Memo to the File: Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
Development Objective / DO1 (Citizen Confidence in Governance Institutions Increased)Country and/or Operating Unit / Bangladesh
Originating Office / Democracy and Governance
Supplemental Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) / IEE Asia 15-041
Activity Name
Start/End Date / USAID’s Promoting Peace and Justice Program
April 2018 - March2021
Period of IEE Coverage Start/End Date / FY 2012-FY 2020
(End date of IEE Asia 15-041)
Funding Amount / $7,000,000
Activity is within the LOP ceiling of IEE (Asia 15-041)
Award Number / TBD
The purpose of this Memo is to document that this new activity under USAID’s “Promoting Peace and Justice Program” managed by USAID/Bangladesh is covered by Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) - Asia 15-041. The Mission Environmental Officer (MEO) approved this coverage under the referenced IEE, which contains language to allow such activities.The activities fit within the current scope of the IEE- Asia 15-041and associated Threshold Decision. This is a new activity under the Rule of Law program which has similar scope to the existing USAID’s Justice For All program and therefore similar in nature and associated Threshold Decisions (Asia 15-041).
This Memo to the IEE file reflects the following changes to accommodate programmatic needs:
1. The incorporation of this activity under the Mission’s Development Objective (DO1)IEE - Asia 15-041
2. Funding of this activity covered through the funding period of the IEE (Asia 15-041) under the award.
Table 1 provides details of USAID’s Promoting Peace and Justice (PPJ) Program and the associated threshold decisions covered under this program and Table 2 provides details of climate risk management plan of the program.
Table 1.Associated threshold decisions covered under this memorandum.
Project/Activity / Types of Activities with Environmental Implications / Threshold Determination / RemarksUSAID’s Promoting Peace and Justice (PPJ) Program
April 2018 - March2021
Award Number:
This activity will be covered by IEE Asia 15-041 as long as it is valid (FY 2020)
A further IEE is required to be prepared and approved by BEO prior to the end date of existing IEE to cover the remaining of the funding period. / Through PPJ program, USAID/Bangladesh seeks to improve the delivery of legal aid services for citizens. Interventions will include increasing capacity of the Legal Aid Committees which will enable the Committee members to proactively engage with citizens to disburse legal aid funds. The Legal Aid Committees will also be able to provide better services to citizens seeking justice.
To achieve increased case management capacity of the Judiciary, the PPJ activity will facilitate dialogues and self-examination among district court judges with an emphasis on their performance, priority needs and aspirations. These dialogues will promote the benefits of judicial governance. District court judges, both male and female, will receive technical assistance to familiarize them with best practices on judicial ethics, discipline and case management. The activity will work in collaboration with Bangladesh Women Judges Association to build women judges’ capacity to advocate for effective case management and judicial administration.
Throughout the implementation period, the activity will conduct country wide extensive legal awareness and educational campaigns on targeted legal issues. The activity will also target selected areas to disseminate countering violent extremism (CVE) messages to mitigate the risk of radicalization and increase respect for rule of law and human rights. Special care will be taken to address groups that are vulnerable to child marriage, trafficking, and radicalization.
/ CE. No environmental impact is anticipated. / This proposed program is similar in scope and nature of work of USAID’s existing Justice For All program which is covered under Asia15-041.
Therefore, it is expected to have similar environmental threshold decisions for activities under this project.
CE= Categorical Exclusion, NDC = Negative Determination with Conditions
Table 2. Climate risk management covered under this memorandum.
Defined or Anticipated Project Elements (Purpose/Sub-purpose, Area of Focus, or Activity/ Mechanism, etc.) / Climate Risks - List key risks related to the project elements identified through either the strategy or project level climate risk assessment. / Risk Rating - Low/ Moderate/High / How Risks are Addressed at Project Level - Describe how risks have been addressed at the project level. If a decision has been made to accept the risk, briefly explain why. / Further Analysis and Actions for Activity Design/ Implementation- Describe CRM measures to be integrated into activity design or implementation, including additional analysis, if applicable. / Opportunities to Strengthen Climate Resilience -Describe opportunities to achieve development objectives by integrating climate resilience or mitigation measures.USAID’s Promoting Peace and Justice Program
LOP: 2018-2021 / Flooding and other natural calamities may affect PPJ’s ability in engaging with community people on prevention activities such as
courtyard meetings, public hearing and other related activities where these types of events would take place.This may as well decrease the mobility of PPJ’s community outreach workers. / Low / The project will include appropriate messaging and instructions, when applicable, in its training and orientation packages to prepare staff and beneficiaries on mitigating and managing climate change risks. The instructions and presentations will explain methods to assess and mitigate climate risks. / N/A / USAID and its Implementing Partner(s) will work with other donors and GOB to mitigate climate risks and encourage adoption of alternative approaches especially for selecting easily accessible community venues and, or seasons of the year. This activity will consider the access to services to the marginalized people affecting due to the climate risk, where feasible.
The required Reg. 216 actions are determined as follows:
- Categorical Exclusion (CE), actions specified in Table 2 of this memo are to be followed.
HabibaAkter, C/AOR
Team Lead, Human Rights & Rule of Law
Office of Democracy and Governance
USAID/Bangladesh / ______
Sultana Rebeka Akhter
Mission Environmental Officer
Program Office
USAID/Bangladesh / ______
______Will Gibson
Asia BEO / ______
- Project Files
- Asia Regional Environmental Advisor
- Asia Bureau Environmental Officer
- Program Statement