Meoncross School

Scholarship Application Form

Admission in September 2018

Please read the scholarships brochure thoroughly prior to completing this form.
Applicants for all scholarships to complete this page:

Full name / Current school
Date of birth / Year of entry e.g. Year 7

Please confirm the scholarship(s) being applied for (applicants may apply for more than one award):

7+ (Year 3) / 11+ (Year 7) / 13+ (Year 9)
Performing Arts
Art and Design

Details of two referees to support this application. Referees should have direct experience of teaching, coaching or training the applicant in their chosen subject(s):

Referee 1:
Email address: / Referee 2:
Email address:

Parent/guardian signature……………………………………………………Date…………………………………………….

Please complete and return to: Holly Dawson, Admissions Manager, Burnt House Lane, Stubbington, PO14 2EF or .

The closing date for all applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 13 December 2017.

Music Scholarship

Eligibility details:

Please give details of bands, choirs, orchestras etc. that the candidate is currently involved in:
Please give details of grades achieved:

Assessment details:

Piece one* - please state title and composer: / Please state chosen instrument/voice:
Piece two* - please state title and composer: / Please state chosen instrument/voice:

*Any musical accompaniment (sheet music, CD or MP3) must be submitted at least three days in advance. Clips/accompaniment are to be delivered either on a memory stick or emailed to .

Performing Arts Scholarship

Eligibility details:

Please give details of performing arts that the candidate is currently involved in:

Assessment details:

Tick three chosen elements
A one-minute dance solo choreographed by the candidate in their own chosen style. / Please state style of dance and title/composer of music track to be used.
A memorised monologue (maximum of two minutes) from a modern book, play or musical, with incorporated appropriate voice and movement.** / Title and name of playwright/author.
A performance of an extract from a musical theatre song of the candidate’s choice demonstrating vocal range.** / Please state title/composer.
A performance to show ability of an improvised response to a piece of music.
An improvised response to a drama scenario.

**A typed copy of the audition pieces should be attached to this form and brought to the audition.

Sports Scholarship

Eligibility details:

Please tick / Please give details of level achieved
Other (please state)
Other (please state)
Other (please state)
Other (please state)
Other (please state)

Please state the two sports you are using to support your application (one must be from the list of primary sports at Meoncross School; the second can be any sporting activity pursued by the applicant):