Battlefield Primary School
September 2015 update
Staff news
With much selfish regret we remind you that Mrs Janet Mccuaig,
our very popular SfLW has decided to hang up her yellow jacket
after 10 years in Battlefield Primary and leaves us on Thursday.
I know you will all join me in thanking Janet for her caring
attitude towards all pupils in Battlefield. I would like to thank her
for her super contribution to the health and well being
of our pupils and staff in Battlefield. We will all miss Janet but
are assured she will continue to (informally) play some part in the
life of Battlefield.
With Janet leaving there is a vacancy and we hope soon to recruit a replacement SfLW
Parent Council
A great first formal meeting of the new committee was held this week to set targets for the new session. I would however like to give Katherine Bell a small mention . Katherine has been active on the Parent Council for many years and guided us strongly in matters of finance and grant applications. She has now resigned from the formal committee and we thank her for all her support.
Pupil Council Update
The Pupil Council’s first big initiative is to organise a competition to design a new suggestion box – making it attractive to pupils . The winning design will be used as a template for suggestion boxes for all classrooms. Please send any spare, unwanted shoe boxes you have at home into school- we can make good use of them!
RRS committee
The Rights Respecting Schools committee continue to encourage us to connect and live up to our school values through developing character names
Miss Honor Honesty, Mr Louis Love of Learning , Miss Tilly Tolerance, Miss Holly Happiness and Mr Cody Confidence
Health Committee Update
Thank you so much to the Heath and Wellbeing Committee and Mrs Currie for organising the LUNCH CRUNCH event next Wednesday (23rd Sept) as part of the first national School Food Day . See their message below.
On Wednesday every pupil will stop at 12pm to eat an apple (if possible can pupils bring their own apple please ). As the lower school are in dinner hall by then they will do their lunch crunch at 11.50am. We really appreciate your cooperation in making this event a success.
Many thanks
Battlefield Health and Wellbeing Committee
After school clubs
We now get set to offer after school clubs and we continue to seek opportunities for pupils that will be popular. Currently we have plans to offer out opportunities for quick cricket, badminton and multi-sports. The running club and the drama/ pantomime club are already successfully started. If you as a parent/carer would be interested in being involved in or running an after school activity next session, please do not hesitate to contact us .
Happy holidays!
On behalf of all staff may I thank you all for your efforts to help make a great start to the new session. We have been very busy and look forward to sharing some of our good work before the end of term through assemblies, class visits and through progress appointments- A small plea to those who have not yet returned your preference slip- please do so as soon as possible as we are setting the appointments next week.
Working hard deserves playing hard and you are reminded that school closes on Thursday (24th) at 3pm and reopens on Tuesday (29th) at 9am for the long September weekend.
We are increasingly using Twitter to post good examples of class work- it is an easy and quick way for us to share things we are proud of. We also use Twitter to send some reminders or share resources you could be interested in. If you have a smartphone or tablet please consider downloading the twitter app- even just to follow us / enjoy knowing more about the school
On Wednesday we shared contributions on TOPIC WORK with photos of P5 having a super time at Stirling Castle and we showed some p4 pupils harvesting potatoes and putting them into the Solar Dome to dry off. We also highlighted that we were working with Bridging the Gap again this year ensuring good transition to Secondary for P7 and we showed how pupils in P2/1 were absolutely fascinated as they experimented with woodlice habitat..
JOIN through TWITTER- @ BattlefieldPS
The school blog –
Watch out for class blogs soon
The school website-
Parent Council facebook page-
CAN YOU HELP US? ( please!)
Can you spare some time after the October holiday to help us clear our raised beds and prepare them for winter?- it is dirty/ messy work so we would only ask you to do a ‘bit’- any help would be much appreciated.
Are you interested in helping us improve our HWB through joining our SNAG ( School Nutrition Action Group). Again this would not be onerous …. If you even could attend a couple of meetings that would be terrific. We had a successful one before and managed to make changes for the benefit of the school.
Please phone the school office and leave your name and we will call you with more details
0141 632 2162 or email