Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
2011-2012Title II Report/State Annual Report
Submitted April 30, 2013
Section I. Program information
Institution/program type: / TCheck if your institution is a member of a Teacher Quality Enhancement (TQE) partnership grant: / N
TQE partnership name or grant number, if applicable: ( max characters 128 ) / NA
Admission requirements
UG-Initial / PG-Initial / UG-All prep Programs / PG - All prep programsTranscript / Y / Y / Y / Y
Fingerprint check / N / N / N / N
Background check / N / N / N / N
Minimum number of courses/credits/semester hours completed / Y / Y / Y / Y
Median GPA / N / N / N / N
Minimum GPA / Y / Y / Y / Y
Minimum GPA in content area coursework / N / N / N / N
Minimum GPA in professional education coursework / N / N / N / N
Minimum ACT score / N / N / N / N
Minimum SAT score / Y / N / Y / N
Minimum basic skills test score / N / N / N / Y
Subject area/academic content test or other subject matter verification / N / N / N / N
Recommendation(s) / Y / Y / Y / Y
Essay or personal statement / Y / Y / Y / Y
Interview / N / N / N / N
Other / N / N / Y / Y
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Only / All Educator Preparation ProgramsTotal number of students enrolled / 517 / 839
Unduplicated number of males enrolled / 98 / 186
Unduplicated number of females enrolled / 419 / 653
Number of students who opted not to disclose gender / 0 / 0
Student faculty ratio / 17 / 28
Ethnicity undisclosed by Student / 27 / 27
Hispanic/Latino of any race / 7 / 13
American Indian or Alaska Native / 1 / 2
Asian / 1 / 2
Black or African American / 2 / 7
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander / 0 / 0
White / 481 / 788
Two or more races / 5 / 7
Race undisclosed by Student / 27 / 33
Total full-time equivalent of faculty and staff / 12 / 37
Unduplicated number of males faculty and staff / 5 / 14
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Only / All Educator Preparation Programs
Unduplicated number of females faculty and staff / 7 / 16
Number of faculty who opted not to disclose gender / 0 / 0
Ethnicity undisclosed by faculty / 0 / 0
Hispanic/Latino of any race / 0 / 0
American Indian or Alaska Native / 0 / 1
Asian / 0 / 0
Black or African American / 1 / 2
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander / 0 / 0
White / 11 / 22
Two or more races / 0 / 0
Race undisclosed by faculty / 0 / 0
Practicum Information
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Only / All Educator Preparation ProgramsAverage number of clock hours required by your program prior to the practicum (i.e., Pre-practicum hours in a classroom setting) / 131 / 127
Average number of clock hours required by your program for the practicum (i.e., Practicum or Practicum Equivalent) / 300 / 300
Number of full-time equivalent faculty in supervising clinical experience during this academic year / 15 / 3
Number of full-time equivalent adjunct faculty supervising clinical experience during this academic year (IHE and PreK-12 staff, including the Program Supervisor) / 0 / 0
Number of students in supervised clinical experience during this academic year (including both Practicum and Practicum Equivalent and Pre-practicum / 413 / 289
Average hours/ week practicum / 35 / 35
Average number weeks for practicum / 15 / 15
Average number clock hours required for mentoring/induction support / 0 / 0
Please provide any additional information about or description of the supervised clinical experiences / NA
Section II. Goals and Assurances
Goals for 2012-2013
Upcoming year goal #1: Identify an improvement goal for your organization's educator preparation programs / Identify an improvement goal for your organization's educator preparation programs.Increase passage rates for Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure content tests.
Upcoming year goal #2: Identify an improvement goal for your organization's educator preparation programs / Identify an improvement goal for your organization's educator preparation programs
Identify at-risk candidates and provide a retention program that includes MTEL preparation.
Upcoming year goal #3: Identify an improvement goal for your organization's educator preparation programs / Identify an improvement goal for your organization's educator preparation programs
Include Extended Campus more extensively in Unit data collection and analysis
Prior year goal #1 / NA
Prior year goal #2 / NA
Prior year goal #3 / NA
Describe your organization's progress on prior year goal #1 / NA
Describe your organization's progress on prior year goal #2 / NA
Describe your organization's progress on prior year goal #3 / NA
Change #1 / An Onsite Immersion course for early childhood, elementary, middle school and special education was developed and will be fully implemented during 2011-2012. This three-mornings a week field experience will provide more opportunity for honing instructional and management skills prior to practicum. / 08
Change #2 / New methods courses for Middle School Education were developed that focused more on the theory, brain research, and developmental complexities of teaching and managing young adolescents. Previously these candidates had taken methods course in the secondary program. / 07
Change #3 / We re-designed the Moderate Disabilities, 5-12, which had been eliminated from the undergraduate programs of study and had it re-established through governance. / 07
Program Completers
Number of Program Completers / If zero, describe strategy for increasing enrollmentAcademic: Administrator Principal/Assistant Principal 9-12 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 20 / NA
Academic: Administrator Principal/Assistant Principal 5-8 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 7 / NA
Academic: Administrator Principal/Assistant Principal PreK-6 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 5 / NA
Academic: Administrator Supervisor/Director All Levels Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 2 / NA
Academic: Professional Support Personnel School Guidance Counselor 5-12 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 15 / NA
Academic: Professional Support Personnel School Guidance Counselor PreK-8 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 7 / NA
Academic: Teacher Early Childhood: Students with and without Disabilities PreK-2 Initial Baccalaureate / 19 / NA
Academic: Teacher Early Childhood: Students with and without Disabilities PreK-2 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 5 / NA
Academic: Teacher Early Childhood: Students with and without Disabilities PreK-2 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 1 / NA
Academic: Teacher Elementary 1-6 Initial Baccalaureate / 28 / NA
Academic: Teacher Elementary 1-6 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 10 / NA
Academic: Teacher Elementary 1-6 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 3 / NA
Academic: Teacher Library All Levels Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 0 / This program is not currently accepting candidates.
Academic: Teacher English 5-8 Initial Baccalaureate / 1 / NA
Academic: Teacher English 8-12 Initial Baccalaureate / 8 / NA
Academic: Teacher English 8-12 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 1 / NA
Academic: Teacher History 5-8 Initial Baccalaureate / 0 / Recruit in early history courses; provide more in-depth MTEL preparation sessions.
Academic: Teacher History 8-12 Initial Baccalaureate / 11 / NA
Academic: Teacher History 8-12 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 0 / Reach out to partner schools, using principals and mentor teachers; work with Graduate and Continuing Education to develop and launch a marketing campaign
Academic: Teacher Mathematics 5-8 Initial Baccalaureate / 1 / NA
Academic: Teacher Mathematics 8-12 Initial Baccalaureate / 2 / NA
Academic: Teacher Mathematics 8-12 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 0 / We are working with the Mathematics Department to increase mathematics course offerings.
Academic: Teacher Biology 8-12 Initial Baccalaureate / 3 / NA
Academic: Teacher Biology 8-12 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 1 / NA
Academic: Teacher General Science 5-8 Initial Baccalaureate / 1 / NA
Academic: Teacher Moderate Disabilities 5-12 Initial Baccalaureate / 0 / Have current teacher candidates perform recruiting presentations in local schools where the university has an ongoing relationship
Academic: Teacher Moderate Disabilities 5-12 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 10 / NA
Academic: Teacher Moderate Disabilities 5-12 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 1 / NA
Academic: Teacher Moderate Disabilities PreK-8 Initial Baccalaureate / 16 / NA
Academic: Teacher Moderate Disabilities PreK-8 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 15 / NA
Academic: Teacher Moderate Disabilities PreK-8 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 0 / Reach out to partner schools, using principals and mentor teachers; work with Graduate and Continuing Education to develop and launch a marketing campaign
Academic: Teacher Severe Disabilities All Levels Initial Baccalaureate / 0 / Have current teacher candidates perform recruiting presentations in local schools where the university has an ongoing relationship
Academic: Teacher Severe Disabilities All Levels Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 11 / NA
Academic: Teacher Severe Disabilities All Levels Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 0 / Reach out to partner schools, using principals and mentor teachers; work with Graduate and Continuing Education to develop and launch a marketing campaign
Academic: Teacher Middle School Humanities 5-8 Initial Baccalaureate / 1 / NA
Academic: Teacher Middle School Humanities 5-8 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 2 / NA
Academic: Teacher Middle School Humanities 5-8 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 1 / NA
Academic: Teacher Technology/Engineering 5-12 Initial Baccalaureate / 6 / NA
Academic: Teacher Technology/Engineering 5-12 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 3 / NA
Academic: Teacher Technology/Engineering 5-12 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 0 / Reach out to partner schools, using principals and mentor teachers; reach out through Massachusetts Associations in Technology/Engineering Education
Academic: Teacher Middle School Mathematics/Science 5-8 Initial Baccalaureate / 0 / Have current teacher candidates perform recruiting presentations in local schools where the university has an ongoing relationship
Academic: Teacher Middle School Mathematics/Science 5-8 Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 4 / NA
Academic: Teacher Middle School Mathematics/Science 5-8 Professional Post-Baccalaureate / 0 / Reach out to partner schools, using principals and mentor teachers; work with Graduate and Continuing Education to develop and launch a marketing campaign
Academic: Specialist Teacher Reading All Levels Initial Post-Baccalaureate / 10 / NA
What percentage of students is formally admitted into your initial teaching certification programs?
