Mental Health - Drugs and Alcohol

Sandra Adrianne Pena

Concordia University

Community Health

MPH 584

Dr. K. Brodie

March 29, 2014


Mental Health - Drugs and Alcohol

  1. Define mental health and the use of DSM -IV-TR.

DSM -IV-TR stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision it is published by the American Psychiatric Association and it represents the best current thinking on the diagnosis and classification of mental disorders but not in all cases describes the cause of these disorders. One example of criteria required for classification is age – some disorders begin in infancy while others manifest in adulthood.

  1. Define the term deinstitutionalization and list and discuss the propelling forces that brought it forth.

Deinstitutionalization has been used to describe the discharging of thousands of patient from state-owned mental hospitals and the resettling and maintaining of these discharged persons in less restrictive community settings. It began in the 1950s and continued through the 1980s and was not something that was preplanned rather it was something that occurred because of a half century of four forces that included social, economic, legal, and use of antipsychotic drugs.

  1. List and describe 3 basic approaches to mental health services.

Psychotherapy is the act or process of talking out issues it investigated thought, moods, feelings, and behaviors in an attempt to find the core of the issue and find a solution to the problem (MayoClinic, n.d.)

Psychopharmacological therapy this is dual therapy the use of medications such as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and psychotherapy which can be a psychologist or psychotherapist

Self-help support groups this could be likened to AA, NA or other similar groups where people go and remain in safe positive environment where it is okay to talk about problems or concerns and have a supportive audience.

  1. Describe the trends of alcohol and other drug use across the lifespan in the USA.

The issue of drug and alcohol abuse is and always will be a forever issue in adolescent years and young adulthood I feel like alcohol is overdone because it is something that is new to most people something that they haven’t had opportunities to indulge in in the past. Then as a person gets older it will likely tapper off and then as older years come individuals are coping with empty nest retirement and possibly end-of life issues that alcohol consumption might increase

  1. Cite an example of an effective community health program for drug abuse prevention.

I believe the drug-free campaign is a great example of a community based program to combat drug use. It makes school areas and after school centers an absolute zero tolerance area for drug use and trafficking making consequences much more substantial than in other areas (Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools [OSDFS], 2013)

  1. Create an outline of available health care delivery settings, across the lifespan, and the role they play in meeting the Healthy People 2020 objective for access to health services.
  2. Identify the components of the Affordable Care Act and the significance to community health programs and services.

The ACAs goal is to provide health care for all, ,who ‘all’ is, is still being discussed as the issue of illegal immigration and if ‘all” will include people that are in the country illegally but the ACA is putting more pressure to create and maintain successful community based programs that will alter health behaviors and habits that will decrease the need for substantial secondary and tertiary care provided by hospitals (Abrams, Nuzum, Mika, & Lawlor, 2011)

  1. Identify and describe the following: Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, CDHPs

Medicare is typically insurance for people over the age of 65 it is provided by the federal government. People who pay taxes pay into medicare with every paycheck

Medicaid is a type of insurance that is typically for persons that can be described as low income.

CHIP is a health insurance program specifically for children and it provider free or low cost health coverage for more than 7 million children up to age 19 (InsureKidsNow.Gov, 2012)

CDHPs stands for Consumer-directed health plan, there are several different kinds of plans some can be individual and some have to be paired with group plans that are from employers

There are multiple types of health care providers available in the healthcare system. Discuss the following:
a. What is the evidence to support the use of allopathic vs. osteopathic providers? Is there a difference in approach or outcomes?

First it is important to know the difference between the two Allopathic is typically considered to be an alternative form a medicine.

Osteopathics are D.O.s which is an alternative to being an MD but they are licensed to practice medicine and surgery in all 50 of the US states.
I think it is based off of personal preference I personally would not go to a allopathic for anything serious because I do not believe that acupuncture is going to cure a necrotic appendicitis.

b. Is insurance reimbursement possible for CAM providers? What is the evidence to support this use, based on patient outcomes (provide an example).

I think that this is a very controversial topic because I don’t know what medical benefit a acupuncturist is and what the point of stimulating my qi is however I believe that a good chiropractor and message therapists are essential to the healthcare team and does great things for patient experience pain.

This past week I have been in FEMA training and I will walk away with immense amounts of new knowledge, but one of the most relevant things that we have discussed is the rule of three. It means that at all times we will have three people that are knowledgeable and trained in at least two other rolls this is important in case a disaster should take place and a person in charge or a person in a lead role is unavailable for any number of reasons. I know that this isn’t exactly what the questions is asking because it is referring to more of a healthcare roll than a government roll. But my class has also addressed this as it is estimated that we will have a shortage of 200,000 nurses in the next five years. The reasons for this were that new requirements have been made that state that NPs will be required to have a doctorate degree as of 2015. We all know that NPs make more money and is a more stable/flexible position to have so people are leaving besides nursing left and right. I believe that hospitals need to take a proactive role in improving employee satisfaction and less emphasis on patient satisfaction (but that will never happen) if they have any hope of employee retention. Also it shouldn’t be an act of congress to get paid what you are worth. So many organizations are set on paying people the minimum possible that it should be no surprise that employee turnover is huge.


Abrams, M., Nuzum, R., Mika, S., & Lawlor, G. (2011). Realizing Health Reform’s Potential How the Affordable Care Act Will Strengthen Primary Care and Benefit Patients, Providers, and Payers. Retrieved from

InsureKidsNow.Gov. (2012). What is CHIP? Retrieved from

MayoClinic . (n.d.). Psychothearpy. Retrieved from

Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools . (2013). Archived Information . Retrieved from