Oncology Nursing Society

New York City Chapter

Board Meeting

Date of Meeting April 22, 2008 / Present: Denise O’Dea, Nancy Houlihan, Susan Moore, Karen DeVries, Liz Rodriguez, Geri Boyle, Mary Pilossoph
Absent: Terri Yannaco, Mary Schoen, Sarah Jones, Maureen Bland, Kristen Cawley
Place of Meeting: 161 E53rd St 11 Floor conference room
Call to order / Minutes accepted from January 29, 2008 / No unfinished business.
Officers Reports
Past President Report
(Mary Pilossoph) / 1-Mary Discussed the LDI Memorial Scholarship and how to make members aware and get contributions.
·  Discussion on how to keep scholarship going. Possible highlight yearly.
·  Need to find out how to get the money and decide who will be the applicants for the fund.
2- Grant $ for Breast Project-Education for Jewish woman in a specific community in Brooklyn.
·  Do we have obligation to report to national?
·  Discussion regarding original application for this grant and how it came to be a chapter project. What is our commitment to the money? How will we get enough volunteers? / 1- Mary will bring flyers to chapter dinner in June. First she will look into cost of making brochures and report back.
·  May might be good during nurses week. LDI is in October. Can make section of website for donations.
·  Karen to work on developing criteria, and application process.
2- Mary discussed that the project is in the early stages and they are working on “train the trainers” to work within this community. Mary will contact the Bikur Cholim to help personalize the program.
·  Mary will send report to national although she does not believe that there is official reporting for this grant money.
·  Mary has reached out to Staten Island Chapter for volunteers to aid in this project. Mary reports that an opportunity for this grant arose and she took the opportunity for the chapter to get involved. Volunteer services will start this summer. Mary will reach out to students if she is unable to get volunteers within the chapter.
President (Liz Rodriguez) / ·  Revlon Run/Walk needs volunteers. CancerCare is reaching out to our chapter for volunteers.
·  E-mail sent to membership. / ·  Discussed that it may be difficult since institutions have their own teams. Will continue to encourage volunteers to participate with CancerCare.
·  No responses to e-mail thus far.
Nominating Chair (Karen DeVries) / ·  Discussed Grants for ONS. 2 people applied only one granted award, other person not eligible.
·  Discussion regarding “re-working” grants / ·  Letter was sent. Mary needs to mail check to winner Paula Absolon
·  Need to think outside the box. New ideas for using these funds. Need an action plan for July.
Treasurer’s Report (Mary Schoen) / Current Balance:
·  $12,643 as of April minus $4,500 allocated for grant.
·  $500 sent to ONS foundation
·  Megan Dunne donated back 50/50 winnings to chapter. / ·  Details to come on separate page in future.
·  Donation for 2nd Quarter.
·  Thank you Megan.
Membership Report (Geri) / ·  Geri Presented a slide presentation designed to make all board embers aware of the goals objectives and plans for Membership Committee and ambassador program.
·  Discussion regarding wearing name tags at meetings.
·  Budget for the new members welcome packet.
·  Update brochure to include “Who referred you?”
·  Geri reports laptop is not working so well. May need to consider the future of our data storage and workable space. Laptop not likely to hold up. / ·  We need to bring new members to the committee.
·  Board decided it was OK to purchase name tags.
·  Folders are needed. Elizabeth agrees that folders for budget are OK.
·  Geri to add to the brochure.
·  Denise will bring problem and laptop to her husband for evaluation and recommendations.

Programs Update (Kristen)

/ Past Programs for 2008
February 13, 2008 “Pep Up Your Practice”, presented by Liz Rodriguez
March No Meeting
April 14, 2008 – Susan Rothkee presenting Renal Cancer; at Tribeca Grill. Sponsored by Pfizer
Future Programs for 2008
June 14, 2008 Vento Restaurant Health Policy Advocacy Program
September 2008 TBA / Kristen will need volunteers to help at next meeting.
Secretary (Denise) / Nothing to report / Will distribute minutes of this meeting.
Director-at-large (Nancy) / Discussion regarding programs. We need to find a way to keep track of attendance from dinner programs. / We will scan and archive sign in lists in the VC.
Virtual Community (Sarah) / Liz presented for Sarah. Small group met to discuss generating revenue through job postings on VC.
Need to think about how to collect payments. / Advertising proposal Discussed with National. Liz handed out copy of proposal.
Denise will get information about PayPal and report back.
Newsletter / Need reporters from each institution.
Next newsletter to include presenters at ONS. / Reach out in institutions.
1:1 invitations to get involved in newsletter.
Future Events for “Parking Lot” / 25 Year Anniversary 2009 / Think about a party!!
Next meeting / July 22, 2008 6-7pm / 161 E53rd St 11 Floor conference room

Minutes: Denise O’Dea

Date: 06/23/08