DECEMBER 18, 2017
1. Call to order – Barry Baldwin called meeting to order at 7:02 pm
2. Pledge to the flag – Barry Baldwin led the pledge
3. Prayer – Barry Baldwin said prayer
4. Roll Call – Frank Jackson here, Cathy Stroop absent, Janet Osmolinski here, Denise Suttles here, Barry Baldwin here.
5. Approval of meeting agenda – Frank Jackson made a motion to accept the agenda as written. Denise Suttles seconded. All ayes, motion carried.
6. Approval of consent agenda – Frank Jackson made a motion to approve consent agenda. Denise Suttles seconded. All ayes, motion carried.
7. Public Comment – None
8. Lilley Township Fire Department report – The deputy chief was in attendance, he gave a short report. Stated all smoke detectors that they have had been installed. They will continue with the program once they receive more smoke detectors from the Red Cross. They have 3 people currently in training. Lilley Fire Department had 4-5 calls last month.
9. Supervisor’s report – Per Barry Baldwin, he spoke to both Republic Services, our current trash hauler, and American Classic. The township does have a contract with Republic Services until 2021. Barry spoke to Mark, our contact person. Mark has decreased our compact fee from $754.00 per exchange to $699.00. This is a savings of $3,740.00 this year. The contract does have a 4% increase built into it per year. Barry is meeting someone for a bid on the women’s bathroom. The ceiling needs to be repaired and the entire room needs to be painted. Zoning Administrator, Pete Morgan, is coming along. Barry has not made decision on placing someone on the Planning Commission. He is trying to find someone from outside of Woodland Park. Currently we have 3 board members from Woodland Park and 1 from outside. Barry would like to see 1 more outside of Woodland Park to keep a better balance. Barry will have a decision at the January 2018 meeting.
10. Clerk’s report – Janet Osmolinski reported the carpet has been cleaned the cost was $500 which included Scotch Guard. The audit is completed, Janet was disappointed that it did go as well as she hoped it would. Janet has been working with the auditor to learn what area’s need improvement. This audit was for the past 2 years, which means 4 months of the audit covered Janet’s term the rest of the audit was on the previous clerk. The auditor will be back in January to help Janet with yearend, taxes, and W2’s.
11. Treasurer’s report – Written report attached.
12. Planning Commission report – Per Denise Suttles no report as did not meet in December.
13. Correspondence, board action required – Janet Osmolinski, presented the board with the audit information that needed to be signed. Also, AT&T sent information that we need to address or we will lose our lower rate. Janet will call AT&T to keep lower rate.
14. Unfinished Business –
a. Transfer Station – most was discussed under Supervisor’s report. However, it was brought to the board attention that the electric needs to be reworked so the pump runs correctly. The septic needs to be pumped this spring. This should be done every 2 years. Frank Jackson will stop at Transfer Station to make sure our plow service is not plowing over the septic system. Janet asked if any more information is available on the person who would collect tires year around and take them to Canada to sell. Barry will see what he can find out as he has not heard anything more.
b. Janitor/Maintenance Person – Janet asked if we might consider 2 people for the position. After discussion it would be better to have one person. Janet will place an ad in the Times and Hi Lites.
c. Barry Baldwin advised our plow person slid over the embankment. The lawn was tore up getting the truck out. Steve Gardner, our plow company, will take care of the lawn in the spring. Frank Jackson stated that is where the septic system for the complex is located. The board will need to look at everything in the spring to be sure no damage was done to the septic system.
15. New Business –
a. Commission on Aging – at the board special meeting on December 14, 2017, the board asked Janet Osmolinski to write a letter to the COA board, noting this boards concerns on the senior’s lunches and transportation to Big Rapids. Janet Read the letter, asking for input to tweak the letter. Denise Suttles thought she might have a conflict of interest on this topic as she is employed by COA. Denise has assured this board that COA has no plans to stop serving lunches to seniors. Nor is there plans to stop the transportation for shopping and errands. Frank Jackson wanted to know why the seniors pay for the lunch when they pay for it in their taxes. The letter will still be sent to COA.
b. Other business – None
16. Janet Osmolinski made a motion to adjourn, Denise Suttles seconded. All ayes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted
Janet Osmolinski, Clerk