Name: Adam Gillies

Degree studying/studied:

MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering


Employer: Alba Ultrasound Ltd

Why did you choose to Study EEE at Strathclyde?

I was aware of the excellent reputation of the Department in regards to engineering and in addressing needs of Industry through leading edge research, resulting in multiple spin-off companies that address an area of Industry related to EEE.

What did you enjoy most at Strathclyde?

The best part of my university experience was meeting a broad range of people throughout my course (students and lecturers). Another enjoyable aspect was the actual learning process which is made as painless as possible in the Department, with ample opportunities to receive help during tutorial sessions and effective coursework assignments that help with learning as well as exams.

What other activities did you get involved in at Strathclyde?

There are multiple opportunities to get involved in various clubs and activities; personally I was involved in multiple charitable organisations in my first two years of study as well as getting involved in the EEE Society, which organises events for the students in the Department, in my later years of study.

What are you doing now?

After finishing my degree I decided to continue my further education by undertaking an Engineering Doctorate Programme (EngD) with the Research Centre for Non-Destructive Evaluation (RCNDE). An EngD is much like a traditional PhD but focuses the research to address a specific industry need and is completed with backing from a University in partnership with an Industrial sponsor.

The EngD I have undertaken is backed by the University of Strathclyde, Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering (CUE) Department, and sponsored by Alba Ultrasound Ltd, an Ultrasonic transducer manufacturer based in Glasgow. I chose to pursue an EngD in Ultrasonics as I enjoyed the previous work undertaken throughout my Degree in Ultrasonics through CUE, and saw an opportunity to gain a specialised knowledge and industry experience within ultrasonic’s simultaneously.

Were you awarded with any scholarships whilst at Strathclyde?

I was awarded an IET Power Academy Scholarship in my fourth year of study with Siemens Transmission and Distribution Ltd at their Manchester office. This Scholarship provided an annual bursary, which helped with term-time expenses, and a three month placement during the summer. The summer placement was an excellent experience that provided me the opportunity to apply the knowledge I had gained throughout my degree practically and gave me firsthand knowledge of the Power Industry.

Did you have any other placements while studying for your degree?

I was accepted to carry out research throughout the 2009 summer period, for the Centre of Ultrasonic Engineering (CUE), after completing my third year. This was a great opportunity in that it provided me with invaluable experience of the academic process and allowed me to obtain experience with different computer modelling programmes and complex equipment, which has been essential in my chosen career.

“I was aware of the excellent reputation of the Department in regards to engineering and in addressing needs of Industry.”