Freshman year / 0
Sophomore year / 32
Junior year / 65
Senior year / 3
Indicate when students are formally admitted into your initial Post-Baccalaureate initial certification program: ( max characters 128 ) / At admission to the post-baccalaureate initial licensure program
Does your initial teacher certification program conditionally admit students? / N
Provide a link to your website where additional information about admissions requirements can be found: ( max characters 128 ) /
Please provide any additional information about or exceptions to the admissions information provided above. ( max characters 256 ) / NA
Goals for number of completers
Goal for number of completers / Goal met / Description of strategies used to achieve goal / Description of steps to improve performance in meeting goal or lessons learned in meeting goalSpecial Education (TOTAL) / 53 / Y / see below / We have obtained three year DESE project to help current moderate SPED teachers (on waivers) obtain preliminary licenses. These individuals, who will take one or two FSU classes, may choose to continue in one of our GR initial licensure programs.
- Moderate Disabilities / 45 / N / Additional MTEL score analysis with subsequent development of math and general curriculum test preparation courses. / see above
- Severe Disabilities / 8 / Y / Additional MTEL score analysis with subsequent development of math and general curriculum test preparation courses. / NA
- Early Childhood (PreK-2) / 22 / Y / MTEL Preparation workshops. Advising sessions tailored to student needs (during advising as well as throughout the academic year / Triangulation of entrance exams to identify those at-risk of not passing MTEL. Candidate and advisor received letter indicating passing could be a challenge; letter provided test prep information. New policy requires those who do not pass to take the prep.
- Speech/Language/ Hearing Disorders / 0 / X / NA / NA
Mathematics (TOTAL) / 1 / Y / Recruitment, support, advising / We have a new secondary mathematics faculty member who will recruit in the Calculus I classes. Have current teacher candidates perform recruiting presentations in local schools where the university has an ongoing relationship
Modern Foreign Languages (TOTAL) / 0 / X / NA / NA
- Spanish / 0 / X / NA / NA
- French / 0 / X / NA / NA
- Chinese / 0 / X / NA / NA
- Portuguese / 0 / X / NA / NA
- Italian / 0 / X / NA / NA
- German / 0 / X / NA / NA
- Latin and/or Classical Humanities / 0 / X / NA / NA
Science (TOTAL) / 5 / Y / Current biology majors offer workshops for high school students where we have mentor teachers / NA
- Biology / 4 / Y / Current biology majors offer workshops for high school students from schools where the M.S./Elem University has mentor teacher / Recruit in early biology, physical science, and earth science courses. Have current teacher candidates perform recruiting presentations in local schools where the university has an ongoing relationship
- Physics / 0 / X / NA / NA
- Chemistry / 0 / N / NA / NA
- Earth Science / 0 / X / NA / NA
- General Science / 1 / N / Education Club/SEAM, MTEL Preparation workshops, advising sessions tailored to student needs / Recruit in early biology, physical science, and earth science courses. Have current teacher candidates perform recruiting presentations in local schools where the university has an ongoing relationship
Reading/ English Language Arts (TOTAL) / 17 / Y / see below / NA
- English/Language Arts / 12 / Y / Recruitment of qualified supervising practitioners. Earlier and additional MTEL. / NA
- Reading / 10 / Y / Summer Practicum, merging research courses, redesigning key assessments to be more reflective of current practices in the field, / NA
ELL/TBE (TOTAL) / 0 / X / NA / NA
- ESL / 0 / X / NA / NA
Provide any additional comments, exceptions and explanations below ( max characters 256 ) / NA
Training provided to prospective teachers responds to the identified needs of the local educational agencies or States where the institution's graduates are likely to teach, based on past hiring and recruitment trends / Y
Training provided to prospective teachers is closely linked with the needs of schools and the instructional decisions new teachers face in the classroom / Y
Prospective special education teachers are prepared in core academic subjects and to instruct in core academic subjects / Y
General education teachers receive training are prepared to provide instruction to children with disabilities / Y
