Membershipapplication form

Civic Voice welcomes civic and amenity societies and other local groups as members.

To join Civic Voice complete the details below and post your application with your cheque or BACS details to:Civic Voice,60 Duke Street, Liverpool, L15AA

You may also pay online:Account Name:Civic VoiceAccount Number: 68045492Sort Code: 08-02-28

Name of Society or group
Year established/ sited in which Council area
Main Contact Name / Role
County / Post Code
Telephone / Fax
Total number of members:
(You should count Joint and Family memberships as two members. Please include Life Members and Corporate Members where you have them)
Number of life members:
Membership fee:
(Membership fee is £1.50 per member (excluding Life Members) and up to a maximum of £500) / £
Donation for life members:
(We ask for a donation of £1.50 per Life Member in the first year of joining) / £
Additional Donation:
(With your donation we can make Civic Voice financially independent more quickly) / £
Total amount to pay: / £

Please indicate your method of payment and sign below:

[ ]We wish to pay by cheque/postal order payable to Civic Voice

[ ]We wish to pay by BACS Transfer:

Account Name: Civic Voice Account No: 68045492 Sort Code: 08-02-28


By joining you acknowledge that your group shares similar objectives to Civic Voice and will keep us informed of any material changes. You also agree to receive notices, accounts and other documents and communications via the email address you have given to Civic Voice or by means of a website. We will use the details provided in this application as our main contact. If you wish to change the main contact or receive information in another way please write to us at Civic Voice, 60 Duke Street, Liverpool, L1 5AA.

Internal Use

Date Received / Membership date starts / Membership ID

Why join Civic Voice?

Make your group more successful, grow your credibility, attract more members and support.

Civic Voice gives you:

  • National lobbying and campaigns on issues you can’t change locally
  • Opportunities to meet with other civic volunteers
  • Voting rights at our AGM
  • Information bulletins and workshops
  • Helpdesk, weekly civic update and lively website
  • Cost effective insurance cover for your activities
  • Free day pass to visit aNational Trust property for all your members
  • Free current account banking with the Co-operative Bank that pays interest if your group is a charity
  • Automatic free membership of NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) providing free advice and support to your group
  • Free access to Heritage Alliance’s renowned Heritage Update news bulletin
  • Free access to the largest web resource on urban design provided by RUDI (Resource for Urban Design Information)

Civic Voice is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England number 7142946. Charity registration 1134476.

Civic Voice holds and manages data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We will not pass your details on to any commercial organisation.