Mental Disorders Quiz
Topics in Psychology / Name: ______
Date: ______
Hour: ______

Directions: Match the letter of the corresponding example or characteristic in the right column with the mental disorder in the left column.

Disorder /

Example / Characteristic

  1. __I___ General Anxiety Disorder
/ A. Jimmy washes his hands over 40 times a day, which is sometimes called “ritual cleansing” even though he knows it is illogical.
  1. __C___ Phobic Disorder
/ B. Samson is terrified to face his boss after he ruined a huge sale, and wakes up without the ability to walk. Yet, he remains calm.
  1. ___N__ Bipolar Disorder
/ C. Genie is dreadfully afraid of snakes – so much so she can’t even look at them when she goes to the zoo.
  1. ___K__ Catatonic Schizophrenia
/ D. John Nash has hallucinations, delusions that he is an extremely important CIA spy, and paranoia that the Soviets are always watching him.
  1. __M___ Hypochondriasis
/ E. Hubert seems to have dealt with unbearable trauma by forgetting large parts of his life, such as his family, friends, and career, and suddenly traveled by train to Missouri.
  1. __O___ Major Depressive Disorder
/ F. Beth has a disorder characterized by sudden feelings of extreme fear, pending death, and chest pains.
  1. __L___ Remissive Schizophrenia
/ G. Ivan witnessed a car bomb explosion in Afghanistan that killed 3 members of his family. He has recurring nightmares and flashbacks to the explosion.
  1. __B___ Conversion Disorder
/ H. Alberto cannot remember anything about his family or career. He cannot explain his sudden forgetting.
  1. __J___ Dissociative Identity Disorder
/ I. Barbara feels consistent worry and stress throughout her day without any apparent cause.
  1. __F___ Panic Disorder
/ J. Since childhood, Peter has created and maintained over a dozen different personalities, each with different names, interests, heart rates, and behaviors.
  1. __H___ Dissociative Amnesia
/ K. Frankie has a form of schizophrenia in which he sometimes reverts to a paralyzed, statue-like state.
  1. ___A__ Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
/ L. Rick was diagnosed with schizophrenia two years ago, but now, no doctor would know the difference if it wasn’t in his file.
  1. ___E__ Dissociative Fugue
/ M. Jenny can’t help but think of any minor illness as a potential fatal disease. Because of this, she spends a lot of time in hospitals getting 2nd opinions.
  1. __G___ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
/ N. Toby shifts between impulsive, high-energy periods and periods of major depression.
  1. ___D__ Paranoid Schizophrenia
/ O. This disorder is characterized by lethargy, loss of motivation and ambition for jobs and hobbies that once had meaning, and sometimes suicidal thoughts.