Memorial Jr. High School
Morning Announcements
Good morning Memorial Students and Staff. Today is Tuesday, February 14th. Please stand for the pledge.
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Thank you, you may be seated.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Dennis Habjanec
Guest teachers: Please have a student bring an absence list for your homeroom to the student center by 8:25.
All 8th graders whose study hall is in the old gym today, please report to the new gym.
CANNED FOOD DRIVE UNTIL MARCH 1, 2017! Please bring in any canned food items for our local food bank to Ms. Heitman and Mr. Kaple. You can make a difference! For every 3 cans brought in you will receive an Arc Buck!
It’s Random acts of Kindness week. There will be activities during lunch and special treats for participating students.
Student Council Meets in Room 100 directly after school every Wednesday unless otherwise announced.
Yearbook will meet every Thursday in room 106 unless otherwise announced.
The next PBIS event will be a “Student vs. Staff” basketball game. The game will be on Friday, March 10th.
The criteria for participation are as follows:
1. No OSS
2. No all-day ISS
3. No more than 1 behavior referral Between January 17 and March 10
Attention all seventh grade students interested in attending the Columbus, Ohio field trip: There are still seats available for the trip. If you are interested please see Ms. DiCillo for the information.
The word of the day is: eloquence. Definition: The ease in using language to best effect. Sentence: The eloquence of her address to the student body solidified her election to student council.
Students are expected to only go to your lockers at the beginning of the day, at lunch, and at the end of the school day.
Happy V lenties Day, Memorial!