JOB TITLE:Head of Community & Outreach Services

BASE:LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester

HOURS OF WORK:37.5 per week

RESPONSIBLE TO:Director of Care Services


The key elements of the role are:-

  • To ensure the provision of a high standard of care to all patients in each area of responsibility
  • To provide professional leadership and line management for the teams within the sphere of responsibility
  • To review and develop services to meet the needs of service users both at the hospice and in the community, in line with the overall strategic development/direction of LOROS
  • To establish strong professional relationships and networks both internally and externally with relevant stakeholders
  • To deputise for the Director of Care Services as required

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Community Nurse Specialist (CNS)Team (including MND)
  • Co-ordination Centre (Support or Manage if hosted by LOROS)
  • Counselling Service
  • Complementary Therapy Services
  • Lymphoedema Service
  • Home Visiting Service
  • Outreach Services - Community Engagement including LOROS Local, Community Clinics, LOROS Wellbeing Centre(s)


1.1Act at all times as a positive and effective role model

1.2Provide professional leadership and line management for the relevant heads of department and in collaboration with the Director of Strategy & Development, support the teams in reviewing and developing their services

1.3Provide day to day operational support to each area of responsibility and participate in the operational and strategic planning of these services

1.4Support the heads of department to actively manage poor performance and in collaboration with the Human Resources Manager utilise the appropriate policies e.g. disciplinary, grievance etc

1.5Oversee budgets for each area of responsibility supporting the heads of department to manage these effectively, fully utilising current resources and planning as appropriate for any future service developments

1.6Support the heads of department to work collaboratively to ensure adequate administration provision across all departments

1.7Manage/support the Clinical Co-ordination Centre in collaboration with other local providers of palliative and end of life care. Ensure robust data collection processes are in place to enable the impact to be monitored by the Integrated Specialist Palliative Care Alliance

1.8Manage and Support the development of community engagement, helping to implement the strategy including the use of LOROS Local, providing elements of care on the resource as appropriate

1.9Provide clinical oversight in relation to the development and co-ordination of care delivery provision in LOROS wellbeing centre(s)

1.10Manage the provision of outreach clinics in GP practices/Medical Centres across LLR

1.11Support the further development of non cancer service provision at LOROS developing services in line with the organisation’s strategic direction

1.12Support the clinical governance process by ensuring correct policies and procedures are up to date and adhered to and by participating in the clinical audit programme particularly in relation to agreeing and ensuring completion of actions

1.13Support the process for ensuring appropriate evidence is available to meet the CQC domains, helping to familiarise staff with the requirements and support or if necessary co-ordinate an unannounced visit by the CQC

1.14Contribute to the development and review of clinical policies, procedures and guidelines

1.15Support the recruitment process and ongoing development of staff within the relevant departments

1.16Develop links and use opportunities to strengthen relationships between LOROS and other service providers across LLR

1.17In collaboration with the Director of Care Services, Workforce Manager and Human Resources Manager undertake staff utilisation activities and assess workforce needs to ensure effective use of resources and appropriate workforce planning

1.18Working closely with the Head of In Patient & Day Therapy Services actively encourage and promote cross department working to streamline patient care pathways and strengthen internal working relationships

1.19Actively participate and take a lead for appropriate groups and forums within LOROS and externally as required

1.20Act as the LOROS lead on the LLR Integrated EOLC Alliance operational group and feedback appropriately

1.21Ensure clear channels of communication are established and maintained to and from departments and between colleagues to support effective and efficient working practices

1.22Deputise for the Director of Care Services as required and support areas of work as appropriate

1.23Represent LOROS at appropriate local/national conferences and events


2.1Participate in LOROS’s education and training programmes including delivery of mandatory training

2.2Ensure Heads of Department receive relevant continuing training and development, incorporating mandatory training, in accordance with the needs of the service and have an annual appraisal including a personal development plan

2.3Monitor training needs/requirements across departments to enable efficient planning and assist in setting appropriate training budgets to ensure the workforce is developed and remains fit for purpose

2.4Be responsible for own personal development including professional revalidation, keeping up to date with any relevant clinical or political developments pertinent to areas of responsibility

2.5Contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of patient focussed outcome measures

2.6Support the processes for obtaining service user feedback to help develop and improve services

2.7Support the development and ongoing review of LOROS hard copy and electronic patient information for all relevant departments

2.8In collaboration with relevant colleagues, develop and maintain Clinical Competencies for all clinical staff


3.1Encourage all clinical teams to develop and implement research outcomes and audit to demonstrate clinical effectiveness, evidence based healthcare and cost effectiveness, within the framework of Clinical Governance.

3.2Encourage clinical interest audits within areas of responsibility.

3.3Support the heads of department to facilitate change within the service as a result of research and audit.

3.4Participate in defining, developing and implementing National and Local Quality/Professional Standards.


All staff are subject to Equal Opportunities Legislation, the Data Protection Act and LOROS Confidentiality Policy.

To carry out and comply with the prevention and control of infection as per LOROS policies and procedures.

All staff are subject to LOROS policies, procedures and conditions of service, with reference to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.

Co-operate with their employer as far as is necessary to meet the requirements of the legislation.

All staff should be aware of and aim to contribute to LOROS’ Vision and Mission and also strive to exhibit the Values & Behaviours at all times (see attached document).

The contents of this job description are not exhaustive and may be amended in accordance with the needs of the service after discussion with the post holder whose agreement will not be unreasonably withheld.

Signed………………………………………………………… Date…………………………………………


Signed……………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………………..

Line Manager







LOROSspecialisesinholistic,multidisciplinarycare,focusedonthewholepersonandincludingfamilyandcarers.Thecaregiventakesintoaccountthepatients’physical,psychological,socialandspiritualneedsaswellas their ownchoices.Familymembersaresupportedinadjusting tolossandbereavement.




P:\PERSONNEL\Job Descriptions\Director of Care Services Structure\2017\Head of Community & Outreach Services December 2017.doc




in ourattitudeand everything wedo

onpatients,familiesandcarers whilst listening,learningandadaptingtotheirdiverseneeds



withinourorganisation andbyour community

P:\PERSONNEL\Job Descriptions\Director of Care Services Structure\2017\Head of Community & Outreach Services December 2017.doc


No. of individuals receiving patient care from LOROS p.a. / >2,500
Of whom admitted to Inpatient Ward / 590
No. of beds in Inpatient Ward / 31
Average length of stay (days) / 12
No. of participants in LOROS educational activities p.a. / 2,200
No. of employees / 330
No. of regular volunteers / 1,100
Expenditure on patient care p.a. / £7.7M
Minimum amount of income to be raised p.a. / £5.0M / Excludes the activity of LOROS Education, which is a self-funding service.
Portion of expenditure covered by NHS / 1/3rd
Portion of charity costs directed to care services / 91%
Cost per hour of running the charity / £870
Cost per bed/day including “overheads” / £525
Cost per attendance for Day Therapy / £240 / Day therapy now offers support to patients by a much wider range of professionals including physio, occupational and complementary therapists, doctors and chaplaincy.
No. of LOROS Shops / 28
No. of LOROS lottery members / 24,800

LOROS is a registered charity and also a company limited by guarantee which is governed by a Board of up to 15 unpaid voluntary Trustees. It is regulated by the Charity Commission, Companies House and the Care Quality Commission.

All money raised is spent locally in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland.