Wednesday,January29, 2014
MENU:Hamburger/Cheeseburger, Chicken Nuggets, Whole Wheat Roll, French Fries, Raw Veggies w/dip, Blushing chilled pears, Fresh orange Wedges, Milk, Chicken Fajita wrap w/chips, Baby Carrots w/dip, Turkey Salad, Chef salad
"Do something good for yourself; do something good for someone else; and make good decisions." Go Arrows!! --Dr. Peasant
The following students need to see Mr. Heath during Homeroom:Nashai Gober, Precious Tucker, Ayanna Henderson, Germanesha Stewart, Colton Kelly, Harvey Sims, Tommie Parkman
SADD has several Arrow Elite Calendars which are available for purchase. These calendars portray Clinton High School students who were selected by the faculty and staff because of their involvement in numerous school activities, extracurricular and community projects, character, and being good role models. The proceeds from the sale of Arrow Elite Calendars will go toward Clinton High School's donation to Blair Batson Children's Hospital. If each of the fifty students who were honored by the faculty when they were selected to appear on the calendar had purchased a calendar, then we would automatically already have $750.00 toward the goal of this project of $2,250. Unfortunately, this has not happened. Teachers and other students at Clinton High School are encouraged to support Blair Batson Children's Hospital by purchasing calendars. Calendars cost only $15.00 and can be purchased from Mr. Beasley in Room E111. Classrooms could collect money to purchase individual room calendars as one option. Teachers can also use this time as we approach Senior Awards and other honors to see if those we have honored in the past really deserve the honor. Do the students we nominate and honor at Clinton High School really deserve our recognition or do they simply want something to put on their resume or applications? Let's really think about our role models. Who will step up to the plate for Blair Batson Children's Hospital and help SADD make a homerun donation???????????????????????????????????????????????
Remember, it's for the children, now and in the future!
DECAwins big at regional competition! This year our DECA chapter had 8 first place winners, 3 second place winners, 2 third place winners, 1 fourth place winners and 3 sixth place winners. All of the CHS students placed and will advance to the state DECA conference in Feb.
Principles of Business Management - Nikki Pearson - First Place
Retail Merchandising - Emily Mosley - First Place
Hospitality Services - Jastej Pandher and Divya Gosain - First Place
Marketing Communications - Josh Dixon and Jordan Graves - First Place
Sports and Entertainment Marketing - David Zhu and Jana Ibale - First Place
Principles of Marketing - Brady Ruffin - Second Place
Travel and Tourism Marketing - Cara Harrison and Elizabeth Lofton - Second Place
Buying and Merchandising - Shane Manzo and Jasmine Moore - Third Place
- We still have some homecoming t-shirts available. All shirts are $9! Please see Mrs. Prather in W203.
- NHS members: If you missed our monthly meeting this past Wed. Jan. 22, you have untilFriday Jan 31to come by W210 (Darnell) to read and sign the minutes that are posted.
- Beauty and Beau pictures are in! Come by Ms. Tompkins's room (W211) to pick your pictures up.
- NHS Students: There are many opportunities to earn service credits before school, during homeroom, and during 10th period in the next week. As many of you as can need to come sign up for covering books. 10th period work counts as one project, before school and homeroom counts as one if you come 2 days.
- GIRLS VOLLEYBALL CAMP-Interested in gaining skills to play volleyball? Basic skills camp will be heldFeb. 15 1:00-5:30 pm@ the CHS gym. Camp cost is 40$ which includes a Tshirt. Grades 4th through 11th are welcome to come. You do not have to have any previous skills to attend. Forms will be in the front office and in Coach Denson's room in E214. Turn forms into Coach Denson.
- ANCHOR CLUB: If you are interested in buying an Anchor Club t-shirt, see Mrs. Berry or one of the Anchor officers. Shirts are $10, and you can choose from two designs thanks to Khoula Saleem and Carly Melton!
- CHS Parents- The CHS PTO has fallen far short of our goal for participation in our membership drive and Unfundraiser. If you have not joined the PTO or made your Unfundraiser donation, please consider helping us by sending a $30 check to the school made out to CHS PTO. Please place the check in an envelope marked CHS PTO. Your membership dues of $5 and your $25 Unfundraiser donation will be used to support PTO events through the rest of the year. Thanks!
- ANCHOR CLUB: There are several service projects posted outside Mrs. Berry's room. Stop by if you still need your service credit for this semester!
The Music Department at Tougaloo College has set an audition date ofFriday, January 31, 2014, to hear prospective Music Majors for Scholarship Auditions. Auditions will be held in the Bennie G. Thompson Auditorium.Any students interested in meeting our Faculty and auditioning to contact me to schedule a time:
Dr. Brenda Wilder
Assistant Professor of Music
Visual and Performing Arts
Tougaloo College
There will be a recruiting event at Hinds Community College onFriday, February 7th, we will host the third annualEagle Experience. Eagle Experience is for seniors interested in exploring all that Hinds has to offer. It will be great time to learn about college admissions, scholarships, financial aid, majors, residence halls, and student life. Seniors will also be able to take a tour of campus, enjoy food and prizes, and visit with instructors from all six Hinds locations.
The event is come and go from8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noonatMayo Gym in Raymond, MS.
Register online at
Sigma Nu Fraternity here at Mississippi State University is are offering one $500 scholarship to one high school senior male attending Mississippi State in the fall of 2013. We look for the winner of our “Freshman Leadership Scholarship” to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in the classroom and show his involvement in his community through extracurricular activities and leadership positions. It should be noted that one does not need to be interested in fraternity to win this scholarship as membership is not required to win.The due date to mail in the application isApril 11th, 2014. Application forms are in the guidance office.
We are having our “Be a Student For a Day” days coming up in January and February! It is a great way for high school seniors to find out what it is like to be a real Delta State student. Seniors will choose one of our student days, which are listed below, to visit Delta State for a fun-filled day with real-time class experience, Q&A sessions, a campus tour, a campus tour, lunch in the cafeteria and student panels. Plus, we’ll give them a Fear the Okra t-shirt! It is going to be a great time!
These are the dates of our days:
February 4
February 6
February 10
February 14
Register on our website:
If you are a senior interested in LSU there will be a Spring Invitation ProgramApril 9-11. For more information visit their website:.
Seniors remember to fill out the FASFA form/application online at:. Priority deadlines for financialaidat universities inMississippi most often fall between March 1 and April 1, so meeting the earlydeadlinesensures that students have access to themostfinancialaid.
Get2College with Private and Public Scholarships!Visit: Go to Students/Parents and select the Scholarship link.
TupeloElvis Fan Club Scholarship:($5,000-1stplace, $2,000-1stAlternate, $1,000-2ndAlternate) for three musically talented MS 2014 graduates. Students can visit: come by the counseling office or call Diane Whitt at 662-542-0138 for more information. Entries are due byFebruary 15, 2014.
The consulting firm of AES Engineers is committed to continuing its support of higher education by providing scholarships to deserving students.
To be eligible the student needs to answer one of the essay questions that they will find on our site at
We are offering a scholarship that will be awarded on the basis of character, as determined by evaluating the essays that are submitted.
Amount of award:$500.00
Deadline for entry:October 6, 2014
Further information, including previous winners, is available on our web site at: