Membership FormSeptember 2016

The Vhembe Biosphere Reserve is registered as a Non Profit Company for the purposes of establishing and managing the biosphere reserve. Becoming a member of the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve is based on agreement with the principles of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme and specifically with the Objectives, Vision and Mission of the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve as contained in the Constitution of the Non Profit Company (Appended to this form).

Vhembe Biosphere Reserve Vision

To maximise the VBR’s considerable potential for conservation, sustainable development and socio-economic upliftment, as well as research and education in the interests of ensuring long term sustainable benefits for its stakeholders.

Vhembe Biosphere Reserve Mission

To build a conservation and sustainable-use ethic, which can then be effectively monitored; to promote appropriate and sustainable development; to actively spread benefits and opportunities to disadvantaged members of the community including land resettlement communities; and to facilitate relevant research, education and skills training in the area for the benefit of its stakeholders.


Membership allows you to have a voice in the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, voting rights at meetings of the membership and opportunities to become more involved through membership on the Board of Directors, elected every three years, or through the work of the Sub-Committees. Annual memberships run until the end of the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the membership.

Membership is based on the categories of Individual, Institutional (NGOS, CBOs, academic and research institutions, government departments andparastatals) and Corporate.There are currently no membership fees for joining the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve.

Become a member of the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve by completing page 2 of this document which may be returned by email to:

CathVise at / Jabu Linden at

(Please include both email addresses in the correspondence)

Or by post to:

Attention: ShavhaniNeluvhola, Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, c/o LEDET, Private Bag 5088Thohoyandou 0950, South Africa

Vhembe Biosphere Reserve: Application for Membership

Membership categoryIndividual InstitutionalCorporate

Name of individual/organisation.…………………………………………………………………………......

Organisation contact person.……………………………………………………………………………………………......







With your membership you are provided one vote at the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve Annual General Meeting.

There are currently no membership fees.

1.Each community, private or communal landowner, government department, non-government organisation, business or local government structure joins the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve (“VBR”) voluntarily by signing a declaration of support for the biosphere’s aims and objectives. This will entitle the person to become a Member of the VBR.

2.Each Member of the VBR retains his/her own legal entity and property rights.

3.The Vhembe Biosphere Reserve Management Committee reserves the right to classify landholdings according to a zonation system endorsed by the committee. Such a zonation system will include standards for, inter alia, environmental management, quality of life and economic well-being, and research and educational opportunities. In funding the implementation of this system the VBR will be allowed to levy a reasonable fee for such work on its members.

4.Membership may be terminated when a member does not abide by the terms of the constitution.

5.The organisation is not responsible for the actions of its members who contravene the terms of the constitution.

6.The VBR reserves the right to refuse membership.

7.The only restriction that applies as a prerequisite to becoming part of the VBR is the following:

Each Biosphere Reserve member must endorse the vision and objectives of the VBR as contained in the Constitution.

Vhembe Biosphere Reserve NPC Membership Application FormPage 1 of 17

Vhembe Biosphere Reserve NPC Membership Application FormPage 1 of 17





The Vhembe Biosphere Reserve (“VBR”) is established within the framework of UNESCO’s (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) interdisciplinary programme on the Man and the Biosphere (MaB). Biosphere Reserves are areas of terrestrial and coastal/marine ecosystems or a combination thereof, which are internationally recognised within UNESCO’s framework. Their development is oriented and supported by the Seville Strategy. Therefore, the VBR aims to fulfill:

A conservation role by conserving the natural biodiversity including the diversity of ecosystems, ecosystem processes, genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem services (benefits for humans) as well as the conservation of cultural and historical resources and scenic beauty.

A development role, by combining conservation objectives with the sustainable use of ecosystem resources as well as indigenous knowledge systems to benefit local communities and to foster economic and human development, which is socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable.

A logistic role, by providing research, monitoring, education and training opportunities and facilities for local, regional and worldwide purposes. This shall be achieved through exchanges organized within the framework of an international network, which links all biosphere reserves under the auspices of UNESCO.

Biosphere Reserves are managed with these three roles in mind and are organised into three interrelated zones, which includes a Core Area (or Areas) devoted to strict protection, a Buffer Zone where activities that enhance the conservation objectives of Core Areas, can take place and a Transition Zone where sustainable resource management practices are promoted and developed.

For the implementation of the set objectives of UNESCO and the VBR a representative management committee is therefore formed by this constitution.


The name of the organization hereby constituted is the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve


To maximise the VBR’s considerable potential for conservation, sustainable development and socio-economic upliftment, as well as research and education in the interests of ensuring long term sustainable benefits for its stakeholders.


