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I am [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner[ ] Defendant/Respondent
[ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner’s [ ] Defendant/Respondent’s
Attorney (Utah Bar #:______)
In the District Court of Utah
______Judicial District______County
Court Address ______
Defendant/Respondent / Memorandum Opposing Motion to Renew Judgment
[ ] Hearing Requested
Case Number

I say the following about the Motion to Renew Judgment and Supporting Affidavit:

1.I agree completely with everything stated in the following numbered paragraphs of the motion (Write the paragraph number(s) from the motion.):

2.I disagree with all or part of the following numbered paragraphs of the motion (Write the paragraph number(s) from the motion.):

3.[ ]I disagree with the calculation of the amount owed. The amount I owe is:

Amount of judgment
(Original or as last renewed by motion, whichever is later.) / $
Post-judgment interest to the date of this affidavit at ______% per year / $
Fee to file applications for writs of garnishment or writs of execution.
(Attach receipts.) / $
Garnishees’ fees (Attach receipts.) / $
Cost to serve writs (Attach receipts.) / $
Attorney fees (Attach statute or contract showing right to claim attorney fees.) / $
Fee to file Motion to Renew Judgment
(One-half the fee for a civil claim of the same amount.) / $
Subtotal / $
Less payments made / $
Total amount due / $

4.I also say:

5.[ ] I request a hearing.

[ ] I do not request a hearing.

I declare under criminal penalty under the law of Utah that everything stated in this document is true.
Signed at ______(city, and state or country).
Signature ►
Date / Printed Name
Certificate of Service
I certify that I filed with the court and served a copy of this Memorandum Opposing Motion to Renew Judgmenton the following people.
Person’s Name / Method of Service / Served at this Address / Served on this Date
[ ] Mail
[ ] Hand Delivery
[ ] E-filed
[ ] Email (Person agreed to service by email.)
[ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.)
[ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.)
[ ] Mail
[ ] Hand Delivery
[ ] E-filed
[ ] Email (Person agreed to service by email.)
[ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.)
[ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.)
[ ] Mail
[ ] Hand Delivery
[ ] E-filed
[ ] Email (Person agreed to service by email.)
[ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.)
[ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.)
Signature ►
Date / Printed Name
1102DCJ Approved May 21, 2018 / Memorandum Opposing Motion to Renew Judgment / Page 1 of 3