MEPI Local Grants Program Project Narrative

The Project Narrative provides detailed information about your proposed project. Your responses to the questions below will be used to determine if your application will be considered for funding as a MEPI Local Grant. Your responses should provide a clear and concise description of your project. The Project Narrative document must not exceed a total of ten (10) pages. If selected for funding, you will have the opportunity to work with the grants management staff of one of the U.S. Department of State’s MEPI Regional Offices to create a more detailed statement of work.

Organization Name:

Organization Point of Contact: Please include name, title, email address, and phone number.


Project Title:

Please list the cities that your project will target:

Which MEPI Key Objective(s) does this project respond to? Select all that apply.

☐1. Develop and promote locally-designed solutions to locally identified environmental, economic or social problems.

☐2. Foster inclusive economic growth that reaches marginalized communities, youth, and women.

☐3. Encourage citizens’ engagement in participatory governance and decision makers’ willingness to work with citizen groups and civil society organizations.

☐4. Work towards gender parity as primary and secondary focus.

☐5. Increase youth engagement in meaningful economic and civic activities.

☐6. Foster innovative approaches and solutions.

☐7. Increase civil society’s representation of the needs of citizens through collective action on the local level.

Which Priority Area (as listed in the PSI) does your project respond to?

Project Focus (the “what”):

What will your project use MEPI funding for?

In no more than 350 words, please provide a basic description of what you plan to work on.

Problem Statement (the “why”):

What issue will your project address? Please provide background information identifying what the problem is, including examples, research or other evidence as available. For this section, it is important to be specific about what aspects of a potentially bigger problem your project will address. For example, if your project focuses on women’s rights, your problem statement might focus on women’s political participation, or combating domestic violence, for instance. This section should be no more than 400 words.


Why is this problem important to solve? Please explain. In other words, what will be the consequence if the issue is not solved? This section should be no more than 300 words.

Project Approach (the “how”):

Please describe how you plan to implement this project. Who do you plan to work with? For example, will you work with partner organizations, local government offices, etc.? Please be specific. Will you focus on one geographic area at a time, or have multiple ongoing locations for implementation? This section should be no more than 400 words.

What will success look like?

What result(s) do you intend to achieve through this project? At the end of a successful project, what will you have to show? How will you know whether you have achieved the desired result(s), and how will you ensure that you can demonstrate evidence of success? Please include a list of each project goal and number them (1, 2, 3, etc.). This section should be no more than 400 words.

How will you do it?

Please complete the table below outlining all planned project activities with a corresponding timeline. Please identify target completion dates for each activity. We understand that these dates are estimates and may be subject to change. Please add additional lines to the table as needed. In the first column labeled “Goal,” please list any/all of your project goals (as you have identified and numbered in the section above) that correspond to each activity. Please see the first line in the table below as an example.

Project Activity Timeline
Goal # (As listed in section above. Include all that apply.) / Activity Name/Description / Activity Location / Target Completion Date (MM/YYYY)
1. Prepare citizens for available jobs.
3. Increase # of women employed in textile sector. / Ex.:
Activity 1. Technical training for textile industry.
We will hold 3 trainings in 3 different locations to train 100 people per training. At least 30 participants per training will be women. / Ex.:
Training 1: City X
Training 2: City Y
Training 3: City Z / Ex.:
Training 1: 03/2018
Training 2: 06/2018
Training 3: 11/2018

General Information:

1.  Who are the direct beneficiaries of your project?

2.  How many months will it take to complete this project?

3.  What is your organization’s mission? (200 words maximum.)

4.  When was your organization founded?

5.  Is your organization registered under applicable law in your country?

☐Yes ☐No

6.  Do you have partner organizations working with you on this project?

☐Yes ☐No

a)  If yes, please list the name(s) of your partner organizations what they will do.

7.  Does your organization have a DUNs number?

☐Yes ☐No ☐ I do not know what this is.

a)  If yes, please list your DUNS number below.

8.  Does your organization have a NCAGE number?

☐Yes ☐No ☐ I do not know what this is.

a)  If yes, please list your NCAGE number below.

9.  Does your organization have a Registration?

☐Yes ☐No ☐ I do not know what this is.

10.  Has your organization received financial assistance from US government and/or other donors in the past?

Yes / No

a)  If yes, please list past donors with corresponding information as indicated in this table: (Please add additional rows as needed.)

Donor / Funding Amount (USD) / Year Issued / Duration of Project (# of months) / Brief Description of Project (1-2 sentences)

11.  Does your organization anticipate receiving future financial assistance from other donors?

a)  If yes, please list past donors with corresponding information as indicated in this table: (Please add additional rows as needed.)

Donor / Expected Funding Amount (USD) / Expected Date (MM/YYY) / Approximate Duration of Project / Brief Description of Project (1-2 sentences)

12.  Has your organization been convicted of a felony criminal violation under a U.S. Federal law within the preceding 24 months?

Yes / No

Information for Applicant: Branding

All materials produced under a MEPI award, including training materials, materials for recipients or materials to communicate or promote with foreign audiences a program, event, project, or some other activity under this agreement, must be marked appropriately with the standard U.S. flag in a size and prominence equal to (or greater than) any other logo or identity, AND with the standard MEPI logo (to be provided for use). Sub-recipients and subsequent tier sub-award agreements are also subject to the marking requirements.

The following are potential exceptions:

·  Where a clear identification with the U.S. government or the U.S. flag would create a demonstrable security threat to the U.S. government, its personnel, partners, the program participants or beneficiaries, or the program or venue of the activity.

·  Where a clear identification with the U.S. government or the U.S. flag would undermine the objectives of the activity.

Will you be able to comply with the branding requirements for your project if it were to be funded under the MEPI Local Grants Program?

If not, what would be the reason(s) for requesting a waiver?

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MEPI Local Grant Application – Project Narrative November 27, 2017, Vs 1.3