherbondy, and Nathan Ferguson.

Meeting Discussion

Maureen updated the group with a summary of the Messages work group discussion at the quarterly MOCAN meeting.

  • KC Dahl, Dana, Bob Ross,and Pat Simmons went through the social media calendar (created by Amy Winder) for posts to share on MOCAN
  • Indicated concern about a lack of fresh content on website
  • Interested in more contributions from members and how to encourage those contributions

One example given was WIC's weekly update, CEU corner. Each quarter one person is designated to prepare the update and send it along for dissemination on the web and social media.

The group agreed to develop a content submission template. The template could allow for a variety of different materials to be shared (i.e. events, reports, handouts).

Rather than ask all work groups to contribute at once, the group thought it would be best to designate one work group each quarter to contribute content. These quarterly contributions would also give members an avenue to share what projects they/their group is working on (e.g. on obesity, Livable Streets, etc.).

Maureen will draft the content submission template. The Messages work group will test the template on itself to produce content, with a soft deadline to have the template ready to introduce to other work groups by the quarterly meeting in April.

Some strategic plan suggestions that came out of the MOCAN meeting (these suggestions are to be added to the Action Steps under Strategy 3, Objective 1):

  • Target radio for disseminating news (in addition to other forms of media already listed)
  • Press releases should be considered as another way to increase media opportunities
  • Develop strategy for creating content for website/social media

The group also expressed interest in funding for a dedicated communications position for MOCAN. Nathan will bring up this question to Donna and the steering committee.

The social media calendar will be shared with the Messages work group initially with the plan of opening it up to the other work groups. KC Dahl made social media calendar into a public Google doc for sharing information.

The group also indicated that if meetings were hosted regionally, as was suggested at the MOCAN meeting, these regional meetings would provide a good opportunity to invite organizations in the surrounding area to attend the meeting and check out MOCAN. This would not only help spread the word about MOCAN, but also potentially help to recruit new members.

The next Messages conference call will be scheduled via Doodle.