Members Version – 14 / 12 /2010 only
To give everyone an opportunity to just view the raw data this version has been released but a full report will go out in the New Year
The percentages produced by this system are calculated against responses not listed here but again these will be included in the final report. The main objective is to give everyone an early view of what is out there and look at the final report more critically when it comes out.
Question 1
What is your job title?Answer Options / Response Percent
Examinations Manager / 16.2%
Examinations Officer / 59.9%
Assistant Exams Officer / 4.6%
Administration support / 0.7%
Exam & Data Manager / 6.7%
Exams & Assessment Officer / 2.8%
Other / 9.2%
Registry Services Manager
Academic Registrar
Examinations Officer and Office Manager
Teaching Administration Manager
Progress Data Manager
Examinations Registrar
SLT Support Manager
Exams, Cover and Timetable Officer
Deputy Exams Manager
Examinations Officer, Cover Manager & Work Experience Co-ordinator
Head of MIS & Examinations
Education Support Systems Manager
Exams & Assessment Manager
Exams and Cover Manager
Exams & Data Officer
College Administrator - Exams
Information Services Manager
Examinations Officer and Data Manager
Business Support Administrator
Qualifications Coordinator
Plus Community and Services Manager
Senior Administration Officer
Senior Administrative Officer - FE Exams
Examinations & Raising Achievement Officer
Examinations & Assessment Manager
Work Related Curriculum Officer
Examinations, Data and Events Officer
Exams & Assessment Manager
Examination Team Leader
Examinations Officer/Cover Co-ordinator
Examinations Officer and SIMS Manager
Exams/Cover/Data Manager
Exams Assistant
Examinations Coordinator
Exams and Assessment Manager
40 other titles
Question 2
Lots of other titles
Manager of Exams and Registry Jul 21, 2010 1:20 PM
2 I also manage cover, internal data, work experience & the post-16 learning
aims census
Jul 21, 2010 1:41 PM
3 Exams Manager Jul 21, 2010 1:41 PM
4 Student Services Manager Jul 21, 2010 1:47 PM
5 N/A Jul 21, 2010 1:49 PM
6 maths teacher Jul 21, 2010 2:42 PM
7 Cover, Examinations Manager and Attendance Officer Jul 21, 2010 3:10 PM
8 Teacher Jul 21, 2010 7:13 PM
9 I also teach a 50% timetable - 14 hours/week Jul 22, 2010 11:15 AM
10 Exams, Data, Assessment, Cover, MIS Manager Jul 23, 2010 8:03 AM
11 N/A Jul 23, 2010 1:47 PM
12 Exams/Cover/Event Management/Marketing/Recruitment Jul 26, 2010 8:23 PM
13 See above Jul 27, 2010 9:34 AM
14 Data Manager/Assessment Coordinator & Examinations Assistant Jul 27, 2010 9:40 AM
15 EO and work experience coordinator Jul 27, 2010 6:10 PM
16 Senior Administration Officer Aug 2, 2010 9:26 AM
17 Exams, Data and Cover Manager Aug 12, 2010 3:42 PM
18 Cover co-ordinator Sep 6, 2010 3:39 PM
19 My title is School Manager Sep 21, 2010 12:11 PM
20 n/a Sep 22, 2010 2:11 PM
21 Teacher Oct 5, 2010 5:31 PM
22 Exams Office and Assessment Data/Reporting Oct 13, 2010 10:40 AM
23 Examinations Officer/Careers coordinator Oct 13, 2010 1:48 PM
24 I do Exams/Personnel/Office Manager Oct 13, 2010 2:56 PM
25 Academic and Data Systems Manager Oct 14, 2010 8:49 AM
26 yes Oct 14, 2010 5:41 PM
Question 3
How long have you been in your post?Answer Options / Response Percent
Less than a year / 5.0%
1 - 2 years / 16.1%
3 - 5 years / 34.4%
6 - 8 years / 25.8%
9 - 12 years / 8.7%
More than 12 years / 10.0%
For those in post there seems to be a move towards covering off other roles in centres to save money and further dilute the focus on this role while at the same time not removing any of the responsibility and workload. There is also a growing trend in younger less experienced exams office staff who have been in the role for a shorter period of time.
My role has changed with additional responsibilities in addition to the Exam Officer capacity. I also do day-to-day cover management, some assessment and also the day-to-day management of the timetable.Prior to this I was exams secretary. Changed in 2003 due to workforce reform
I have been Head of MIS for nearly 4 years and assumed responsibility for Examinations in March 2010
still loving it
Exams Officer 4 years, SAO less than 1 year
Have been assistant for 4 years now exam officer of 5 weeks.
Seen a lot of changes!
Was AEO for 10+ years before leaving teaching
I was the exams and assessment administrator for three and half years before taking over my current role
I was also Eo at another school for 4 years.
Became EO when role was removed from Teacher following implementation of Teachers Worktime Directive
8 years as Exams Officer in another school
present post - previously 8 years in FE
Just finished my 11th summer as exam officer
I started by sharing the job with the deputy head and when teacher’s contracts changed (2004/5?) I took over the full role
Question 4
Do you have a recent job description?Answer Options / Response Percent
Yes / 71.6%
No / 28.4%
While this figure seems to suggest all is well in the exam office community but the comments associated with this question paint a very different picture. Most say they have a job description but its never been reviewed for years, nor do they reflect all the changes that have taken place over the years and in many cases it seems senior managers in centres have avoided addressing the vital role exam office staff play in the delivery of exams for students because it has a cost attached to that recognition.
We are under job evaluation at the moment so a new job spec is in processIt now wants updating
Due for changing due to National Support Staff initiative.
it has been updated recently but I have not received a copy.
Still reasonably accurate
no, it hasn’t been updated recently
Every time I ask for it, the school hasn’t been able to find it. I know an additional sheet of responsibilities was added to my personnel file in 2006. But I’ve not seen it since then.
Just been changed and re-graded as part of Pay and Benefits project - with 17% pay cut. although my title is exams officer, my role is electively exams manager but my new job description equates to assistant exams officer
I had to write my own job description for NVQ I was taking
Not updated since I started
Not recently
Not updated from when I started even though the job itself has grown and changed
I wrote my own job description about 7 years ago when I asked for my position to be reviewed and have not been given an up-to-date one since.
I don’t think its a priority with my line manager all the time I’m doing a good job of it
constantly changing structure of college
Work in progress
Never given one.
Job is constantly changing
Not updated recently
it hasn’t been updated since I started!
Personnel haven’t prepared one
There is no dispute as to what I should do.
Updated 2009
Within the last 12 months due to changes to my working hours from term time plus 10 days to 15 days (need more time!)
In the past the exams in school was run by a member of the teaching staff. When I took over in January 2007 I was issued with a job description which hasn’t been updated since.
Because no-one in management thinks it needs updating
There us nothing regarding data on my job description. My management responsibilities for the exams office assistant and invigilators is not stated. I have asked for it to be updated.
It hasn’t been updated
The job descriptions are currently being revised.
Reviewed annually, about January of each year
I am in my 3rd year in this post and my job description has not been updated in this period.
We don’t receive updated job descriptions. The only one I’ve had is when I got the job!
have an admin officers job des following LCC review but I only deal specifically with exams - not any other admin.
Not been reviewed for 4 years
Needs updating because we have just started doing A levels, dropped IB and I now report to Bursar rather than to a teaching member of SLT
I have the current recommended job description from the local authority but I have not agreed to it as it does not cover many of the tasks that I have to do.
It was updated recently adding additional roles but it was not graded any higher
Have same one given when pay & grading was completed - 4 years ago?
The original description has changed considerably. The Business Manager has drafted what she thinks but not agreed with me and has not given me an official copy.
It has not been updated to reflect the new qualifications now offered (eg Diplomas).
Taken on extra role, does not include these duties
It has not been updated recently.
I have updated it, but can’t find an HR representative with the wherewithal to ratify it.
being updated as a result of merger.
Given at start of job but never been updated.
I was given a job description when I started a year ago
Still the same from when I started
not needed
It is being updated with responsibilities to an additional Manager in respect of Data
Nothing has changed
Updated in March 2010
It was updated as part of the Pay & Grading assessment 12months ago
2 years ago
Updated for purposes of new pay and re-grading system.
Has not been updated since I started in Nov 2006
Because until 2 years ago I did staff cover as well and also had responsibility for educational visits - I now have just exams as the job was evolving into quite a large one but have never had new job description
Not updated for 3 years
It was updated in summer 2009 and will be re-evaluated during autumn term as part of my performance review.
I will speak to our recently appointed Human Resources Officer
I’ve asked several times for an appointment with the Head to discuss the way my job has changed since the original description was written but she always has something more urgent/important to do!
Has not bee update for a number of years.
Only because I wrote it!!! However the school has been trying to add items to my job description (in fact, they want to add somebody else’s job to my own)
not updated recently
No recent update
Recent job change - description “in the pipeline”
A generic one was created when I started just over 3 years ago, but it’s a case of just doing whatever is passed to me under the guise of ‘exams’
Not updated since I was employed. Job descriptions are changed at CPD meetings and this is not seen as a priority for Admin staff.
Role has changed (data manager added) but no updated job description has bee received
hasn’t been reviewed since I started the role
Never had one in 10 years at school
it is in the process of being updated
Updated yearly after CPD review
Updated 1 year ago
Work in a vacuum - no ‘hands on’ line manager. Keep asking, at appraisals etc but nothing comes of it.
