MenaPay System JAN 2017

  • Settings

1.  New features:

·  New option was added (This Loan Type Depends on Salary Scale Set Up) to loan rules screen in financial setup to make the loan transaction depends on the setup existing in the salary scale loan setup.

·  Adding the ability to assign each investment request (join plan request, update plan request, exit plan request) to workflow based on the plan types in the workflow assign page.

·  New field was added (Sender Description) for each module setup in SMTP setup page to determine the sender description per module.

·  Added a new option ‘Access to Executive Employees’ in the ‘Managers Permission’ page to allow the Managers to make the same transactions on the executive employees.

2.  Enhancement:

·  Now any file attached to a workflow by the workflow committee can be viewed in the ‘Workflow Screening’ page.

  • Employees

1.  Enhancement:

·  Now the executive employees can be set as direct managers by only writing their employee code for users whom don’t have access to executive employees.

·  Added a new popup next to the options (Notify HR Officer... Days Before Residence Is Expired, Notify HR Officer ... Days Before Fellow Residence is Expired, Notify The HR Officer ... Days Before the Exit/Entry Expired) in the ‘Residence setup’ to allow these notification e-mails to be sent to a selected committee along with the HR Officer on a company level.

  • Workforce management

1.  New features:

·  New option was added (Lower Limit for Leave Hours per Day) in Leave Rules to prevent any leave transaction that is less than the leave lower limit.

·  New validation was added upon posting the change transactions to prevent posting them if the transaction date is in a future date also affect on (MSS-change transaction, ESS-change financial data- bank) .

·  New validation was added upon saving the change transaction to prevent saving them if the transaction date is in previous date and the salaries are posted also affect on (MSS-change transaction, ESS-change financial data- bank) .

·  Added a new button called ‘Sick Vacation Reasons’ to the ‘Sick Vacation Code’ in the ‘Leave Management Setup’ page to add a predefined set of sick vacation reasons to be chosen from the ESS and MSS

·  Added the multi-select “Prevent This Leave in” in the Leave Rules, to prevent the employees to take leave request in specific day.

·  A new option was added ‘Notify Employee Upon Posting Leave Adjustment Transactions’ in the ‘Leave Management Setup’ page to notify the employee that a day has been subtracted from his/her vacation balance if a leave has been rounded and has deducted a day or more.

·  Added a new screen ‘Remote Transactions Screening’ to view the transactions that occurred from the ‘Remote Transactions Entry’ page from MSS.

  • Extra modules

1.  New features:

·  Added the items ‘Contract End Date, Mobile Number, P.O. Box, Zip (Postal) Code, Housing Accruals – Amount, Housing Accruals – Calculation Method, Housing Accruals – Housing Repetition, Step, Shift Code, Social Security Type, Employee Age’ in the ‘Merge Letter Templates’ page.

·  Three new filters were added; Contract Type, Nationality and Citizen in the ‘Merge Letters Report’ page.

·  Added a new column ‘Del’ in the ‘Plan Withdrawal/Deposit’ page to delete a set of selected plans in one action.

·  Added a new popup ‘Children Marital Status Constraints’ in the ‘Air Tickets Setup’ page to set constraints based on Marital Status of the children.

2.  Enhancement:

·  Now, other income transactions resulted from the Investment Plan module cannot be deleted from the ‘Other Income transaction’.

  • Reports

1.  New features:

·  New column was added (Effective Date) to the workflow report to show the effective date of the transactions.

·  New filter was added (Relevance) to previous experience report showing the employees experience with relevance.

·  New filter was added (Transaction Entry User) to employee transactions report to retrieve the transactions related to the selected user.

·  New sort option was added (Transaction Entry User Name) to the employees transactions report to be sorted by user name.

·  Added a new item ‘Sick Vacation Reason’ in the ‘Report Generator’ page.

·  Added a new field ‘Font Size’ in the ‘Special Salary Report’ page to change the font size of the report.

·  Added a new item ‘Loan Cash Payment’ in the ‘Report Generator’ page under the ‘Employee Transactions’ source.

