126 North Payne Street636-271-1400
Pacific, Missouri63069 Fax 636-271-1406
Dr. Ed Hillhouse, SuperintendentDr. Terri A. Parks, Assistant Superintendent Ms. Ms. Joël Cracchiolo, Business Manager Dr.Jeremy Way, Assistant Superintendent
April 7, 2017
Beginning on Thursday, April 20,2017, your child will be participating in the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) End-of-Course Assessments. MVR-III staff and students have worked hard all year on teaching and learning to ultimately prepare all students for college and career readiness.
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with general information about the upcoming MAP assessments, and to inform you of the district's testing schedule. Please make every attempt to ensure that your child is present during anticipated testing dates/times and that he/she is prepared for testing.
General Information about the Missouri Assessment Program EOC Assessments
TheMissouriAssessmentProgram (MAP)End-of-Course (EOC) Assessmentsevaluatestudents’progresstoward the Missouri Learning Standards. The EOC Assessments provide important information that contributes to decisions concerning individual students, groups of students, and educational programs. EOC Assessments are taken when a student has received instruction on the Missouri Learning Standards for a specific course, regardless of grade level.
Teachers and staff have been preparingyour childthroughout the year to master the content they need to be successful in their specific coursesthrough daily teaching, learning, and feedback. Your child will be asked to “show what they know” on the MAP EOCAssessmentsthroughtwotypesof questions/items:
- Selected Response (also known as multiple choice) items are composed of a question followed by a series of possible responses. Students must select the correct response or responses.
- Performance Tasks/Events allow students to work through more complicated items using real-world scenarios.
After testing, your child will receive an Individual Student Report that will give you information about his or her achievement in terms of the contentand skillsassessedbythe MAP EOC Assessment. Like last year, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)has indicated that Individual Student Reports will be availableto local districts sometime in August 2017. Your child’s school will update you regarding the expected date to receive your child’s Individual Student Report. DESE publishes a Guide to Interpreting Results (GIR) that provides additional detail about the content of the Individual Student Reports. The GIR for the Spring 2017 MAP EOC Assessments is available on the DESE website at
The 2017MVR-III SpringAssessment Calendar overview has been attached to this letter. Individual testing schedules will be sent directly to you from your child’s school. For specific testing questions related to your child’s building testing schedule, please contact your child’s counselor (School Testing Coordinator),or the building administrator. If you need further assistance please call the District Assessment Coordinator, Quinn Flexsenhar, at 636-271-1414, or myself.
Please remind your child to give their best effort and to make themselves, you, and MVR-III proud~
Dr. Terri A. Parks
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Professional Development
“Together We Make A Difference In Doing What’s Best For Kids”