Classroom Conduct and Class Participation

Students are expected to come to class on time, with all necessary materials, and prepared to work. “On time” means that all students are in their seats and ready to begin the day’s work when the bell rings. As a standard rule, students are not allowed to leave the classroom during class without a hall pass, and the hall pass is only for emergencies. I expect you to use the toilet facilities, run errands and to see your boyfriend/girlfriend between classes, on your time.


  1. Come to class prepared - prepared to pay attention and to participate. You are responsible for your own learning. Do not do things that will distract you or others from the learning in the class.
  2. Maintain a positive attitude, smile, and try to be happy. Leave the schoolyard melodrama outside the classroom.
  3. Use your time wisely. If you are given time to work on assignments, do it!
  4. Be honest in all matters in this class, and in your life. Honesty builds trust, and trustworthiness feels good and is worth its weight in gold.
  5. Keep in mind that words do hurt. Rudeness, foul language or foul gestures are never tolerated. Be respectful, and you will be respected.
  6. Do not touch anything that is not yours without asking permission first.
  7. Do not do anything that may harm another person, or the property of another person.
  8. Do not bring cell phones, I-Pods, electronic games or other distracting devices to class. These will be confiscated and turned in to the deans.
  9. Treat this classroom, as well as the entire school, like your home. – It is, for a great part of your day. Pick up after yourself, help put things away, and keep it neat and clean. This room is where I spend much of my day. I expect that you will treat the room and its contents with respect. Many of the items for your use are my personal property.
  10. In the rare event that a substitute is present, I expect you to be as respectful and cooperative as you are when I am in class. Substitutes will collect all homework and in-class assignments. These assignments will be graded.
  11. ABSOLUTELY NO GUM in this classroom!


  1. Students are expected to actively participate in classroom discussions.

Discussions provide time for students to think through their ideas and to

learn from the ideas of others.

2. Be courteous to others during all discussions. Raising your hand to speak

is not necessary, just wait until the person speaking is finished.

Assignments and Tests

A. Assignments

1. I strongly encourage you to utilize a planner for this course, as well as for your other courses.

2. Written work is due at the beginning of class, so do not plan to finish it during class, or later in the school day. Late work is not acceptable unless you have an excused absence.Please review the policy in the 2017-2018 CCPS code of Student Conduct.

3. Written assignments are to be written in black ink on standard notebook paper, not done on a word processor, on white lined loose-leaf paper (8 ½ x 11) with your name, date and class period in the upper right corner. Assignments turned in on paper torn from a spiral notebook, or on any other type of paper will not be accepted. Use blue or black ink. I will not read assignments written in orange, pastel colors, or any other strangely colored inks. Your work should be done neatly and should follow standard conventions for spelling and grammar. - Take pride in your work. Written work may not be done on a word processor.

5. I will not accept any assignments via e-mail for any reason.

6. Some assigned work will be submitted via Schoology, Noodle Tools and Google Drive.

B.Unit Test and Quiz Requirements

  1. Test dates are listed in the assignment calendar. Quizzes are not announced, but do coincide with the assigned reading pattern. Plan your studying accordingly.

2. The ink rules from above apply to tests. All test essays must be written in blue or black ink. Essays written in pencil will not be scored. Chapter quizzes are generally multiple choice and are done on a Scantron sheet with pencil. If a quiz is in another format, you may use pencil, too.

3. Reading notes for the particular reading assignment be quizzed must be completed in order to take the quiz. If you do not have your notes completed in the proper format, you will not be allowed to take the quiz until they are complete AND you will lose 10 points per day on the quiz for each day that they are not completed and shown to me.

4. Tests may be made up only if you have an excused absence. Please see the 2017-2018 CCPS Code of Student Conduct.

5. Test repair is available on unit tests on which a student scores lower than a 60 % on the test. Students will have an opportunity to repair the test up to a 60%, no higher. Test repair is not available for students scoring higher than 60% on a unit test. Please see below for more details on test repair.