To build a conservation and sustainable-use ethic, which can then be effectively monitored; to promote appropriate and sustainable development; to actively spread benefits and opportunities to disadvantaged members of the community including land resettlement communities; and to facilitate relevant research, education and skills training in the area for the benefit of its stakeholders.


The purpose of the VBR is to put the vision into practice through ensuring that the objectives and action plans of the biosphere reserve are implemented. To this end, the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve Management Committee (“VBRMC”) shall work closely with the government agencies responsible for biosphere reserves.


The VBR shall operate through an elected representative management committee, which has power to appoint sub-committees to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Participate in the MaBprogramme of UNESCO, through relevant government agencies and structures.
  1. Generate interest and active participation in environmental conservation amongst its members.
  1. Conserve and enhance the natural environment including its indigenous fauna and flora, its mountains and river systems, as well as its rich cultural heritage and the historically important sites and areas.
  1. Promote the research and preservation of local indigenous knowledge systems (IKS”) together with appropriate technology for the benefit of its stakeholders in the VBR.
  1. Implement management strategies for the sustainable utilisation of the natural and cultural resources of the area.
  1. Improve the quality of life of the people within the VBR through the creation of job opportunities through socio-economic upliftment and the execution of education, training, skills transfer and capacity building programmes.
  1. Enhance the eco-tourism potential and tourism information network in the VBR.
  1. Maintain a Biosphere Reserve Centre (office) that will provide a local scientific and technical support service relating to all biosphere issues to all the stakeholders in the VBR.
  1. Participate in joint ventures including but not limited to CPPP’s, that is, Community/Public/Private Partnerships, in order to promote the VBR on a local, regional and national scale.
  1. Subject itself to National and Provincial legislation and policies relating to environmental and IKS issues.
  1. Conduct appropriate work in collaboration with existing institutions locally, provincially, nationally and internationally.
  1. Co-ordinate all biosphere activities within the VBR according to the principles above and ensure that the activities of the VBR are transparent and conveyed to all stakeholders

7.1The Vhembe District and portion of the Capricorn District of the Limpopo Province of South Africa. (See the below map for further reference).


8.1Each community, private or communal landowner, government department, non-government organisation, business or local government structure joins the biosphere reserve voluntarily by signing a declaration of support for the Biosphere’s aims and objectives. This will entitle the person to become a Member of the VBR.

8.2Each Member of the VBR retains his/her own legal entity and property rights.

8.3 The Vhembe Biosphere Reserve Management Committee reserves the right to classify landholdings according to a zonation system endorsed by the committee. Such a zonation system will include standards for,inter alia, environmental management, quality of life and economic well being, and research and educational opportunities. In funding the implementation of this system the VBRMC will be allowed to levy a reasonable fee for such work on its members.

8.4Membership may be terminated when a member does not abide by the terms of the constitution.

8.5The organisation is not responsible for the actions of its members who contravene the terms of the constitution.

8.6The VBRMC reserves the right to refuse membership.

8.7The only restriction that applies as a prerequisite to becoming part of the VBR is the following:

Each Biosphere Reserve member must endorse the vision and objectives of the VBR as contained in the Constitution.


9.1 Membership of the VBRMC will be elected at the stakeholder representative level, which shall meet at least once a year to review the work of the VBRMC, which shall have a 3 year term of office.

9.2The VBR stakeholder groups shall comprise out of the following representative groups which will comprise the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve Stakeholder Group (“VBRSG”);

-National Parks Board

-Limpopo Parks and Tourism Board

-Provincial Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET)

-Department of Environmental Affairs

-Provincial Department of Agriculture

-Provincial Department of Education

-Department of Minerals and Energy

-Schoemansdal Environmental Awareness Centre

-Portfolio committee in Provincial Legislature responsible for Environment and Tourism

-Vhembe and Capricorn District Councils

-Four local municipalities within the Vhembe District: Makhado; Thulamela; Musina; Mutale and one local municipality within the Capricorn District: Blouberg

-Soutpansberg Tourism Forum

-Private Land Owners

-Corporate Business

-Mining Companies

-University of Venda

-Transvaal Agricultural Union

-Agric SA


-Traditional Leaders

-Development Bank of Southern Africa


-Regional Land Claims Commission

-Office of the Premier


-Endangered Wildlife Society

-World Wildlife Fund

-Dendrological Society

-Birdlife SA

-Professional Consultants

9.3The Vhembe Biosphere Reserve Management shall consist of not less than 8 office bearers however the VBRMC shall have the right to second any such person it deems can contribute towards furthering the interests of the VBR to the committee, provided that such member shall have no voting rights.

9.4The VBRMC shall ensure that there is a balance between community, business and private representation.

9.5Any Member in the VBR may attend any meeting of the VBRMC by submitting a request to the Committee. Such a Member will however have no voting rights in the VBRMC.


10.1The VBRMC will meet at least quarterly.