Changes to support staff roles in school has had impact on my job. Job not reviewed to date.
Updated 2008
Not updated since I took over the role 6 years ago.
Not sure of distinction between ‘recent job description’ and ‘updated recently’!
My job has changed but my job description has not.
My job description is a year old and is up to date.
I am drawing one up this year
My job description is reviewed annually at the same time as my Performance Management Review.
I had to write it myself.
no - I created my own and have not been asked to update it although the job has changed
it is an old one that was passed as part of the counties pay & benefits review. It does not match my role.
Not updated since I started in 2008
Recently updated for 2nd time in 4 years due to significant (and continuing) increase in workload and associated responsibilities
I was invited to write my own job description several years ago, I submitted it the headteacher but was never advised as to whether it had been accepted. it has never been reviewed or updated despite additional tasks/responsibilities being allocated to me.
Not been updated recently
Not been updated since i started in 2005. Currently under restructure
Still original version - but many new tasks should now be added. Was last updated with new tasks 2 -3 years ago - but with no additional pay!!
Updated for a pay review but upgrade denied by local authority
two years old - when I was appointed to this college
County have been asked to review it as it is a generic job description and does not cover all areas
Never had one!
No update recently
No it has not and yet more jobs are being added.
No need?
I have asked many times as it is 5 years out of date, but still waiting!
It will be updated shortly.
It will be updates hopefully by the end of this academic year
Not changed since I became full time - around 2001
not updated since I started
I am pretty isolated in school but this does not mean I am not supported. Nobody (including my Line Manager) really know what I do!
Question 5
When was your last job review?Answer Options / Response Percent
3-6 months ago / 30.7%
6-12 months ago / 37.1%
More than a year ago / 12.7%
More than two years ago / 19.4%
Very positive but my job was rescaled and a new Grade awarded as a result.
No change to my present working.
Waste of time
Absolutely nothing
don't understand this- maybe we don't mean the same thing by job review
My manager was very pleased with how I am managing my workload
Just as usual, doing a good job, nothing changed.
I've never had one since I started this job.
I've never had one and I've been in post for over 6 years.
felt like paperwork completed for forms sake
Exams going well in school
Not very satisfactory - desperately in need of more hours for part-time asst but told no money in budget for this academic year.
Promotion to next level
It was not an official job review. I basically told my line manager 3 years ago that I could not cope with my job load - exams officer, admissions officer and work experience co-coordinator without any support. The work experience role was taken from me but I had to take on some other additional tasks.
no change
Haven't finished one in the 3 years I've been here
Pay rise
Only been in post for approximately 1 month
I have never had one
Very positive
no change
Training issues raised
Not had one for exams role
Excellent feedback - no improvements needed
Have an annual Performance management review - I am wonderful!
The exam office is well run and well organised, a very positive review.
Given some new targets, otherwise all okay
It wasn't accepted that I manage exams and should therefore be Exams Manager, when in fact that is exactly what I do. Only one in school who knows Exams Organiser, etc.
Not a lot! I was praised for things I'd done well however nothing was done about the things I woold have liked to be addressed.
Salary increase
All fine
Positive - the job is an ever changing one and, year-to-year, there is always something new to discuss.
Not much.
I was considered to be doing my job properly and should continue to do so.
I cannot remember, but there were no issues to be dealt with.
salary remains same - no recognition given to managing team of 55 invigilators as they are 'seasonal' staff
I haven’t had a review since starting this job, no one wants to take responsibility to be my Line Manager! I'm on my own!
Annual Appraisal
Very good, finally had an assistant employed.
Everything was okay
good - and agreement reached to have more support in office and sims responsibilities
Job Evaluation required. Responsibilities and work covered increase as well as the whole way exams office works to recognize the big changes in examination administration.
I had done a very good job but did not need the requested assistance despite undertaking more and more overtime
The need to ensure good succession planning.
My targets had been met. The remit remained the same - keep in advance of new developments, make sure invigilators received training as and when needed. Receive further training in SIMs and Diploma.
I went for a job interview for an exams assistant in a college because I needed to work full time term time because of my personal circumstances and my present employer said they couldn’t give me the extra time/money. I was successful in my application but then my current employer found the money for me to stay and increase my hours, so I stayed.
The school does not operate performance management for support staff.
Very little! Changes to procedures requested which require management decision not been implemented. Part-time assistant was allowed to do extra hours to help.
Due to falling rolls and a serious budget deficit, staff members are not being replaced if they leave, so one job was shared out. I took responsibility for managing the MIS, with the caveat that exams take priority if there is a conflict.
I am following the Expert Trail which covers all aspects of an Admin post in school. The review of the Expert Trail enables me to target areas that need addressing. My line manager for exams conducts the review and the outcomes are entered into the Expert Trail.