Nortrax 32 92 19.13
190 David Manchester Road MECHANICAL SEEDING
16 May 2014 Page 5
/ .1 Section specifies:
.1 Materials, preparation and installation for mechanical seeding.
.2 Related requirements:
.1 Section 32 91 19.13 - Topsoil Placement and Grading.
/ .1 Payment for seeding will be made at unit price bid per square metre of actual surface measurements taken and computed by Contract Administrator. Areas of blending into existing turf grass will not be measured for payment.
.2 Two equal payments shall be made:
.1 50% at the time of completion of the seeding operation;
.2 50% at the end of the Maintenance and Warranty period provided all applied seed and mulch has been properly maintained and unacceptable seed has been properly replaced.
/ .1 Product Data:
.1 Submit product data in accordance with Section [013300 - Submittal Procedures].
.2 Provide product data for:
.1 Seed.
.2 Fertilizer.
/ .1 Test Reports: certified test reports showing compliance with specified performance characteristics and physical properties.
.2 Certificates: product certificates signed by manufacturer certifying materials comply with specified performance characteristics and criteria and physical requirements.
.3 Pre-Installation Meetings: Conduct pre-installation meeting to verify project requirements, installation instructions and warranty requirements.
/ .1 Schedule completion of work immediately prior to hydraulic mulching.
/ .1 Separate and recycle waste materials in accordance with Section [017419 - Construction Waste Management And Disposal].
.2 Divert unused fertilizer from landfill to official hazardous material collections site approved by Contract Administrator.
.3 Do not dispose of unused fertilizer into sewer systems, into lakes, streams, onto ground or in locations where it will pose health or environmental hazard.
/ .1 Canada "Certified" seed, "Canada No. 1 Lawn Grass Mixture" in accordance with Government of Canada "Seeds Act" and "Seeds Regulations".
.1 Grass seed mixture.
.1 Kentucky Bluegrass ‘alene’ 30%
.2 Kentucky Bluegrass ‘kenblue’ 30%
.3 Perennial Ryegrass 20%
.4 Creeping Red Fescue ‘boreal’ 10%
.5 Creeping Red Fescue ‘rose’ 10%
.2 In packages individually labeled in accordance with "Seeds Regulations" and indicating name of supplier.
/ .1 The wetland seed mixture will be ‘Naturalized Wetland Mixture’ as manufactured by OSC Seeds, P.O. Box 7, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 3Z6 (519-886-0557).
.2 In packages individually labeled in accordance with "Seeds Regulations" and indicating name of supplier.
/ .1 Potable, free of impurities that would inhibit germination and growth.
.2 Supplied from a designated source.
/ .1 To Canada "Fertilizers Act" and "Fertilizers Regulations".
.2 In packages individually labeled by manufacturer clearly indicating mass and analysis.
.3 Adjust fertilizer type as per soil test recommendations.
/ .1 Do not perform work under adverse field conditions as determined by Contract Administrator.
.2 Remove and dispose of weeds; debris; stones 50 mm in diameter and larger; soil contaminated by oil, gasoline and other deleterious materials in location as directed by Contract Administrator.
/ .1 Seeding operations shall only be carried within the following periods, where soil humidity allows germination and growth:
.1 Spring period: May 1 to June 15
.2 Fall period: August 15 to October 31
/ .1 Verify that grades are correct. If discrepancies occur, notify Contract Administrator and do not commence work until instructed.
.2 Fine grade surface free of humps and hollows to smooth, even grade to elevations indicated, surface draining naturally.
.3 Cultivate fine grade approved by Contract Administrator to 50 mm depth immediately prior to seeding.
/ .1 For mechanical seeding:
.1 Use "Brillion" type mechanical landscape seeder which accurately places seed at specified depth and rate and rolls in single operation.
.2 Use equipment and method acceptable to Contract Administrator.
.2 For manual seeding:
.1 Use "Cyclone" type manually operated seeder.
.2 Use manually operated, water ballast, landscaping type, smooth steel drum roller. Ballast as directed by Contract Administrator.
.3 Use equipment and method acceptable to Contract Administrator.
