ACDS 2018AnnualSpringConference
Request for Presenters: a Call for Participation
When:May 7-9, 2018Where: Edmonton, Alberta
Navigating the Journey…to who we are!
The Community Disability Services sector began its voyage a couple of generationsago andtogether we’ve made great progress. Armed with a vision and a mission, we set sail onunchartered waters and have navigated shifting tides, been buoyed by many periods of smooth sailing, and have occasionally been adrift in the fog. The purpose of Spring Conference 2018 is to inspire our teamson the next leg of the journey.
We are looking for conference presentations that focus on the following themes:
Our Journey
- Past successes, current challenges, and future opportunities
- Best and promising practises that balance our mission with our business
- Changing the narrative so that we focus on
- Celebrating a vocation as opposed to keeping a job
- Leveraging our abundance rather than being mired in our scarcity
- Collaborating instead of competing
- Innovating instead of perpetuating the status quo
- Working from proactive instead of reactive mindset
Our Workforce
- Creating conditions for an engaged, resilient, and inspired workforce recognized for its peer support, self-care and emotional intelligence
- Nurturing leadership
- Hiring and retaining people who fit with your mission
Our Possibilities
- Honouring and celebrating the success
- Systemic thinking and design: seeing your role as part of a bigger, wider system
- Asking… What’s Next?
Presentations must be tailoredfor executive leadership, or middle management and/or direct support
Presentations should be practical and result in specific ideas participants can adopt and adapt to their organization
Presentations should strive to be engaging, and encourage discovery through participation
Peer-to-peer learning opportunities are encouraged
Please submit your proposal by January 20, 2018
you will be notifiedof acceptance by February 17
Please include the following in your Submission
For additional Information or to submit your proposal:
Contact 403-250-9495 EXT 234
Presentation Title:
Key Presenter/Contact Person:
Email Address:
Other Presenters and contact information:
Presentation Outline:
Synopsis: (100-150 words to be used in the advertising)
Objectives and Methodology:
Length of session: (choose from: 45 minutes, 1.15 hours, 1.5 hours or 2 hours)
Session Focused for: Executive Leadership, Middle Management, and/or direct support worker
Audio Visual Requirements:
Preferred room setup:
Biographical Information for each presenter:
For additional Information or to submit your proposal:
Contact 403-250-9495 EXT 234
We will be celebrating ACDS’s 45 Anniversary at the event!
Our Mission: The collective voice of our members, advancing excellence and best practises, advocating for effective public policy and championing professional disability services.