General education teachers receive training are prepared to provide instruction to limited English proficient students / Y
General education teachers receive training are prepared to provide instruction to children from low-income families / Y
Prospective teachers are prepared to effectively teach in urban and rural schools, as applicable / Y
Describe your institution's most successful strategies in meeting the assurances listed above ( max characters 256 ) / Dean of Ed/faculty work closely with constituent groups to identify district needs and evaluate Ed Prep programs. Candidates complete major in content area(s). School partnerships have led to quality field experiences in diverse/low income settings.
Section IV. Statement and Designation as Low-Performing
Is your teacher preparation program currently approved or accredited? / YState / Y
Other / Y
(B) Is your teacher preparation program currently under a designation as low-performing by the state (as per section 207(a) of the HEA of 2008)? / N
Section V. Use of Technology
(A) integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction / Y(B) use technology effectively to collect data to improve teaching and learning / Y
(C) use technology effectively to manage data to improve teaching and learning / Y
(D) use technology effectively to analyze data to improve teaching and learning / Y
Technology ( max characters 256 ) / Technological upgrades across campus which include classroom technology; laptop initiative; virtual library; rubric criterion for assignments includes use of technology across programs; technology integrated into methods courses
Universal Design for Learning ( max characters 256 ) / Two faculty have been trained in UDL; the principles and strategies are explicitly taught in program courses
Section VI. Teacher Training
(A) teach students with disabilities effectively / Y(B) participate as a member of individualized education program teams / Y
(C) teach students who are limited English proficient effectively / Y
(D) teach students with disabilities effectively / Y
(E) participate as a member of individualized education program teams / Y
(F) teach students who are limited English proficient effectively / Y
Our organization does not prepare special education teachers / Y
Provide a description of how your program prepares GENERAL EDUCATION teachers to teach students with disabilities effectively, including training related to participation as a member of individualized education program teams, as defined in section 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act , and to effectively teach students who are limited English proficient. Include planning activities and a timeline if any of the six elements listed above are not currently in place. ( max characters 256 ) / All general education teacher candidates are required to take at least one special education course addressing topics listed above; the above topics are integrated into all education courses; course textbooks are chosen that emphasize these.
Provide a description of how your program prepares SPECIAL EDUCATION teachers to teach students with disabilities effectively, including training related to participation as a member of individualized education program teams, as defined in section 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and to effectively teach students who are limited English proficient. Include planning activities and a timeline if any of the six elements listed above are not currently in place. ( max characters 256 ) / All special education teacher candidates are required to take multiple courses that address all of the above; candidates conduct field experiences, connected to courses, in partner schools that serve these populations.
Section VII. Contextual Information
Please use this space to provide any additional information that describes your teacher preparation program(s). You may also attach information to this report card. The U.S. Department of Education is especially interested in any evaluation plans or interim or final reports that may be available. Please note: If you do not wish to provide additional information or attachments, please enter N/A in the space provided. ( max characters 256 ) / NASection VIII. Certification
Signature / Pamela K. HillName of responsible representative for teacher preparation program / Pamela K. Hill, Ed.D.
Title / Dean of Education
Name of President/Chief Executive (or designee) / Robert V. Antonucci
Title / President