.3 On cultivated surfaces, sow seed uniformly at rate of:
.1 2.5 kg/ 100 m² lawn grass mixture.
.4 Blend applications 300 mm into adjacent grass areas or previous applications to form uniform surfaces.
.5 Sow half of required amount of seed in one direction and remainder at right angles as applicable.
.6 Incorporate seed by light raking in cross directions.
.7 Consolidate mechanically seeded areas by rolling area if soil conditions warrant or if directed by Contract Administrator with approved equipment immediately after seeding.
.8 Fertilize at rate of:
.1 3.5 kg/100 m².
.9 Water seeded areas immediately with a fine spray to moisten the bed to a depth of not less than 50 mm.
/ .1 The duration of the Maintenance Period shall be 6 months beginning immediately following the seeding operation. The duration of the maintenance period shall be suspended during the winter dormant period, from October 30 to May 1 of the following year.
.2 Perform following operations from time of seed application until acceptance by Contract Administrator:
.1 Water seeded area to maintain optimum soil moisture level for germination and continued growth of grass. Control watering to prevent washouts.
.2 Repair and reseed dead or bare spots to allow establishment of seed prior to acceptance.
.3 Cut grass to 50 mm whenever it reaches height of 70 mm. Remove clippings which will smother grass.
.4 Fertilize seeded areas after first cutting in accordance with fertilizing program. Spread half of required amount of fertilizer in one direction and remainder at right angles and water in well.
.5 Control weeds by mechanical or chemical means utilizing acceptable integrated pest management practices. Pesticide control is to be in accordance with the City of Ottawa’s “Pesticide Policy” and all amendments.
.6 Contractor to maintain erosion control measures until the vegetative cover is established and accepted by the Contract Administrator.
.3 All completed work will be inspected by the Contract Administrator until the end of the maintenance and warranty period. Inspections will be held at the end of 30, 60 and 90-day periods following the seeding operation. A final inspection will be held at the end of the maintenance and warranty period. No inspections will be held during the winter dormant period or when the site conditions prohibit a visual inspection.
.1 At the 30-day inspection within the seeded area:
.1 Germination of the nurse crop shall be visually evident in a uniform 100% cover.
.2 At the 60-day inspection within the seeded area:
.1 The nurse crop shall be at mature height in a uniform 100% cover;
.2 Germination of the specified, primary seed species shall be visually evident in a uniform cover;
.3 There shall not be any significant bare areas, both in terms of quantity and size;
.4 Non-seeded, non-specified vegetation shall not exceed 20% of the seeded area.
.3 At the 90-day inspection within the seeded area:
.1 The permanent seed species shall be at an average height of 50mm in a uniform 100% cover, representative of the specified, permanent seed mixes;
.2 There shall not be any significant bare areas;
.3 Non-seeded, non-specified vegetation shall not exceed 20% of the seeded area.
/ .1 At the end of the Maintenance and Warranty Period (six months after the completion of the seeding operations) seeded areas will be accepted by Contract Administrator provided that:
.1 Areas are uniformly established and turf is free of rutted, eroded, bare or dead spots and free of weeds.
.2 Areas have been cut at least twice.
.3 Areas have been fertilized.
.4 The permanent seed species shall be at an average height of 50mm in a uniform 100% cover, representative of the specified, permanent seed mixes;
.5 Non-seeded, non-specified vegetation shall not exceed 20% of the seeded area.
.2 Areas seeded in fall will be accepted in following spring, one month after start of growing season provided acceptance conditions are fulfilled.
.3 If the completed work does not meet the performance criteria for seeded areas as specified above, the Contract Administrator will notify the Contractor in writing and the Contractor shall re-apply the specified materials in conformance with this section within 14 calendar days of receiving written notification.
.4 If the Contractor cannot apply or re-apply the seed and mulch due to site conditions or for any other reason, the Contractor shall maintain the site and control erosion until conditions permit application of the seed.
5. All replaced seed shall be subject to a further six month maintenance and warranty period.
/ .1 Upon completion of installation, remove surplus materials, rubbish, tools and equipment barriers.