701 North Martin Street ∙ P.O. Box 158 ∙ Winton, North Carolina 27986 ∙ Phone (252)358-1761 ∙ FAX (252) 358-4745
Hertford County Public Schools MUST approve the private summer reading program in advance of the student receiving the services.
The North Carolina law states that if a third grade student is not reading at grade level by the end of third grade, he/she will have to repeat the third grade or attend a free, district-sponsored reading camp. As outlined in the law, the reading camp must provide a minimum of six weeks, four days per week, and at least three hours each day of reading instruction. In the Read to Achieve Guidebook, it includes that if a parent decides that the student will attend a private summer reading program, the LEA must approve the private program in advance of the student receiving the private services. The parent MUST provide documentation to the LEA after the private services has been completed. Any funding for the private services is the full responsibility of the parent.
If you are seeking approval, you must adhere to the below descriptions. The private program MUST be approved in advance of the student receiving services.
___ Offer the reading program for six weeks, four days per week, at least three hours per day on reading instruction.
___ Submit a description of the summer reading program along with this form to HCPS Central Office by June 16 th for approval.
___ Complete the Read to Achieve Public Private Partnership Verification Form in its entirety (include a receipt and the dates of service), have the parent sign, and then submit to Summer Programs Administrator by July 28th in order for the student to take the Read to Achieve Test.
___ Communicate to the parent that the child will not be able to continue the Read to Achieve Portfolio in the private setting. The student can take the Read to Achieve Test to demonstrate proficiency and meet a good cause exemption on July 28, 2014 at the assigned site.
Contact Person:
Phone number and email:
Address of Vendor:
The status of your request will be sent via email by June 27th.