Memorial Hospital HR: 360

Carthage, Illinois

POLICY TITLE: Grievance Procedure Policy

RECOMMENDED BY: Administration, HR SUPERSEDES: Personnel Pol. #61.00

CONCURRENCE(S): Organization-wide EFFECTIVE DATE: 1989

REVIEWED: 8/96-8/09 REVISED: 6/95, 3/13




To establish a uniform and systematic procedure for employees to address their individual grievances. It is the intent of this policy to outline a mechanism that is easily accessible, fair and allows a voice in resolving the grievances of their fellow employees.

General Information:

Memorial Hospital is committed to assuring the fair treatment of their employees. In any organization, conflicts are likely to arise. On such occasions, employees may feel that they have a just grievance and may want to have specific decisions reviewed by others.

This policy provides for the systematic review of problems by managers who are normally in the position to make prompt and fair decisions.

For the purpose of this policy, a grievance is defined as any specific complaint by an employee concerning discipline received or alleged discrimination or favoritism on the part of that employee’s supervisor.

Any non-management employee who has completed their orientation period, may submit a grievance following the procedure outlined below. Every effort should be made on the part of the employee to resolve the conflict with the Supervisor before formally filing a grievance. Employees are assured freedom from reprisal of any form for using the grievance procedure.


1.  First the problem should be presented and discussed with the immediate Supervisor. This discussion should occur as soon as possible after the employee is aware of the problem.

2.  If a solution can not be reached through this discussion, the employee should complete a grievance form (which is available in the Human Resource Department). This form should be completed as soon as possible after the discussion with the Supervisor and should be given to the Department Manager.

3.  If the grievance can not be resolved at Step 2, the grievance form is given to the appropriate Administrative Vice President and the Human Resource Director may be consulted at this point.

4.  Finally, if the problem still remains unresolved the form is forwarded to the C.E.O., whose decision will be final and binding.

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