Members Present: Mike Ferland, Chair, Mark Hattler, Ziggy Comeau, Neil Curtis, Ron Williamson, Jason Duquette-Hoffman

Members Absent: None

Guests: Richard Janson, Marilyn Nacsin, Ted Boelens, Kevin Warden, John DeGraff, Elisabeth DeGraff, John Gunner DeGraff, Mike Goldfield, Doug Viehmann, David Shlansky, Pedro Zevalos

Present: Zoning Administrator Mel Hawley

1. Review and accept minutes of previous meeting

The minutes to the regular meeting of December 5, 2005 were reviewed. A few minor changes were noted and Neil Curtis moved to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Ziggy Comeau with all voting in favor.

2. Public Hearing - Champlain Valley Christian Reformed Church, Church Street (New Haven Road), Religious Institution/School, Development Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Request

Mike Ferland read the public notice and swore in those attendees that would provide testimony on the application. Kevin Warden of Engineering Ventures presented the latest version of the site plan. He reported the changes from an earlier plan which included slight modification to the parking layout. A sidewalk extension path has been depicted on the plan. The stormwater design has been finalized. There will be an attenuation pond which will remain dry 99 percent of the time and will be kept mowed. The maximum depth of the pond is four feet. Architect Doug Viehmann outlined the revised landscaping plan which also contained minor modifications. The species of trees have been selected and the plan clearly defines which tree will be planted in phase one and identifies those that will be planted in the future when the second phase of the project is initiated. The sidewalk and design within the New Haven Road right of way is currently under discussion with City Manager Renny Perry. The exact location of the path has not been determined. Lengthy discussion was held regarding the layout of the pedestrian path. A grass island was suggested along the entrance drive to clearly separate pedestrians from vehicular traffic. The applicant will submit a final design based on the discussion. Mark Hattler moved to close the public hearing and hold a deliberative session later in the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ziggy Comeau with all voting in favor.

3. Public Hearing (continued) - Mahaiwee, LLC, 360 Main Street, (Norton Grist Mill), Four Dwelling Units, Planned Unit Development

Mike Ferland read the public hearing notice advertising the continuation of the public hearing on this application. The public hearing was continued from December 5, 2005 so that members of the Board could conduct an additional site visit and further discuss the site plan with the applicant. At the previous hearing Concept A was the preferred design. Members wondered how organization would be maintained given that the surface would not be paved. David Shlansky said that the spaces would be identified with signs identifying respective tenant, employee, and/or visitor parking. Members also wondered if delivery vehicles would require access as well. David said that large trucks no longer use the building given the current use but noted that delivery trucks such as FedEx or UPS might occasionally be present. Snowplowing was also discussed and David said that the fencing on the west side of the parcel would be moved to accommodate a greater area. It was noted that the existing utility pole seemed to impede upon a couple of the parking spaces. David said that the pole will be re-guyed and that once the project is complete extensive landscaping will be implemented. Mark Hattler moved to close the public hearing and hold a deliberative session at the end of the meeting.

4. White Sulphur, LLC (owner), Commodore Grill, Inc. (applicant), 171 Main Street, Addition, Development Site Plan Review

Pedro Zevallos of the Commodore Grill presented an application for a small addition to the building. The purpose of the addition is to enlarge the food preparation area for the restaurant. Currently propane tanks are located in the area planned for the addition. Propane storage tanks, likely to be underground, will be located on the other side of the alley. The subject parcel includes a small lot on the other side of the alley. The existing second level porch will remain. The Board found the application and site plan to be complete and a February 6, 2006 public hearing will be scheduled.

5. Pending Application - Richard Janson and Marilyn Nacsin, 44 West Main Street, Bed and Breakfast/Inn, Development Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Request, Sign Request – deferred to deliberative session

6. Pending Application - Bluefield, LLC, 135-137 Main Street, Conversion to Retail Use, Change of Use, Development Site Plan Review – deferred to deliberative session

7. Report of Zoning Administrator - None

8. Other Business

Neil Curtis moved to enter into deliberative session. The motion was seconded by Mark Hattler with all voting in favor,

Pending Application - Richard Janson and Marilyn Nacsin, 44 West Main Street, Bed and Breakfast/Inn, Development Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Request, Sign Request

As directed by the Board, Zoning Administrator Mel Hawley drafted an affirmative decision for this application. Ziggy Comeau moved to approve the findings, decision, and conditions as drafted and authorized Chairman Mike Ferland to sign the decision on behalf of the Board. The motion was seconded by Neil Curtis with all voting in favor.

Pending Application - Bluefield, LLC, 135-137 Main Street, Conversion to Retail Use, Change of Use, Development Site Plan Review

As directed by the Board, Zoning Administrator Hawley drafted an affirmative decision for this application. One minor modification was made to the document. Mark Hattler moved to approve the findings and decision as with the minor change and authorized Chairman Mike Ferland to sign the decision on behalf of the Board. The motion was seconded by Neil Curtis with all voting in favor except Jason Duquette-Hoffman abstaining in light of his absence at the public hearing.

Pending Application - Champlain Valley Christian Reformed Church, Church Street (New Haven Road), Religious Institution/School, Development Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Request

Mark Hattler moved to direct Zoning Administrator Hawley to draft an affirmative decision for review by the Board at the next meeting. The draft should include a provision that there be an agreement with the City of Vergennes relative to the required sidewalk along New Haven Road which will be constructed within the road right of way. Also, the desired location of the pedestrian path is to run in proximity of the entrance road but be designed with a slight separation of green space as opposed to a dual purpose drive. Members expressed concern that overflow parking might impede upon the purpose of the widened drive being for pedestrian safety.

Pending Application - Mahaiwee, LLC, 360 Main Street, (Norton Grist Mill), Four Dwelling Units, Planned Unit Development

No action was taken on this application.

9. Adjournment

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mel Hawley

Acting Recording Secretary