Mental Illness Awareness
Brochure or Information Booklet
Mental illness is a serious societal issue. As many as 1 in 4 people suffer or will suffer at some point in their life from a mental illness. Due to the lack of public awareness of mental illnesses, many people who are suffering go untreated or are incorrectly diagnosed for many years before they receive the treatment they need. The only way to stop the stigma or stereotypes about mental health is through education.
Your assignment is to create a Mental Heath Brochure on a chosen mental illness to educate the public about your chosen topic. Your brochure should be designed to be displayed in a doctor’s office, hospital or school to educate the public about the causes, symptoms and treatments of mental illness.
Your goal is to research and create a trifold brochure on one of the following mental illnesses/disorders:
1. Agoraphobia
2. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
3. Panic Disorder
4. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
5. Bipolar Disorder
6. Schizophrenia
7. Anorexia
8. Binge eating disorder
9. Behavioral Addiction
10. Substance Abuse/Dependence
11. Major Depressive Disorder
12. Narcissism
13. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
14. Attention Deficit Disorder
15. Tourette Syndrome
16. Social Anxiety Disorder
17. Alzheimer’s Disease
18. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
19. Neurosis
20. Paranoid Personality Disorder
21. Dissociative Identity Disorder
22. Separation Anxiety Disorder
23. Seasonal affective Disorder
24. Germaphobia
25. Antisocial Personality Disorder
26. Borderline Personality Disorder
27. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
28. Phobia
29. Seasonal Affective Disorder
30. Post-partum Depression
If there is an illness or topic that is not listed, you are welcome to research that topic. Please check with me first before you begin your research.
Your brochure should include graphics, related statistics and be visually attractive. It must answer or address the following issues on your chosen mental illness:
o What is the characterization or definition of your mental illness?
o How many people are affected by your mental illness?
o What factors contribute or cause the development of your mental illness?
o How can someone tell if they have your mental illness?
o What treatments exist to treat your mental illness? What treatments or combination of treatments are most effective? Please provide a description of each treatment.
o How can people get help for the treatment of your mental illness?
o What resources are available to help gain knowledge about your mental illness?
The following are a list of resources that you can use to guide your research of your topic:
o Canadian Mental Health Association:
o Depression and Anxiety Disorders:
o Depression:
o Centre for Mental Health and Addiction (CAMH)
o Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Disorders:
o National Institute of Mental Health:
Your booklet or brochure must contain a bibliography, sourcing your research in APA format. Your brochure must be typed and produced using computer software.
Mental Illness Awareness Brochure
Achievement Category / Level 150-59% / Level 2
60-69% / Level 3
70-79% / Level 4
/25 / -Brochure addresses 2-3 of the outlined research questions thoroughly, including the causes, symptoms & treatment of your chosen mental illness. / -Brochure addresses 3-4 of the outlined research questions thoroughly, including the causes, symptoms & treatment of your chosen mental illness. / -Brochure addresses 4-6 of the outlined research questions thoroughly, including the causes, symptoms & treatment of your chosen mental illness. / -Brochure addresses all 7 of the outlined research questions thoroughly, including the causes, symptoms & treatment of your chosen mental illness.
/25 / -Ability to take information from various sources and critically analyze it with a limited degree of accuracy to find the most accurate research on your chosen mental illness.
-Information is inappropriate for the indented audience. / -Ability to take information from various sources and somewhat critically analyze it to find the most accurate research on your chosen mental illness.
-Information is somewhat appropriate for the indented audience. / -Ability to take information from various sources and critically analyze it to find the most accurate research on your chosen mental illness.
-Information is appropriate for the indented audience. / -Ability to take information from various sources and critically analyze it with a high degree of accuracy to find the most accurate research on your chosen mental illness.
-Information is appropriate for the indented audience.
/25 / -Brochure includes no graphics on your topic.
-Brochure contains no related statistics on your topic.
-Brochure is not visually attractive and would not appeal to your intended audience. / -Brochure includes between 1-2 graphics on your topic.
-Brochure contains no related statistics on your topic.
-Brochure is somewhat visually attractive and would appeal to your intended audience. / -Brochure includes between 2-3 graphics on your topic.
-Brochure contains at 1-2 related statistics on your topic.
-Brochure is visually attractive and would appeal to your intended audience. / -Brochure includes between 3-5 graphics on your topic.
-Brochure contains at least 2-3 related statistics on your topic.
-Brochure is visually attractive and would appeal to your intended audience.
/25 / -Research is not cited using APA format. / -Research is cited using APA format in bibliography format. Some errors made. / -Research is cited using APA format in bibliography format. Few errors are made. / -Research is cited using APA format in bibliography format. No errors are made.