MesaHigh School Swimming and Diving
Team Rules & Procedures
The following is a list of rules and procedures for participation on the Mesa High Varsity Boy’s and Girl’s Swim Teams. Please read this carefully with your parents or guardians. Your signatures on the attached confirmation sheet will indicate that you understand these rules and agree to abide by them.
1. Swimming requires constant conditioning. Missing practices will set you back weeks, and since the season is relatively short, you cannot afford to fall behind.
2. If you plan to work during the season, make sure you are NOT scheduled to work prior to 6:00 pm. We would highly recommend not scheduling work on meet days, particularly invitationals, City, Regionals, and State. You will not be allowed to leave practices or meets early for work.
3. Attendance is required at all practices. In the event that an emergency arises you must have a parent or guardian call either Coach Kerby or Coach Haney to notify us BEFORE the practice or meet begins.
Coach Kerby472-5710
Coach Haney472-2595
4. Being absent without a parent or guardian call will result in disciplinary action.
1. All members of the swim team must be enrolled in 6th hour PE.
1. If you CHOOSE to swim with a club in addition to competing for MesaHigh School, please understand that this does not exclude you from participating at our practices. All club swimmers will be required to attend our practice 3 times during non-meet weeks and twice during meet weeks. You must also attend the entire practice the day before a meet.
1. All eligibility requirements (i.e. physical forms, insurance, etc.) must be current and on file with the athletic director’s secretary. Students will not be allowed to practice or compete without this paperwork on file.
2. All members of the swim team must be earning passing grades. Failure to do so renders you ineligible. If you are currently ineligible because of grades from last semester, you must have all passing grades at the time of the first Progress Report to regain your eligibility.
3. During the season, your participation in swimming is NO EXCUSE for poor performance in the classroom.
1. Workouts are carefully designed to give you the maximum benefit. There will be stretching and dry-land exercises at the beginning of practice followed by set work. Missing any part of the sequence is not only detrimental to your performance, but can lead to injuries as well.
2. You must be dressed out, on deck and ready to begin practice at 2:45 pm. Excessive tardiness will result in disciplinary action.
1. It is your responsibility to remember your suit and equipment. If you fail to be prepared you will complete a dry-land workout and will lose Lettering points.
1. It is very important that you are present for all meets. The coaches carefully arrange the meet line-ups and your absence severely disrupts the plans for the meet.
2. All members of the team must compete.
3. You are required to attend all meets, whether or not you are scheduled to compete. The only exceptions are serious illness or family emergency. If you must miss for these reasons, you must make arrangements with the coaches and administration.
4. Although the coaches will try to accommodate your requests for events during dual meets, there will be times when we may need you to compete in other events. You must compete in the events in which you have been entered.
5. On meet days, it is your responsibility to know your assigned events and lanes. Failure to report to your event will result in disciplinary action.
6. You MUST stay until the END OF THE MEET. It is important that you are there to support the team.
7. You MUST ride the bus to all meets. After the meet, you may ride home with your parent or guardian if you wish. ALL PARENTS OR GUARDIANS MUST SIGN THE PERMISSION LIST AT THE MEET IN ORDER TO TAKE YOU. Failure to observe this policy will result in your permanent assignment to the bus after all remaining meets.
8. All school, district, and AIA rules and policies must be followed and will be enforced.
9. All Home meets are held at Brimhall Pool. Away meets are held at the school listed on the schedule, unless otherwise noted by the coaches prior to the meet.
10. You are required to attend school on meet days unless competition does not allow it.
1. The use of any illegal substances, including tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply will result in your immediate removal from the team as well as consequences outlined in the district guidelines.
1. Please remember that you are a representative of this team and Mesa High. Poor sportsmanship of any kind, including inappropriate cheers, will not be tolerated.
2. Although these guidelines are fairly specific, situations may arise which are outside of the limits of this document. In such situations, it will be necessary for the coaches to make certain decisions together with the administration of MesaHigh School. Our decisions will need to be obeyed just as any of the other rules listed in this packet.
3. School imposed disciplinary measures apply to swimming with equal weight. If you are suspended from school, you will not be allowed to practice or compete during this time.
4. A reminder, we are guests of the City of Mesa Brimhall Pool. The slides and zero depth area are off limits and please make sure to clean up after yourself.
1. Failure to follow these rules, or any requests of the coaching staff, will be considered defiance of authority. Consequences will range from a warning to removal from the team depending on the severity of the offense.
1. Although we hope that disciplinary action will be unnecessary, the following actions may be taken depending on the severity of the incident: warning, parent contact, removal from a meet, or removal from the team.