10.2The VBRMC will have the power to constitute and appoint sub committees, namely (1) Institutional and Finance, (2) Conservation, (3) Development, (4) Research and Education (5) Communications

10.3The VBRMC will elect the following office bearers:

  • Chairperson
  • Deputy Chairperson
  • Secretary/Treasurer
  1. The committee will elect chairpersons for the other sub-committees. The chairpersons shall serve for a period of three years after which they need to be re-elected or new chairpersons elected.
  2. A Nonprofit Organisation (“NPO”) or Nonprofit Company (NPC) must be formed named the “Vhembe Biosphere Reserve”. The office bearers of this company will consist of the individuals comprising the VBRMC as set out above.
  3. Individuals other than those standing on the VBRMC may be co-opted onto these sub-committees on the discretion of the chairperson of that particular sub-committee.


11.1The VBRMC will manage the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve according to the three functions as described by UNESCO. These are contained in section 1.

11.2Decisions made by the committee are subject to the principles and objectives of the VBR. Members or office bearers of the organisation cannot be held personally liable for any obligation of the organisation.

11.3The VBRMC will be elected by the stakeholder groupings as described in section 9.2.

11.4The VBRMC will serve for three years, but either the VBRMC or any of its office bearers may be replaced by a majority vote of the VBRSG at its annual review.

11.5If a member of the VBRMC does not attend three management committee meetings in a row, without having applied for and obtaining leave of absence from the VBRMC, the committee shall deem that member to have resigned and shall fill that resulting vacancy.

11.6Minutes shall be taken at each meeting to record the VBRMC decisions. The minutes of each meeting shall reach the committee members at least two weeks before the next meeting. The minutes shall be confirmed as a true record of proceedings, by the next meeting of the VBRMC, and shall thereafter be signed by the Chairperson.

11.7The organisation has the right to form further sub-committee/s. The subcommittee/s would make recommendations to the VBRMC. The VBRMC ratifies these recommendations.

11.8All members of the organisation shall abide by decisions that are taken by the VBRMC.


12.150% of the VBRMC shall constitute a quorum.

12.2If no quorum is present members should be re-informed of another meeting within 35 days of that meeting. However, if no quorum is achieved at this meeting, the committee shall continue with the business at hand.


13.1Only representatives mandated by VBRSG set out in 9.2 will be eligible to be elected into office.

13.2Only mandated representatives will be entitled to vote.

13.3The principle of one-person-vote and secret ballot will be applied when electing committee members and office bearers.


14.1The organisation shall be entitled to own property.

14.2The organisation shall keep records of everything it owns.

14.3The organisation may not give any of its money or property to its members or office bearers. The only time it can do this is when it pays for work that a member or office bearer has done for the organisation. The payment must be a reasonable amount for the work that has been done.

14.4A member of the organisation shall only claim money back from the organisation for expenses that she or he has actually incurred for and on behalf of the organisation.

14.5Members or office bearers of the organisation do not have rights over things that belong to the organisation.


15.1The VBRMC may take on the power and authority that it believes it needs to be able to achieve the objectives that are stated in point no 5 of this constitution. Its activities must abide by the law.

15.2The VBRMC has the power and authority to raise funds or to invite and receive contributions.

15.3The VBRMC has the power to buy, hire or exchange any property that it needs to achieve its objectives.

15.4The VBRMC has the right to make rules for proper management, including procedures for application, approval and termination of membership as well as replacing any member including the chairperson of a non-functioning sub-committee.


16.1The VBRMC must hold at least four ordinary meetings each year.

16.2The chairperson or two members of the committee can call a special meeting. Notice of the special meeting must be communicated to the other VBRMC members at least 21 days before the meeting is due to take place, however, if one of the matters to be discussed is to appoint a new VBRMC member, then notice of the meeting must be given to the other committee members in not less than 21 days. An agenda must be sent together with the notice of the meeting.

16.3The chairperson shall act as the chairperson of the VBRMC. If the chairperson does not attend a meeting, then members of the committee who are present shall choose a chairperson for the meeting. This must be done before the meeting starts.

16.5When necessary, the VBRMC will vote on issues. If the votes are equal on an issue, then the chairperson has either a second or a deciding vote.

16.6Minutes of all meetings must be kept safely and always be on hand for members to consult.

16.7The VBRMC may endorse project proposals submitted for acceptance to be implemented as project initiatives within the biosphere reserve subject to fulfilling legal requirements, and has the right to monitor the said project.

16.8The VBRMC has the right to decline a project or programme.


17.1The annual general meeting must be held once every year, towards the end of the organisation’s financial year. The secretary will take the minutes.

17.2The general members of the VBR must be invited.

17.3The organisation should deal with the following business, amongst others, at its annual general meeting.