August 15, 1966
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, August 15, 1966, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor James E. Mangum, chairman; Councilmen Harley Gillman, Dixon Larson, Paul Washburn, Stanley Leavitt, and Ellis Rasmussen. Also present were City Manager Earl Wengreen, BYU Student Intern Raeldon Barker, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, City Engineer George Adamson, Assistant City Engineer Chester Kocherhans, Building Inspector Harvey Pace, and Clerk Virginia Jensen. Other present are listed as follows:
Merrill L. Hermansen 734 South 590 East Meet Council
Mrs. Merrill L. Hermansen 734 South 590 East Meet Council
Mr. H. B. Summer 1748 South 800 East
Eph. Twitchell Lions Club
Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Simmons Provo Beer License
Roscoe D. Carroll 526 South 500 East Chamber of Commerce
Winston M. Crawford 533 East 700 South Chamber of Commerce
Clyde E. Weeks 383 East 100 North News
Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Johnson 1810 South 400 East
Bod Dove 1119 North 50 East Chamber of Commerce
Leo Ware 894 North State Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter
Ollie Johnson
Shirl Loveless 320 South State Sewer and Water
Dexter Wilberg Chamber of Commerce
Meeting opened with prayer by Stanley Leavitt.
Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt to approve Minutes of August 8, 1966, as read and corrected. Motion was seconded by Ellis Rasmussen and passed unanimously.
Attorney H. Vern Wentz reported that he had talked to the bank regarding the Merrill Mecham property. He stated that the bank will settle for the total amount due less the $280.00 Special Improvement assessment plus interest of $44.80. City Manager Wengreen said that money will be transferred from the contingency fund to pay off the Mecham farm with the $324.80 being paid to special funds.
City Manager Wengreen reported that he had written to Verlin Clegg requesting their statement regarding payment from Gene Glover. Mr. Clegg has not, as yet, been able to find where Mr. Glover made a payment to him for the improvement. However, it was brought out that the engineers have checked the Notice of Intention and find that the property in question was not included. It is felt, therefore, that the Johnsons, who had purchased the Glover property, cannot be held responsible for this bill. The feeling was that this should still be held responsible for this bill. The felling was that this should still be resolved as to whether or not Mr. Glover paid Mr. Clegg. Mr. Glover had called earlier and left word that he would be unable to be at the meeting, but that he was still attempting to find the cancelled check.
Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt to extend the time on the Gene Glover problem for another week. Motion was seconded by Ellis Rasmussen and passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen announced that City Engineer George Adamson has submitted his resignation as of August 22, 1966.
City Manager Wengreen submitted a request for the purchase of a new sign machine. He stated that the dimensions of signs have changed and the machine presently being used will not make signs large enough to comply with the new standards. He reported that with the trade-in of the old machine the cost for the new machine would be $880.00 there are several signs that need to be replaced immediately, and he showed where the City could save $511.45 on this initial order. He felt that over a period of time the savings over buying readymade signs would more than pay for the machine and recommended that it be purchased since it is in the current budget.
Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt to purchase the new sign machine and the necessary sign blanks. Motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
The sick leave allowances for City employees were discussed. The City Manager stated that he felt the Council should be aware of how much the sick leave costs the City per year, and that the employees should be conscious of the fact that this is a fringe benefit and be encouraged not to abuse it.
Orem's Lions Club submitted an application for a license to conduct dances on the Orem City tennis court. The application has been approved by the Police with the stipulation that noise is controlled and the Police Department be notified two days in advance so that the dances may be policed. City Manager Wengreen also suggested that they start the dances early so that they would be over by 10:00 or 10:30 since this is close to a residential area. E. E. Twitchell, representing the Lions Club, stated that he had had calls from several combo groups since the July 24 celebration asking if it would be possible to have more dances of this type. He stated that the Lion's Club plans to do some improving on the pavilion and felt that this might be a way to get financial help and also help the young people to have some wholesome recreation. When asked if the Lions would be agreeable to the three stipulations, Mr. Twitchell answered that they want police protection and that they will do all they can regarding the noise and time. City attorney Wentz stated that they should follow the dance ordinance carefully.
Motion was made by Dixon Larson, seconded by Paul Washburn, to approve the application for the Lions Club to obtain a license for dances on the tennis court with the three stipulations of Police protection, time and noise. Motion passed unanimously.
W. S. Simmons, operator of the Tiki Lounge, was present to ask for approval of a cabaret license and also to get an extension of the Fred Morton beer license for one week. Attorney Wentz stated that they could not transfer the beer license to Mr. Simmons. However, Mr. Simmons stated that Mr. Morton had left town and left someone in charge to run the tavern in his absence. It was felt that since Mr. Morton had left someone to run the tavern for him, they would wait one more week to see if Mr. Morton returns and at that time they will take action on the beer license.
Motion was made by Paul Washburn to approve the cabaret license for the Tiki Lounge. Motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
Attorney Wentz had copies of the revised beer and cabaret license ordinances. He had been asked to change the dates so that both beer and cabaret licenses would have the same due date. Also a provision had been added wherein a refund can be given. It was felt that there should be a minimum time stated so that the City would be protected from refunding licensed after short periods of time. Several ideas were discussed as to how this should be handled and it was felt that the best way might be to give people a choice of buying a beer or cabaret license on a quarterly basis or for a full year. If a person buys a license on a quarterly basis, a ten percent premium should be charged in addition to allow for the extra bookkeeping, etc., required. The quarterly licenses would be issued at the discretion of the Council.
