Dear Applicant:

The Board of Directors wishes to thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Fort Washington Golf and Country Club. In order to facilitate the processing of your application, please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Please fill out the application in its entirety. If any of the blanks do not apply, please fill in “N/A”.

2. You, the applicant, must sign your name where indicated on the back page of the application. Your proposer and seconder must also print their name and membership number and sign the application where indicated.

3. All classes of membership require payment of the full amount of the Initiation Fee upon submittal of the application.

4. In order for an application to be given consideration for posting during any calendar month, the application must be received prior to 3:00 p.m. one week before the scheduled Board meeting. Applicants approved for posting at one monthly Board meeting are generally acted upon at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

5. Prior to consideration for posting, you will be interviewed by at least one member of the Club’s Membership Committee. The purpose of the interview meeting is not only to meet you, but also to enable you to direct any questions you may have about the Club or the application process to an active Regular member of the Club.

6. If a specific class of membership has a waiting list of approved applicants and your application is approved for that class of membership, your name will be placed on the bottom of the list and move to the top as memberships become available. Priority of action on any membership is determined by the date of receipt of the completed application accompanied by the required payment in the Club business office.

7. The first ten (10) applicants on the posting/waiting list, as determined by priority of receipt of their applications, shall be granted privileges for the use of the Club’s facilities, including the golf course. All expenses incurred while these guest privileges are granted must be paid in cash. “Guest” golf privileges enable the applicant and spouse only (no other family members or outside guests) the use of the course at specific times upon payment of the stated green fee.

8. Any and all requests regarding membership, including resignations, must be initially submitted in writing to the Club’s business office.

Enclosed in this application package is a Membership Information brochure which includes a listing of the Club’s membership categories including fees and dues and several information sheets for selected membership categories, listings of Club activities and general information regarding tee times and the Club’s hours of operation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Club’s business office or any one of the individuals on the membership committee listed in the Membership Information brochure.
