Community will empower students with the knowledge that will enable them to be
Competent, Productive and Responsible citizens in our society.
Word: ameliorate (ə mē ΄ lyə rāt ΄ )
Part of Speech: verb
Meaning: make or become better; improve.
Sentence: Stricter control of air pollution ameliorated living conditions on our island.
Gi fino’ Chamorro: adilanta
Attention WILDCATS:
The library is once again please to sponsor the “word of the week”. Students are encouraged to lean each week’s new word to increase their vocabulary. A prize will be given to the first student who correctly identifies all the words of the week each quarter to include the meaning and its Chamorro counterpart. More details will follow. In the mean time tune in to each week’s word.
Attention Everyone:
The next PTO meeting will held on October 5th, 6:00 p.m. and to be held in the library. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Please support our PTO fundraiser by purchasing a Wildcat T-Shirt for $10-$12 (depending on size). T-shirts will be available at the PTO meeting on Oct. 5
Donations such as cleaning supplies, non-skid paint, fans, etc. are still being accepted. Please contact Mr. Mantanoña or Ms. LeAnn Crisostomo, PTO
President. ADMIN
Attention Everyone:
Picture day is schedule for the October 16-19 2006. Schedule and packets will be forthcoming.
Attention EVERYONE:
The library is now requiring students to have a library pass before they can use the library during the lunch periods. Students will not be allowed into the library without a pass signed by a teacher. Please remember to follow library rules when entering the library.
At present, only two of our six computers are working. The rest have a virus and are awaiting repair.
I am presently alone in the library without any clerical assistance; therefore, it is very difficult for me to provide Xerox service for anyone. As I stated earlier, the Xerox machine in the library is primarily for library use and as secondary back up printer for teachers should the main machine in the office malfunctions.
Students may now borrow library books. Books may be borrowed for a two week period. Only two books may be borrowed at a time. Those students wishing to use the “working” computer must have the Student’s Acceptable Use Policy cards signed by their parents and returned to their first period teachers. MR. DAN LEON GUERRERO
Attention 1st Period Teachers
Please turn in a copy of your 1st Period Class - “Student Locker Assignment” form to Mr. Mantanoña.
Attention Teachers:
Regarding your SPED ACCOUNTABILITY Forms (located) in Room 36-CRT Room, you need to sign off on this document that you have reviewed the cum folders or the CRT working files on your students’ Disability Area and Related Services. Please review the BMPs (Behavioral Management Plans) and check if any of your students have been identified ED (Emotional Disability). Remember the Accountability Form is part of your PTEP and will receive a copy that eventually needs to be signed by the principal for clearance.
You have ten (10) school days * to review the cums or working files. Mr. Duane Mantanoña will be dealing with you after the ten days.
The cum folders are located in the Counseling Office and the students working files are in the CRT Office (Room 36). You can use the CRT Room early in the morning 7:30 a.m. or anytime (if there are no meetings) from 8:30 a.m. to 200 p.m. except Fridays (CRT Training Days).
*Review of the documents starts now: Sept. 19th through Oct. 2nd. THANK YOU.
Attention: Teachers
LOTE Consultation Meeting Schedule for October 2006.
DATE / TEAM / MEETING PERIOD / ROOMTues. Oct. 3rd / 7A / 8th / Library
7B / 3rd / 10
8B / 4th / 29
Wed. Oct. 4th / 8C / 2nd / 5
Tues. Oct. 10 / 6B / 7th / 49
6A / 4th / 4
7C / 6th / 52
Wed. Oct. 11 / Reading Teachers / CR / Library
Electives Teachers / 1st / Library
6C / 2nd / T-3
Attention: Teachers
Students are reporting that their lunch application is not being turned into the business office by their teachers. Please make sure the Business Office receives all lunch applications as soon as possible. ADMIN.
Attention Teachers:
If students are late to your class, do not send students to the P.P.O. for tardy passes. Mark them unexcused if reason is not acceptable. MRS. SAN NICOLAS
Attention Teachers
Keeping track of students’ attendance is very important. Please remember to contact parents if their child has accumulated 3 or more unexcused absences. Additionally make sure to fill out on attendance referral so that we can establish truancy. Referral forms may be acquired at the P.P.O. MRS. SAN NICOLAS
Attention Faculty & Staff:
Island Girl Power is sponsoring a jump rope competition in February. They have offered to train two individuals to prepare a group of our students for this competition. Maybe this can be the start of a jump rope club here on our campus! If you are interested in this, please see Marcia Martir or Kit San Nicolas. ADMIN.
Attention New Teachers and Interested Teachers
Reminder: Mini workshop this Friday, Sept. 29th, 7:30 a.m. in the library. Agenda: Second Step. Your presence is needed to carry out this curriculum effectively. Please, please be prompt.
Attention: Everyone
Admin. would like to thank the 20 Teachers and 2 Counselors who attended the Hatsa Presentation yesterday during their lunchtime.
Many changes are forth coming on your PTEP evaluation and the recertification process.