Motion was made by Dixon Larson to amend the beer and cabaret license ordinances so that at the discretion of the Council a license could be issued for a minimum of one quarter plus a ten percent premium for quarterly licenses. Refunds could be made for any full quarters less the ten percent penalty. Motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.
The Chamber of Commerce met with the Council in their regular monthly meeting. The following ideas were discussed:
1. The need for a development corporation in Orem. President Winston Crawford asked that a Councilman be appointed to work with Richard Stone on this matter. The purpose of the development corporation would be to make funds available to encourage business to come into our area.
2. Utah Valley Trade Fair will be held October 6, 7, and 8 at BYU. Tentative plans for the trade fair were discussed.
3. Mr. Crawford asked about the possibility of remodeling the shed on the Taylor Farm for storing the float, Christmas decorations, etc.
4. Suggestions for Christmas activities were discussed. Mr. Crawford asked that the Council be thinking about what kind of program they would like to have.
5. The Chamber of Commerce wants to go on record as favoring the continuing efforts to obtain a civic center. They stated that they want to help and do anything they can to see this move ahead.
6. Mr. Crawford reported that there had been comments on the Neighborhood Youth Corps group. They reported that they felt the Neighborhood Youth Corps boys were working without proper supervision.
7. Mr. Crawford stated that the report had been made that in a recent fire the Fire Department was not using foam and he wondered if they are not equipped with it. Harley Gillman reported that the Fire Department is now equipped to use foam when it is needed.
8. The Chamber of Commerce budget request for the current year was discussed. City Manager Wengreen stated that $1,000 has been budgeted which is the same amount as was budgeted last year.
Motion was made by3Paul Washburn to authorize City Manager Wengreen to pay $836.00 to UVIDA. Motion was seconded by Ellis Rasmussen and passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen mentioned that Thursday at noon will be the Chamber of Commerce membership meeting at which time Richard Benson from UVIDA will be the speaker.
Mr. Washburn reported that the Stratton Fruit Growers would like a line from the river to the Golf Course property. The possibility of using river water to water the cemetery instead of culinary water was explored. However, the cost to run such a line to the cemetery would be $6,500. The committee did not feel that the City could justify such a cost. In addition to this, it would cost Strattons $10,500 to get the water from the cemetery to their property. The committee made a recommendation that the City attempt to lease the Stratton Fruit Growers the Taylor and Terry Farms for $10, 00 per acre for the Golf Course and lease the agricultural land for $25.00 per acre with one share of Murdock water and provide water for the Golf Course at the rate of $5.00 per acre foot. The City will also provide labor for the water line if the Strattons will furnish the pipe.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to advise Herbert Stratton that the City cannot help with a water line now because they cannot justify the expense to the cemetery, to offer the Taylor and Terry Farms on a reasonable lease for a three year period at the rate of $1.00 per year with the farm land at the regular price. Motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to authorize the Mayor to contact Carl Clegg to act as United Nations Day chairman or as an alternate to contact Melvin Briggs. Motion was seconded by Ellis Rasmussen and passed.
Expense accounts for the Mayor and Councilmen were discussed. Mayor Mangum said he feels there should be enough to cover expenses when Councilmen are required to go on special assignments. City Manager Wengreen stated this had been discussed earlier in the year and it was decided that the Councilmen should be allowed up to $10.00 per month expenses.
This would not include any special schools or conventions that they were required to attend. Motion was made by Dixon Larson to continue to allow a reasonable expense account for conventions with monthly allowances payable at the end of the year and allow the Mayor $50.00 per month. Motion was seconded by Stanley Leavitt and passed unanimously.
Mayor Mangum stated that on weekends he sometimes receives calls from citizens who need a service of the City. He asked if the City Manager could make some sort of arrangement wherein one person could be assigned to be responsible for receiving such calls, in the Manager's absence.
City Manager Wengreen had a claim from Leon Frazier for James and Louise Hone. Mr. Wengreen said that this matter has been investigated and he doesn't feel there is any cause for the claim against the City. Motion was made by Dixon Larson to refuse the claim. Motion was seconded by Harley Gillman and passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen presented bids for a mover for cutting weeds along City streets:
Ferguson Tractor Agency, Spanish Fork $590.00
Cal & Paul's Tractor Co., Pleasant Grove 565.00
The City Manager stated that this is not in the budget and funds would have to be transferred from the contingency. The Councilmen felt that since it is so late in the season, this could be postponed. Motion was made by Paul Washburn that the City Manager contact farmers or those who may have a mower and determine how much it would cost to have this work done and report back at the next Council meeting. Motion was seconded by Ellis Rasmussen and passed.
City Manager Wengreen read a letter from Attorneys Skeen and Skeen regarding the Dean Park matter.
Engineer George Adamson reported on the MB street sweeper. He stated that he had talked with the Texas State Department of Highways and they are well pleased with theirs. He also reported' that he, the City Manager, and Eph Twitchell are going to Ogden tomorrow to observe the operation of an MB street sweeper.
The sewer line on 1200 South was discussed as to whether or not the City should charge the subdivider the whole connection fee and then let him collect from people on the south side of the street at such time as they connect on or if the City should participate on a 50%, basis and charge connection fees as the area develops. Assistant Engineer Kocherhans recommended that half the total cost be charged to the subdivider. Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept the recommendation of Mr. Kocherhans and require the subdivider to pay half the cost. Motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.
Utah Municipal League convention will be held September 8, 9, 10 in Salt Lake City. National League of Cities Convention: will be held in Las Vegas December 2 to 7. Motion was made by Harley Gillman to disregard the invitation to the National League of Cities Convention. Motion was seconded by Stanley Leavitt and passed unanimously.