November 2003

Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Control Structures / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
A.  Students will be able to:
Apply basic problem solving techniques.
Develop algorithms through the process of top-down, stepwise refinement.
Use the if, if/else, and switch selection structures to choose among alternative actions.
Use the while, do/while, and for repetition structures to execute statements in a program repeatedly.
Use counter-controlled repetition and sentinel-controlled repetition.
Use the increment, decrement, assignment, and logical operators.
Use the break and continue program
control statements. / A.-E. Tests, quizzes, writing assignments, and individual/group projects.
Optional forms of assessment:
Homework, teacher observation in the classroom, oral assessment, performance assessment, and/or boardwork. / C++ How to Program – Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1994
PC Compatible
Borland/Visual C++ environment
Optional Resources:
Teacher resource materials associated with the text.
Computer software applications for classroom demonstration or individual student exploration. / Instructional strategies by the teacher will include:
A.-E. Lecture, demonstration, review.
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Control Structures / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques / Enrichment Strategies / Remediation Strategies / Multicultural/Interdisciplinary
Connection /
Adaptations for students with special instructional needs will be met in accordance with each student’s Individualized Educational Plan.
Adaptations may include but are not limited to extended time on tests and assignments, preferential seating, after school help, or modified homework assignments. / Students may come after school for extra help on a mutually agreed basis between the student and the teacher. / The textbook contains many applications which connect the computer science topics to other fields of study. Likewise, many of the applications involve examples.
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Functions / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
B.  Students will be able to:
Construct programs modularly from small pieces called functions.
Use the common math functions available in the C standard library.
Create new functions.
Pass information between functions.
Apply techniques using random number generation.
Use global and local variables correctly in terms of scope.
Write and use functions that call themselves. / A.-E. Tests, quizzes, writing assignments, and individual/group projects.
Optional forms of assessment:
Homework, teacher observation in the classroom, oral assessment, performance assessment, and/or boardwork. / C++ How to Program – Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1994
PC Compatible
Borland/Visual C++ environment
Optional Resources:
Teacher resource materials associated with the text.
Computer software applications for classroom demonstration or individual student exploration. / Instructional strategies by the teacher will include:
A.-E. Lecture, demonstration, review.
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Functions / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques / Enrichment Strategies / Remediation Strategies / Multicultural/Interdisciplinary
Connection /
Adaptations for students with special instructional needs will be met in accordance with each student’s Individualized Educational Plan.
Adaptations may include but are not limited to extended time on tests and assignments, preferential seating, after school help, or modified homework assignments. / Students may come after school for extra help on a mutually agreed basis between the student and the teacher. / The textbook contains many applications which connect the computer science topics to other fields of study. Likewise, many of the applications involve examples.
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Arrays / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
C.  Students will be able to:
Create and use array data structures to store, sort, and search lists and tables of values.
Declare an array.
Initialize an array.
Refer to individual elements of an array.
Pass arrays to functions.
Use basic sorting techniques.
Declare and manipulate multiple-
subscript arrays. / A.-E. Tests, quizzes, writing assignments, and individual/group projects.
Optional forms of assessment:
Homework, teacher observation in the classroom, oral assessment, performance assessment, and/or boardwork. / C++ How to Program – Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1994
PC Compatible
Borland/Visual C++ environment
Optional Resources:
Teacher resource materials associated with the text.
Computer software applications for classroom demonstration or individual student exploration. / Instructional strategies by the teacher will include:
A.-E. Lecture, demonstration, review.
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Arrays / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques / Enrichment Strategies / Remediation Strategies / Multicultural/Interdisciplinary
Connection /
Adaptations for students with special instructional needs will be met in accordance with each student’s Individualized Educational Plan.
Adaptations may include but are not limited to extended time on tests and assignments, preferential seating, after school help, or modified homework assignments. / Students may come after school for extra help on a mutually agreed basis between the student and the teacher. / The textbook contains many applications which connect the computer science topics to other fields of study. Likewise, many of the applications involve examples.
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Pointers and Strings / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
D.  Students will be able to:
Use pointers.
Use pointers to pass arguments to functions call-by-reference.
Define the close relationship among pointers, arrays, and strings.
Implement pointers to functions.
Declare and use arrays of strings. / A.-E. Tests, quizzes, writing assignments, and individual/group projects.
Optional forms of assessment:
Homework, teacher observation in the classroom, oral assessment, performance assessment, and/or boardwork. / C++ How to Program – Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1994
PC Compatible
Borland/Visual C++ environment
Optional Resources:
Teacher resource materials associated with the text.
Computer software applications for classroom demonstration or individual student exploration. / Instructional strategies by the teacher will include:
A.-E. Lecture, demonstration, review.
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Pointers and Strings / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques / Enrichment Strategies / Remediation Strategies / Multicultural/Interdisciplinary
Connection /
Adaptations for students with special instructional needs will be met in accordance with each student’s Individualized Educational Plan.
Adaptations may include but are not limited to extended time on tests and assignments, preferential seating, after school help, or modified homework assignments. / Students may come after school for extra help on a mutually agreed basis between the student and the teacher. / The textbook contains many applications which connect the computer science topics to other fields of study. Likewise, many of the applications involve examples.
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: E. Classes and Data Abstraction / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
E.  Students will be able to:
Describe the software concepts of encapsulation and data hiding.
Describe the notions of data abstraction and abstract data types (ADTs).
Create C++ ADTs, namely classes.
Create, use, and destroy class objects.
Control access to object data members and member functions.
Describe the value of object orientation.
Create and destroy objects dynamically.
Specify constant objects and constant member functions.
Use and describe the purpose of friend functions and friend classes.
Use static data members and member functions.
Describe the concept of a container class.
Describe the notion of iterator classes that walk through the elements of container classes.
Use the this pointer. / A.-E. Tests, quizzes, writing assignments, and individual/group projects.
Optional forms of assessment:
Homework, teacher observation in the classroom, oral assessment, performance assessment, and/or boardwork. / C++ How to Program – Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1994
PC Compatible
Borland/Visual C++ environment
Optional Resources:
Teacher resource materials associated with the text.
Computer software applications for classroom demonstration or individual student exploration. / Instructional strategies by the teacher will include:
A.-E. Lecture, demonstration, review.
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: E. Classes and Data Abstraction / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: /
Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques / Enrichment Strategies / Remediation Strategies / Multicultural/Interdisciplinary
Connection /
Adaptations for students with special instructional needs will be met in accordance with each student’s Individualized Educational Plan.
Adaptations may include but are not limited to extended time on tests and assignments, preferential seating, after school help, or modified homework assignments. / Students may come after school for extra help on a mutually agreed basis between the student and the teacher. / The textbook contains many applications which connect the computer science topics to other fields of study. Likewise, many of the applications involve examples.
AP Computer Science A / Page 10 - 10 - / November 2003