Membership Renewal 2018
All current swimmers’ membership must be renewed by 14thFebruary 2018.
Please complete the membership form as clearly as possible including postcode and place in an envelope along with payment marked for the attention of the Membership Secretary. If paying electronically please quote reference used and the date of transfer.
Membership fees (individual) / £35Membership fees (family) (See description below) / £80
Full Membership Training Fees Glossop Monthly standing order (per swimmer 12 payments of) / £20
Full Membership Training Fees Glossop Annual payment (per swimmer 1 payment of) / £220
Membership fees (New Mills only) / £35
Membership (New Mills only family) / £80
Full Membership Training Fees New Mills Monthly standing order (per swimmer 12 payments of) / £10
Full Membership Training Fees New Mills Annual payment (per swimmer 1 payment of) / £110
Disabled and helper annual membership / £35
Associate Membership (see description below) / £25
Glossop Associate Member (see description below) / £45
Top-up for Cat 2 ASA swimmers(Glossop Associate & Associate(see description below) / £17.80
Top-up for Cat 2 ASA swimmers (Full Members) (see description below) / £5.00
Gala Door / £1.00
Family membership – 3 or more children
Associate member:-
- ASA fees and/or Cat 2 top up paid to another swimming club.
- Membership is ideal for swimmers who wish to join a second club so they can compete in the M&D Championships.
- This fee will enable each swimmer to train up to eight times at Glossop and/or New Mills per calendar year.
- The Annual club gala, club point score competition, teachers gala and style gala are not included in this membership.
- Swims are recorded in the swim register.
Glossop Associate:-
- ASA fees are paid to Glossop Swimming Club.
- This membership is great for Glossop swimmers who train at a higher level club and do not have the opportunity to swim regularly at Glossop.
- This fee will enable each swimmer to train up to eight times at Glossop and/or New Mills per calendar year.
- The Annual club gala, club point score competition, teachers gala and style gala are included in this membership.
- Swims are recorded in the swim register.
Category 2 swimmer Top up fee:-
- This is for swimmers who wish to swim in open meets eg. M&D Championships and must be added to the membership fee.
Please remember swimmers can swim at Glossop on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and New Mills on Saturday.
Please complete the membership form as succinctly as possible. If you give us an e-mail address we can contact you about events and news. I would encourage you to consider offering to become a volunteer however if you feel unable to do so please tick the relevant box so that we know. Please do not leave this question blank.
Carole Issatt
Membership Secretary - Glossop ASC