·  Added a new filter ‘Bank’ in the ‘Classified Salary Report’ page.

2.  Enhancement:

·  New button was added (Export) beside save button in most reports to export the reports to an Excel sheet.

·  Now the column (Deduct from Company Contribution SS) in the STB Report is affected by the retroactive salary raises.

  • MenaME

1.  Enhancement :

·  Added a new item ‘Attachment’ in the ‘Workflow Cycle’ page for any workflow committee member to attach a file to any request sent to them and any member of the committee can view the attachments.

·  New order for the committee in the workflow cycle when changing the direct manager from the change location request and the option ‘Include the Direct Manager in Cycle’ was enabled in the ‘Workflow Template Setup’, the WF will be sent to the old direct managers then the new direct managers.

·  Now the managers that have permissions on their subordinates can view the executive employees with early outs in the ‘Analyze Employees Attendance’ page.

  • MenaTA

1.  New Features:

·  New option was added (Off day Symbol in Roster) to work shift setup page to accept numbers and letters or combination of both to consider it as Day off.

·  New option was added (Exclude the shift from Convert Remaining Vacation Hours to Vacation Adjustment When Vacation Hours Are More Than Required Working Hours) to work shift setup to convert remaining vacation hours to vacation adjustment when vacation hours are more than required working hours.

·  Added a new report ‘Monthly Time Sheet’ report to view the attendance of the employees in a period of a month or less in the form of prefixes.

  • Kuwait Country Profile

·  Now the Execution and renewal dates should be viewed instead of the hiring date in the job contract form.

·  Annual leave section now takes the new balance not the current balance for the employee from the employee’s new balance in Vacation Balances.

·  Now the ‘Job Contract Form’ located in the ‘Job Contract’ page is updated to the latest design along with the ability to print out the form in both English and Arabic with limited and unlimited contracts.

  • Egypt Country Profile:

·  New page was added (Import Social Security Salary) to update social security salary screen for importing the Social Security (fixed and dynamic).

  • Lebanon Country profile:

·  New option was added (Family Allowance Full Amount is Deserved if Working Days Are Greater Than or Equal To) to family setup page to pay the family allowance either in full or zero based on the number of the worked days.

·  New option was added (Taxable) to non-payroll benefits setup in financial setup in order to include the tax for the non-payroll benefits within the salaries.

·  A new option “The ESI Will Be Calculated in the STB Accumulative Provision Report on” was added to the ‘System Parameters’ page.

·  Modified labels (ESI Provision (became) ESI Open Balance, Open Balance (became) Provision Open Balance, etc.) in the ‘STB Accumulative Provision’ report.

·  The fields ‘ESI Open Balance’ and ‘Provision Open Balance’ were added in the ‘Financial Options’ page.

·  A new field “STB Adjustment” was added in the ‘Voucher Templates’ page under the ‘Provision’ category.

  • Gulf Region:

·  New page was added (Job Title in Residence) to personnel setup in order for the user to a set of pre-defined values and uses them in employee’s residence page.

·  New option was added (Deduct Health Insurance) into In Advance settlement calculation screen.

·  New options were added (health insurance –employee, health insurance –company) to In-Advance Settlement Report and voucher template to view the health insurance deducted within the settlement calculation.

·  New item was added (National code/Residence No) to details popup in banks files setup page to be shown in the Export bank report.

·  New filter was added (Government Classification) to special salary report to retrieve all the employees linked with the selected type.

·  New option was added (Automatically Add New Hired Employees To Housing Accruals) to housing accruals screen in the system parameters page to assigning the housing accruals to the newly hired employees automatically.

·  Added a new field ‘Vacation Transaction Affects Balance Up Until __ Days’ in ‘Vacation rules’ popup to check the balance for the whole period of the unpaid since the employee gain a balance within these days.

·  Now pay the Other Income and Other Deductions in the In Advance Vacation settlement if the vacation starts and ends in the same month, and end before the cut of date.

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